Commit 597f4ed7 authored by 李俭双's avatar 李俭双

🐞 fix:天有为清大计的时候清EE方式更改,由全部清除更改为将使用的部分清除

parent 6250b2a7
......@@ -484,8 +484,8 @@ void MenuData_TCS_Init(void)
uint8_t ClearODO_Flag = 0;
void TYW_RESET_ODO(void)
uint8_t Clear_EE[1] = {0xff};
uint32_t EE_Count = 0U;
uint8_t Clear_EE[4] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff};
if(ClearODO_Flag < 1)
......@@ -494,10 +494,16 @@ void TYW_RESET_ODO(void)
ClearODO_Flag = 1;
for(EE_Count = 0 ; EE_Count < 255; EE_Count++)
eeprom_WriteRecord(EE_Count, ( uint8_t * )&Clear_EE, 1);
eeprom_WriteRecord(EEPROM_BLOCK_00, ( uint8_t * )&Clear_EE, 4);
eeprom_WriteRecord(EEPROM_BLOCK_01, ( uint8_t * )&Clear_EE, 4);
eeprom_WriteRecord(EEPROM_BLOCK_02, ( uint8_t * )&Clear_EE, 4);
eeprom_WriteRecord(EEPROM_BLOCK_03, ( uint8_t * )&Clear_EE, 4);
eeprom_WriteRecord(EEPROM_BLOCK_04, ( uint8_t * )&Clear_EE, 4);
eeprom_WriteRecord(EEPROM_BLOCK_05, ( uint8_t * )&Clear_EE, 4);
eeprom_WriteRecord(EEPROM_BLOCK_06, ( uint8_t * )&Clear_EE, 4);
eeprom_WriteRecord(EEPROM_BLOCK_07, ( uint8_t * )&Clear_EE, 4);
eeprom_WriteRecord(EEPROM_BLOCK_08, ( uint8_t * )&Clear_EE, 4);
eeprom_WriteRecord(EEPROM_BLOCK_09, ( uint8_t * )&Clear_EE, 4);
......@@ -10,16 +10,7 @@ uint8_t odo_writeState;
uint8_t odo_readState;
extern uint32_t NVM_User_Settings_Service;
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_00 0x00
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_01 0x16
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_02 0x32
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_03 0x48
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_04 0x64
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_05 0x80
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_06 0x90
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_07 0xA0
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_08 0xB0
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_09 0xC0
uint32_t Milleage_InitFlag = 0U;
#ifndef __SERVICE_ODO_USER_H__
#define __SERVICE_ODO_USER_H__
//#define ONLY_CLEAR_ODO_MIL 0x01u /*仅根据距离信息进行ODO清除*/
//#define ONLY_CLEAR_ODO_NUM 0x01u /*仅根据次数信息进行ODO清除*/
#define CLEAR_ODO_NUM_MIL 0x01u /*以距离信息以及次数信息进行ODO清除*/
......@@ -8,6 +10,17 @@
#define ODO_CLEAR_NUM 5u /*清除次数上限值 */
#define ODO_CLEAR_MIL 50000u /*清除距离上限值 单位0.1KM*/
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_00 0x00
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_01 0x16
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_02 0x32
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_03 0x48
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_04 0x64
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_05 0x80
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_06 0x90
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_07 0xA0
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_08 0xB0
#define EEPROM_BLOCK_09 0xC0
extern uint8_t ODO_Clear_Num_Value;
void Data_User_Mileage_KL30Init(void);
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