TIMER0.c 1.98 KB
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文 件 名:TIMER0.c
参    数:dutyCycle 占空比
#include "TIMER0.h"

uint32_t CurTime;
uint32_t LastTime;     
uint32_t TimerCycle;
uint8_t  dutyCycle;
uint8_t  timer0status;
uint32_t  pwmcnt;
uint16_t  Espeed;

void TIMER0_INIT(void)   //TIMER0
  PTTRR_PTTRR1     = 1;   /* Route IOC1_7 to PR3                                     */
 // TIM1_TSCR1_TEN   = 0;   /* Disable timer module before adjusting registers.        */
 // TIM1_TIOS_IOS7   = 0;   /* Set Channel 7 as input capture.                         */
 // TIM1_TCTL3_EDG7A = 1;   /* Set channel 7 to capture any edge transition.           */
//  TIM1_TCTL3_EDG7B = 1;   /* Set channel 7 to capture any edge transition.           */
 // TIM1_TIE_C7I     = 1;   /* Enable channel 7 interrupt, handled by function TIM1ISR.*/
 // TIM1_TSCR1_TSWAI = 1;   /* Disables the timer module while in wait mode.           */
 // TIM1_TSCR1_TSFRZ = 1;   /* Disables the timer counter while in freeze mode.        */
//  TIM1_TSCR2_PR    = 7;   /* Set prescaler to divide by 16.  分频 1 1 1                   */
 // TIM1_TSCR1_TEN   = 1;   /* Timer Enable.                                           */

//#pragma CODE_SEG __NEAR_SEG NON_BANKED   	//置所有中断函数放在FLASH的非分页区 
/*void  interrupt  Timer0_ONPUT(void)
  TIM1_TFLG1_C7F = 1;
  //  pwmcnt++;  //脉冲计数值

  if(timer0status == 1)
    CurTime = TIM1_TC7;       //上升沿值
    TIM0_TCTL3_EDG7B = 1;     //初始化下降沿
    TIM0_TCTL3_EDG7A = 0;
  else if(timer0status == 2)
    timer0status = 0;
    LastTime = TIM1_TC7;     //下降沿值
    TIM0_TCTL3_EDG7B = 0;    //初始化上升沿
    TIM0_TCTL3_EDG7A = 1;
    if(LastTime > CurTime)

      TimerCycle = 125000 / (LastTime - CurTime);

    // dutyCycle = TimerCycle/800;
    // dutyCycle= LastTime-CurTime/400;