TES Electronic Solutions GmbHZettachring 870567 StuttgartGermanyAll rights reserved.LICENSEE has read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions defined inthe license agreement valid for the LICENSEE, especially the usage rights.In any case, it is LICENSEE's responsibility to make sure that any user of thesoftware complies with the terms and conditions of the signed license agreement.TES differentiates between 'product code' and 'example code':Product code is all code in the folders:- vlib/macro/gpu/davehd/common- vlib/macro/gpu/davehd/kernel/inc and vlib/macro/gpu/davehd/kernel/src- vlib/macro/gpu/davehd/user/inc and vlib/macro/gpu/davehd/user/src- vlib/macro/gpu/davehd/openvg1.1/include and vlib/macro/gpu/davehd/openvg1.1/src, if OpenVG is licensed by customerAll other code is regarded as example code.