Commit dd0a0dc1 authored by 崔立宝's avatar 崔立宝


parent 25ae126f
......@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ void Telltales_Management(void)
LED_Operation.IG_ON_Timer = Common_GetIgnOnTime();
LED_Operation.IG_OFF_Timer = Common_GetIgnOffTime();
if ((u8Condition || (Get_ID_18F141F3_Sig_BMS_ChgWrCntSts() == 0x55u)) && (System_FUN_KL15_Status_Get() == 0u))
if ((u8Condition/* || (Get_ID_18F141F3_Sig_BMS_ChgWrCntSts() == 0x55u)*/) && (System_FUN_KL15_Status_Get() == 0u))
TimeOutOffSts = 1u;
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
#include "Common_Interface.h"
#include "jcua.h"
#include "Data_ReversingImage.h"
#include "UDS_Common.h"
_pid MtrSpeed;
_pid VehSpeed;
......@@ -2745,20 +2746,20 @@ void GUI_Middle_001_00_00(void) //001表示二级菜单整车信息,0表示三
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Set_Menu3_Word0_16, 440U, 182U, 0u); /*硬件版本 文字*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_1, 633U, 186U, 0u); /*个位*//*1.0.2*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_0 + Ser22_DID_F193[1u] - 0x30u, 633U, 186U, 0u); /*个位*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_point, 651U, 197U, 0u); /*小数点*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_0, 657U, 186U, 0u); /*十分位*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_0 + Ser22_DID_F193[3u] - 0x30u, 657U, 186U, 0u); /*十分位*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_point, 675U, 197U, 0u); /*小数点*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_2, 681U, 186U, 0u); /*百分位*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_0 + Ser22_DID_F193[5u] - 0x30u, 681U, 186U, 0u); /*百分位*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Set_Menu3_Word0_37, 440U, 222U, 0u); /*软件版本 文字*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_1, 633U, 226U, 0u); /*个位*//*1.3.0*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_0 + Ser22_DID_F195[1u] - 0x30u, 633U, 226U, 0u); /*个位*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_point, 651U, 237U, 0u); /*小数点*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_3, 657U, 226U, 0u); /*十分位*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_0 + Ser22_DID_F195[3u] - 0x30u, 657U, 226U, 0u); /*十分位*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_point, 675U, 237U, 0u); /*小数点*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_0, 681U, 226U, 0u); /*百分位*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Number_18_white_0 + Ser22_DID_F195[5u] - 0x30u, 681U, 226U, 0u); /*百分位*/
GUI_Translate_Display(Middle_Sprite, Set_Menu3_Word0_14, 440U, 262U, 0u); /*BOOT版本 文字*/
......@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ static const SndAttributeStruct SndAttributeTable[SND_SRC_INDEX_MAX] =
{/*30 SND_SRC_Stop 音效0*/ PCM_Track_Index_Crash, 0, 1, SND_MODE_SINGLE, 150U,},
{/*31 SND_SRC_LeaveSeat 音效1*/ PCM_Track_Index_Warrning, 4, 1, SND_MODE_SINGLE, 1000U,},
{/*32 SND_SRC_Start 音效9*/ PCM_Track_Index_Start, 0, 1, SND_MODE_SINGLE, 27600U,},
{/*32 SND_SRC_Start 音效9*/ PCM_Track_Index_Start, 0, 1, SND_MODE_SINGLE, 3500U,},
......@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@ uint8_t isEnable = 0u;
uint16_t enableTimer = 0u;
uint16_t enableMaxTimer = KL15DTCEnableTimer;
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F187[13] = {0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20}; /*IC 零件号*/
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F18A[8] = {0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20}; /*系统供应商编号*/
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F18B[4] = {0x20, 0x21, 0x08, 0x03}; /*IC 生产日期*/
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F187[13] = {'B', 'Z', '9', '0', '1', '4', '9', '5', '8', '0', '0', '3', '7'}; /*IC 零件号*/
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F18A[8] = {0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20}; /*系统供应商编号*/
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F18B[4] = {0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20}; /*IC 生产日期*/
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F18C[20] = {0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20};
/*IC 系列号*/
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F190[17] = {0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20};
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F190[17] = {'S', 'V', ':', '1', '.', '3', '.', '0', ' ', 'H', 'V', ':', '1', '.', '0', '.', '3'};
/*车辆标识号 VIN*/
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F193[6] = {'V', '1', '.', '1', '.', '0'}; /*IC 硬件版本号*/
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F195[6] = {'V', '0', '.', '0', '.', '1'}; /*IC 逻辑程序软件版本号*/
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F193[6] = {'V', '1', '.', '0', '.', '2'}; /*IC 硬件版本号*/
const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F195[6] = {'V', '1', '.', '3', '.', '0'}; /*IC 逻辑程序软件版本号*/
DiagMSGUnion DiagMSG;
DiagFlagUnion DiagFlag;
......@@ -1054,6 +1054,14 @@ void BootReadFlahInit(void)
WriteFlag = 1;
for(i = 0;i < sizeof(Ser2EToDFlashInfo.DID_F190);i++)
if(Ser2EToDFlashInfo.DID_F190[i] != Ser22_DID_F190[i])
Ser2EToDFlashInfo.DID_F190[i] = Ser22_DID_F190[i];
WriteFlag = 1;
......@@ -501,4 +501,8 @@ void Ser2EToDFlashInfoInit(void);
void DTCToDFlashInfoInit(void);
void DTCConfigurationInit(void);
void BootReadFlahInit(void);
extern const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F193[6u];
extern const uint8_t Ser22_DID_F195[6u];
......@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@
//20231023 修改上下15电显示和声音异常问题
//20231108 修改故障码显示Lv3-0问题:显示、查询、调度不同步
//20231110 修改IGNON和IGNOFF切换时显示异常问题:IGNON显示“请拉手刹”,车身闪一下
//20231113 增加内部软硬件版本号,修改报警声延时20多秒才有问题(开机声音时长设大了)
#include "r_typedefs.h"
#include "sys_scheduler.h"
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