UDS_ISO14229_Services.h 19.3 KB
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文 件 名:UDS_ISO14229_Services.h
功能描述:ISO 14229 规范规定的诊断服务服务器端服务实现函数头文件
作    者:张暄
版    本:V1.0
日    期:2016.11.1
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7 8 9

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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
  *     NO.     OSI Layer        Diagnostics services
  *      7      Application      ISO 14229-1 ISO 14229-3
         6      Presentation     -
  *      5      Session          ISO 14229-2
         4      Transport        ISO 15765-2
         3      Network          ISO 15765-2
         2      Data Link        ISO 11898
         1      Physical         ISO 11898

#ifndef _UDS_ISO14229_SERVICES_H_
#define _UDS_ISO14229_SERVICES_H_

#include "UDS_ISO14229_Server_Config.h"

29 30
typedef void (*InitFunction)(void);

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#define POSITIVE_RSP                    0x00
#define NEGATIVE_RSP                    (!POSITIVE_RSP)
Function and subFunction
Diagnostic Session
#define DiagnosticSessionContro         0x10
#define DefaultSession                  0x01
#define ProgrammingSession              0x02
#define ExtendedDiagnosticSession       0x03

Function and subFunction
#define ECUReset                        0x11
#define hardReset                       0x01
#define softReset                       0x03
Function and subFunction
#define ClearDiagnosticInformation      0x14
Function and subFunction

#define   ReadDTCInformation              0x19
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
#define   cnDTCslen		7	//

#define U007488 0xC07488  //BUS OFF    
#define U300316 0xF00316  //Internal local voltage < 16V  
#define U300317 0xF00317  //Internal local voltage > 32V   
#define U111087 0xD11087  //NM Limphome failure
#define U014087 0xC14087  //Lost communication with BCM 0x10FF7521 
#define U012187 0xC12187  //Lost communication with ABS 0x18FEBF0B 
#define U010087 0xC10087  //Lost communication with EMS 0x0CF00400  

#define cnU007488 0
#define cnU300316 1
#define cnU300317 2
#define cnU111087 3
#define cnU014087 4
#define cnU012187 5
#define cnU010087 6

#define cnMSG521      0
#define cnMSGF0B      1
#define cnMSG400      2

#define     NormalVottage         0x00
#define     LowVottage            0x01
#define     HightVottage          0x02

#define     LowVoltageTimer           1000
#define     HightVoltageTimer         1000
#define     RecoverRecordDTCTimer     1000

#define     KL15DTCEnableTimer       3200
#define     H_LVoltageDTCEnableTimer 700
#define     BusOffDTCEnableTimer     200
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96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104

typedef struct
    uint16_t Timer;
    uint8_t  Flag;
    uint8_t  Status;
    uint8_t  LastStatus;
} RecDTC_WaitBusoff_STRUCT;

105 106
#define		 _CLRBIT(p,b)		p&=~(1<<b)	//清0 p对应的第b BIT位 (p只能为8BIT数)  
#define		_SETBIT(p,b)		p|=(1<<b)	//置1 p对应的第b BIT位 (p只能为8BIT数)      
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107 108
#define		_bit_is_set(p,b)		p&(1<<b)

109 110
#define		CLRBIT(p,b)			p&=~(1<<b)	//清0 p对应的第b BIT位 (p只能为8BIT数)  
#define		SETBIT(p,b)			p|=(1<<b)	//置1 p对应的第b BIT位 (p只能为8BIT数)      
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111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
#define		bit_is_set(p,b)		p&(1<<b)

#define		bit_is_clear(p,b)		!(p&(1<<b))

//--------------20160425--------add start 001

#define         bit_2_set(p,b)       ((p>>b)&0x03)
#define         bit_3_set(p,b)       ((p>>b)&0x07)
#define         bit_4_set(p,b)       ((p>>b)&0x0F)
#define         bit_5_set(p,b)       ((p>>b)&0x1F)
#define         bit_6_set(p,b)       ((p>>b)&0x3F)
#define         bit_7_set(p,b)       ((p>>b)&0x7F)

Function and subFunction
#define ReadDataByIdentifier            0x22
Function and subFunction
#define SecurityAccess                  0x27
#define requestSeed_LV1                 0x01
#define sendKey_LV1                     0x02
#define requestSeed_LV3                 0x03
#define sendKey_LV3                     0x04
#define requestSeed_LV5                 0x05
#define sendKey_LV5                     0x06
#define requestSeed_LV11                0x11
#define sendKey_LV12                    0x12

//#define Level4UnLock                    0x05
#define Level2UnLock                    0x04
#define Level1UnLock                    0x03
#define NormalKeyUnlock                 0x02
#define NormalKeyLock                   0x00
#define BootKeyUnlock                   0x01
#define BootKeyLock                     0x00

#define FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE  0x400
Function and subFunction and type
#define CommunicationControl            0x28
#define enableRxAndTx                   0x00
#define enableRxAndDisableTx            0x01
#define disableRxAndEnableTx            0x02
#define disableRxAndTx                  0x03
163 164 165
#define normalCommunicationMessages     0x01     //正常报文
#define networkManagementCommunicationMessages  0x02    //网络管理报文
#define networkManagementCommunicationMessagesnormalCommunicationMessages   0x03  //正常报文+网络管理报文
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166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203

Function and subFunction
#define WriteDataByIdentifier           0x2E

Function and subFunction
#define InputOutputControlByIdentifier  0x2F
#define WhiteColor                      0x01
#define BlackColor                      0x02
#define RedColor                        0x03
#define GreenColor                      0x04
#define BlueColor                       0x05
#define GaugeSpeed                      0x01
#define GaugeTacho                      0x02
#define GaugeFuel                       0x03
#define GaugeEngCoolantTemp             0x04
#define ZeroPosition                    0x00
#define HalfPosition                    0x01
#define FullPosition                    0x02

#define Contrl                          0x01
#define Resume                          0x00

Function and subFunction
#define RoutineControl                  0x31
#define startRoutine                    0x01
#define stopRoutine                     0x02
#define requestRoutineResults           0x03

#define MaintenanceReset                0xE420
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205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291
#define CheckMemory                     0x0202
#define CheckProgrammingPreconditions   0x0203
#define ECU_selftest                    0xDF01
#define EraseMemory                     0xFF00
#define CheckProgrammingDependencies    0xFF01

#define RoutineCompletedSuccessfully    0x01
#define RoutineCompletedUnsuccessfully  0x00
Function and subFunction
#define RequestDownload                 0X34
#define LengthFormatIdentifier          0x20
#define Download                        0x01

Function and subFunction
#define TransferData                    0x36

Function and subFunction
#define RequestTransferExit             0x37
Function and subFunction
#define   TesterPresent                 0x3E
Function and subFunction
#define  ControlDTCSetting              0x85
#define  DTCSettingOn                   0x01
#define  DTCSettingOff                  0x02

Supported negative response codes
#define	serviceNotSupported                             	0x11
#define	subFunctionNotSupported                         	0x12
#define	incorrectMessageLength                          	0x13
#define	responseTooLong                                 	0x14
#define	conditionsNotCorrect                            	0x22
#define	requestSequenceError                            	0x24
#define	requestOutOfRange                               	0x31
#define	securityAccessDenied                            	0x33
#define	invalidKey                                      	0x35
#define	exceedNumberOfAttempts                          	0x36
#define	requiredTimeDelayNotExpired                     	0x37
#define	uploadDownloadNotAccepted                       	0x70
#define	transferDataSuspended                           	0x71
#define	generalProgrammingFailure                       	0x72
#define	wrongBlockSequenceCounter                       	0x73
#define	requestCorrectlyReceivedResponsePending         	0x78
#define	subfunctionNotSupportinActiveSession            	0x7E
#define	serviceNotSupportedInActiveSession              	0x7F
#define	engineIsRunning                                 	0x83
#define	engineIsNotRunning                              	0x84
#define	engineRunTimeTooLow                             	0x85
#define	voltageTooHigh                                  	0x92
#define	voltageTooLow                                   	0x93

#define  noErr   0
#define  SRecRangeError   1
#define  SRecOddError  2       //S-Record Size Must Be Even
#define  FlashProgramError  3  //Flash Programming Error
#define  FlashEraseError  4    //Flash Erase Error
#define  BadHexData 5         //Bad Hex Data
#define  SRecTooLong  6        //S-Record Too Long
#define  CheckSumErr  7        //Checksum Error
#define  UnknownPartID  8       //Unknown Part ID

Bootloader Variable
typedef struct
292 293
    uint32_t  GlobalAddress;   //ȫ�ֵ�ַ��ʼ��ַ
    uint32_t  Datalength;      //MemorySize  ������¼�����ݳ���(�����ֽ�)
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294 295 296 297 298 299
    uint8_t   data[224 + 10];     //Data
} SRecord_t;

typedef struct
300 301 302 303 304 305 306
    INT32U Flag;
    INT8U  D_F190[17];
    INT8U  D_F1A8[20];
    INT8U  D_3200[16];
    INT8U  D_F1FA[6];
    INT8U  FillData;
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307 308 309

typedef struct
310 311 312 313 314
    INT32U Flag;
    INT8U  D_F184[7];
    INT8U  D_F183[10];
    INT8U  Fill[3];   
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316 317
extern DIAG_2E_DATA   Diag2eData;
extern DIAG_Boot_DATA DiagBootData;
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318 319 320 321 322

typedef struct

323 324 325 326
    uint8_t attemptcnt;       //level 1 尝试次数
    uint8_t RequestSeedCnt;   //level 1 请求种子次数
    uint8_t attemptcnt11;     //level 11尝试次数
    uint8_t RequestSeedCnt11; //level 11请求种子次数
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328 329

} Diag27Data;
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#define S9S12XHY256 1
#define Bootloader   1
#define OK          			    0x00
#define ERASED      			    0x01
#define NON_ERASED  			    0x02
#define ACCESS_ERROR        	0x04
#define LENGTH_OUT_OF_RANGE 	0x06

#define DFLASH_FirstAddress 	  0x100000                    //0x004400 (HY64)
343 344 345 346 347 348 349
#define DFLASH_APPvAddress 	    0x100000+256                //=0xA77A表示应用程序无效    
#define DFLASH_Ser2EAddress 	    0x100000+512                //本256字节扇区存储诊断协议     2E 写的内容  
#define DFLASH_SerBOOTAddress    0x100000+768                //本256字节扇区存储备份数据协议  2E 写的内容
#define DFLASH_MOTORAddress     0x100000+1024               //本256字节扇区存储调表数据
#define DFLASH_USERAddress      0X100000+1280               //本256字节扇区存F110 F101
#define DFLASH_TripAddress      0X100000+1536               //储里程清零值,清零次数,保养里程值
#define DFLASH_LockAddress      0X100000+1792               //27服务解锁信息
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350 351 352 353

#define EnableInterrupts   {__asm CLI;}
#define DisableInterrupts  {__asm SEI;}
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355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385
typedef enum
    A_OK = 0,
} A_Result_Enum;

typedef struct
    uint8_t Para;
    uint8_t P2;
    uint8_t P2Ast;
} DiagSendDataRes;

typedef struct
    uint8_t Para;
    uint8_t code;
    uint8_t OpCode;
} DiagSendDataNeg;
typedef struct
    uint8_t DiagDataLength;
    uint8_t msg[64];
} ConvertData;

typedef union 
    uint8_t Msg[4]; 
    uint32_t Value;
} DIGKeyValue; 
386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421
#define     DTCError           0x01
#define     DTCErrorThisCycle  0x02
#define     DTCPending         0x04
#define     DTCConfirmed       0x08
#define     DTCNoTestLastClear 0x10
#define     DTCErrorLastClear  0x20
#define     DTCNoTestThisCycle 0x40
#define     DTCNoError         0xFE

#define     AgeingCount        39

typedef union
        uint8_t   TestFailed           : 1;
        uint8_t   TestFailedThisOprCyc : 1;
        uint8_t   PendingDTC           : 1;
        uint8_t   ConfirmedDTC         : 1;
        uint8_t   TestNotCompLastClr   : 1;
        uint8_t   TestFailedLastClr    : 1;
        uint8_t   TestNotCompThisCyc   : 1;
        uint8_t   WarnIndicatorReq     : 1;
    } Bits;
    uint8_t Flag;

typedef struct 
    _DTC_STATUS     Status;
    uint8_t         FaultPendCount;
    uint8_t         DTCAgingCount; 


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422 423 424 425 426 427 428

extern DIGKeyValue      DigKeyValue; 

extern INT8U  ContrlorResumeofSOC;
extern INT8U ContrlorResumeofTEMP;
extern INT8U ContrlorResumeofVspeed;
extern INT8U ContrlorResumeofEspeed;
429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439
extern _DTC DiagDtc[cnDTCslen];
extern uint16_t ESpeedValNUM;         //ת��
extern uint16_t VspeedValNUM;         //����
extern uint16_t ESpeedVal;            //ת��
extern uint16_t VspeedVal;            //����
extern uint8_t  TempSeg;              //ˮ��
extern uint8_t  SocSeg;               //ȼ��
extern uint8_t  S3_ServerEN;          //��չ�Ự5s��ʱ��ʹ�ܿ���
extern uint8_t DiagnosticReceived;    //��ϲ��ֹ�����ȫ�ֱ���?
extern uint8_t  ContrlorResumeofLamp;    //���б����Ʋ���
extern uint8_t LampWarningStatus;        //�ƹ�״̬
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440 441

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/*** 10# - Diagnostic Session Control ***/
void UDS_Service_19_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_10_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_27_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_28_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_85_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_31_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_34_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_36_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_37_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_11_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_3E_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_2E_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_2F_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_22_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void UDS_Service_14_Indication ( uint32_t A_TA_type, uint16_t A_Length, uint8_t *A_Data );
void S3_ServerCNT ( void );
/*** 11# - Ecu Reset ***/
void Randomcnt ( void );
void CanLoseDetected ( void );
void INIT_DTC_STATUS_IGN_ON ( void );
void ChangeDTCs_ST_PRG ( INT8U pos, INT8U status );
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467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480
void SaveDTCsToEEPROM ( void );
void CAN_NORMAL_TIME_PRG ( void );
void HandleOf2FServices ( void );

void Write_27_DATA_TO_FLASH(void);
void Read_27_DATA_FROM_FLASH(void);

extern INT16U MYeturnCode;
extern uint32_t DFLASHeep_adr;
INT8U  DFLASH_Erase_Sector ( INT32U  address ) ;
INT8U  DFLASH_Program ( INT32U  address, INT16U *ptr, INT8U number_of_words );

INT8U  DFLASH_Erase_Sector ( INT32U  address );
uint32_t DFLASH_Read_Word ( INT32U  address );
uint8_t DFLASH_Read_Word1(INT32U Adrr, uint32_t *Data,uint8_t len);
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482 483 484
void ReadNbyteFrDFalsh ( INT16U *mP, INT16U mLEN );
void WriteNbyteToDFalsh ( INT16U *mP, INT16U mLEN );
INT8U  DFLASH_N_Program ( INT32U  address, INT16U *ptr, INT8U number_of_words );
485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499
uint8_t getKL15Status(void);
uint8_t GetBusOffState_NotNM(void);
uint8_t getBusoffStatus(void);
void enableDTCTimer(uint16_t Timer);
void setDTCEnableTimer(uint16_t Timer);
uint8_t getPowerStatus(void);
void ReceivedMsg(uint32_t MsgID, uint8_t DLC);
void MsgLostTimer(uint16_t timer);
uint8_t getMSGStatus(uint8_t cnMsgID);
uint8_t write2EData(void);
uint8_t WriteDFlashData(uint32_t u8BlockNum, uint32_t u32Data[], uint16_t u16Len);
uint8_t Write_Base_DATA_FROM_FLASH(uint32_t Adrr, uint8_t *Data,uint8_t len);
uint8_t ReadDFlashData(uint32_t u8BlockNum, uint32_t u32Data[], uint16_t u16Len, InitFunction initFunction);
void Ser2EToDFlashInfoInit(void);
void ReadAllDflashData(void);
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