Commit fca0d16a authored by 崔立宝's avatar 崔立宝


parent dd0a0dc1
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project project
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PROJECT : Vlib Device Driver
FILE : $Id: r_dev_asm.s 11006 2016-11-07 16:32:44Z michael.golczewski $
assembler support function
Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014
Renesas Electronics (Europe) GmbH.
Arcadiastrasse 10
D-40472 Duesseldorf
All rights reserved.
Purpose: only for testing, not for mass production
LICENSEE has read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions defined in
the license agreement, especially the usage rights. In any case, it is
LICENSEE's responsibility to make sure that any user of the software complies
with the terms and conditions of the signed license agreement.
SAMPLE CODE is not part of the licensed software, as such it must not be used in
mass-production applications. It can only be used for evaluation and
demonstration purposes at customer's premises listed in the signed license
Section: Global Functions
Function: _R_DEV_Nop
Nop instruction that can be used instead of asm("nop")
for the sake of MISRA compliance.
/* REPLACED by GHS Intrinsics (see: v800_ghs.h)
.globl _R_DEV_Nop
jmp [lp]
Function: _R_DEV_SyncP
CPU pipeline sync
Parameters: none
/* REPLACED by GHS Intrinsics (see: v800_ghs.h)
.globl _R_DEV_SyncP
jmp [lp]
Function: _R_DEV_SyncM
CPU memory sync
Parameters: none
/* REPLACED by GHS Intrinsics (see: v800_ghs.h)
.globl _R_DEV_SyncM
jmp [lp]
Function: _R_DEV_SysCall
Do a SysCall to get elevated rights.
.globl _R_DEV_SysCall
/* 0x10: TRAP1 (Vector 0x10 is equal to a EIIC value of 0x50) */
trap 0x10
jmp [lp]
Function: _R_DEV_Trap1
Trap handler of the DEV driver.
This function is called by 'R_DEV_SysCall'
.globl _TRAP1
.globl _R_DEV_Trap1
pushsp lp-lp
/* sub-routine */
jarl _R_DEV_SysCallElevated,lp
popsp lp-lp
Function: _R_DEV_EnterUserModeElevated
Sets the UserMode bit of the PSW.
Calling this function reduces the privileges of the application.
To be called from <R_DEV_SysCallElevated>.
.globl _R_DEV_EnterUserModeElevated
/* EIPSW: regID: 1, selID: 0 <= We're supposed to be in TRAP1 */
/* FEPSW: regID: 3, selID: 0 */
/* PSW: regID: 5, selID: 0 */
/* The selection of the correct xxPSW can be done by evaluating PSW.NP and PSW.DI */
mov (1<<30), r7 /* Load Bitmask for UM into r7 */
stsr 1, r6, 0 /* Load PSW into r6 */
or r7, r6 /* Apply Bitmask to r6 */
ldsr r6, 1, 0 /* Load r6 into PSW */
jmp [lp]
Function: _R_DEV_EnterSupervisorModeElevated
Clears the UserMode bit of the FEPSW.
Calling this function elevates the privileges of the application.
To be called from <R_DEV_SysCallElevated>.
.globl _R_DEV_EnterSupervisorModeElevated
/* EIPSW: regID: 1, selID: 0 <= We're supposed to be in TRAP1 */
/* FEPSW: regID: 3, selID: 0 */
/* PSW: regID: 5, selID: 0 */
/* The selection of the correct xxPSW can be done by evaluating PSW.NP and PSW.DI */
mov ~(1<<30), r7 /* Load Bitmask for UM into r7 */
stsr 1, r6, 0 /* Load EIPSW into r6 */
and r7, r6 /* Apply Bitmask to r6 */
ldsr r6, 1, 0 /* Load r6 into EIPSW */
jmp [lp]
/* EOF */
PROJECT : Vlib Device Driver
FILE : $Id: r_dev_asm.s 11006 2016-11-07 16:32:44Z michael.golczewski $
assembler support function
Copyright (c) 2013 - 2014
Renesas Electronics (Europe) GmbH.
Arcadiastrasse 10
D-40472 Duesseldorf
All rights reserved.
Purpose: only for testing, not for mass production
LICENSEE has read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions defined in
the license agreement, especially the usage rights. In any case, it is
LICENSEE's responsibility to make sure that any user of the software complies
with the terms and conditions of the signed license agreement.
SAMPLE CODE is not part of the licensed software, as such it must not be used in
mass-production applications. It can only be used for evaluation and
demonstration purposes at customer's premises listed in the signed license
Section: Global Functions
Function: _R_DEV_Nop
Nop instruction that can be used instead of asm("nop")
for the sake of MISRA compliance.
/* REPLACED by GHS Intrinsics (see: v800_ghs.h)
.globl _R_DEV_Nop
jmp [lp]
Function: _R_DEV_SyncP
CPU pipeline sync
Parameters: none
/* REPLACED by GHS Intrinsics (see: v800_ghs.h)
.globl _R_DEV_SyncP
jmp [lp]
Function: _R_DEV_SyncM
CPU memory sync
Parameters: none
/* REPLACED by GHS Intrinsics (see: v800_ghs.h)
.globl _R_DEV_SyncM
jmp [lp]
Function: _R_DEV_SysCall
Do a SysCall to get elevated rights.
.globl _R_DEV_SysCall
/* 0x10: TRAP1 (Vector 0x10 is equal to a EIIC value of 0x50) */
trap 0x10
jmp [lp]
Function: _R_DEV_Trap1
Trap handler of the DEV driver.
This function is called by 'R_DEV_SysCall'
.globl _TRAP1
.globl _R_DEV_Trap1
pushsp lp-lp
/* sub-routine */
jarl _R_DEV_SysCallElevated,lp
popsp lp-lp
Function: _R_DEV_EnterUserModeElevated
Sets the UserMode bit of the PSW.
Calling this function reduces the privileges of the application.
To be called from <R_DEV_SysCallElevated>.
.globl _R_DEV_EnterUserModeElevated
/* EIPSW: regID: 1, selID: 0 <= We're supposed to be in TRAP1 */
/* FEPSW: regID: 3, selID: 0 */
/* PSW: regID: 5, selID: 0 */
/* The selection of the correct xxPSW can be done by evaluating PSW.NP and PSW.DI */
mov (1<<30), r7 /* Load Bitmask for UM into r7 */
stsr 1, r6, 0 /* Load PSW into r6 */
or r7, r6 /* Apply Bitmask to r6 */
ldsr r6, 1, 0 /* Load r6 into PSW */
jmp [lp]
Function: _R_DEV_EnterSupervisorModeElevated
Clears the UserMode bit of the FEPSW.
Calling this function elevates the privileges of the application.
To be called from <R_DEV_SysCallElevated>.
.globl _R_DEV_EnterSupervisorModeElevated
/* EIPSW: regID: 1, selID: 0 <= We're supposed to be in TRAP1 */
/* FEPSW: regID: 3, selID: 0 */
/* PSW: regID: 5, selID: 0 */
/* The selection of the correct xxPSW can be done by evaluating PSW.NP and PSW.DI */
mov ~(1<<30), r7 /* Load Bitmask for UM into r7 */
stsr 1, r6, 0 /* Load EIPSW into r6 */
and r7, r6 /* Apply Bitmask to r6 */
ldsr r6, 1, 0 /* Load r6 into EIPSW */
jmp [lp]
/* EOF */
/* Module = r_xbus_xcopy.s */
/* Version = V1.00 */
/* Copyright (c) 2014 by Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH, */
/* a company of the Renesas Electronics Corporation */
/* Purpose: Copy routine for memories on the XC Bus */
/* */
/* */
/* Warranty Disclaimer */
/* */
/* Because the Product(s) is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty */
/* of any kind whatsoever and expressly disclaimed and excluded by Renesas, */
/* either expressed or implied, including but not limited to those for */
/* non-infringement of intellectual property, merchantability and/or */
/* fitness for the particular purpose. */
/* Renesas shall not have any obligation to maintain, service or provide bug */
/* fixes for the supplied Product(s) and/or the Application. */
/* */
/* Each User is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of */
/* using the Product(s) and assumes all risks associated with its exercise */
/* of rights under this Agreement, including, but not limited to the risks */
/* and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to */
/* or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or */
/* interruption of operations. */
/* */
/* Limitation of Liability */
/* */
/* In no event shall Renesas be liable to the User for any incidental, */
/* consequential, indirect, or punitive damage (including but not limited */
/* to lost profits) regardless of whether such liability is based on breach */
/* of contract, tort, strict liability, breach of warranties, failure of */
/* essential purpose or otherwise and even if advised of the possibility of */
/* such damages. Renesas shall not be liable for any services or products */
/* provided by third party vendors, developers or consultants identified or */
/* referred to the User by Renesas in connection with the Product(s) and/or */
/* the Application. */
/* */
/* Environment: */
/* Device: RH850G3M core devices (with FPU) */
/* RH850G3K core devices (__HAS_FPU__ is undefined) */
/* IDE: GHS Multi for V800 V6.xx or later */
Function: XCopy
Memcopy optimzed for AXI Cache access
Src (r6), Dst(r7), End(r8)
.globl _R_XBUS_XCopy
/* Prefetch cache from Src-RAM for each cache line */
ld.w 0x00[r6],r9
ld.w 0x20[r6],r10
ld.w 0x40[r6],r15
ld.w 0x60[r6],r24
/* It is more efficient not to reuse these single word values,
but to do a double word load/store from the same address.
For some memory targets it will have no effect (avg ~0%),
for some targets it will have a positive effect (avg ~+20%) */
/* 1st line fetch from SRC-Ram */
ld.dw 0x00[r6],r16
ld.dw 0x08[r6],r18
ld.dw 0x10[r6],r20
ld.dw 0x18[r6],r22
/* Interleaved prefetch of 1st line for next round (therefore the 5th line) */
ld.w 0x00+0x80[r6],r9
/* write to 1st line at Dst-RAM */
st.dw r16,0x00[r7]
st.dw r18,0x08[r7]
st.dw r20,0x10[r7]
st.dw r22,0x18[r7]
/* 2nd line fetch from SRC-Ram */
ld.dw 0x20[r6],r16
ld.dw 0x28[r6],r18
ld.dw 0x30[r6],r20
ld.dw 0x38[r6],r22
/* Interleaved prefetch of 2nd line for next round */
ld.w 0x20+0x80[r6],r10
/* write to 2nd line at Dst-RAM */
st.dw r16,0x20[r7]
st.dw r18,0x28[r7]
st.dw r20,0x30[r7]
st.dw r22,0x38[r7]
/* 3rd line fetch from SRC-Ram */
ld.dw 0x40[r6],r16
ld.dw 0x48[r6],r18
ld.dw 0x50[r6],r20
ld.dw 0x58[r6],r22
/* Interleaved prefetch of 3rd line for next round */
ld.w 0x40+0x80[r6],r15
/* write to 3rd line at Dst-RAM */
st.dw r16,0x40[r7]
st.dw r18,0x48[r7]
st.dw r20,0x50[r7]
st.dw r22,0x58[r7]
/* 4th line fetch from SRC-Ram */
ld.dw 0x60[r6],r16
ld.dw 0x68[r6],r18
ld.dw 0x70[r6],r20
ld.dw 0x78[r6],r22
/* Interleaved prefetch of 4th line for next round */
ld.w 0x60+0x80[r6],r24
/* Execute comparison earlier, so branch prediction has some time to react */
/* The following store operation have to be adjusted due to the early addition of 0x80. */
add 0x80,r6
add 0x80,r7
cmp r6,r8
/* write to 4th line at Dst-RAM */
st.dw r16,0x60-0x80[r7]
st.dw r18,0x68-0x80[r7]
st.dw r20,0x70-0x80[r7]
st.dw r22,0x78-0x80[r7]
bne .copyStart
jmp [lp]
/* EOF */
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