d1mx.ld 8.05 KB
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/* Module       = dr7f701412.ld                                              */
/* Version      = E1.00f                                                     */
/*                extracted from device file dr7f701412.dvf                  */
/*                by DeFiXRH850                                      */
/*                                  COPYRIGHT                                */
/* Copyright (c) 2014 by Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH,                    */
/*               a company of the Renesas Electronics Corporation            */
/* Purpose:     Template of linker directive file                            */
/*                                                                           */
/*                                                                           */
/* Warranty Disclaimer                                                       */
/*                                                                           */
/* Because the Product(s) is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty   */
/* of any kind whatsoever and expressly disclaimed and excluded by Renesas,  */
/* either expressed or implied, including but not limited to those for       */
/* non-infringement of intellectual property, merchantability and/or         */
/* fitness for the particular purpose.                                       */
/* Renesas shall not have any obligation to maintain, service or provide bug */
/* fixes for the supplied Product(s) and/or the Application.                 */
/*                                                                           */
/* Each User is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of    */
/* using the Product(s) and assumes all risks associated with its exercise   */
/* of rights under this Agreement, including, but not limited to the risks   */
/* and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to   */
/* or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or             */
/* interruption of operations.                                               */
/*                                                                           */
/* Limitation of Liability                                                   */
/*                                                                           */
/* In no event shall Renesas be liable to the User for any incidental,       */
/* consequential, indirect, or punitive damage (including but not limited    */
/* to lost profits) regardless of whether such liability is based on breach  */
/* of contract, tort, strict liability, breach of warranties, failure of     */
/* essential purpose or otherwise and even if advised of the possibility of  */
/* such damages. Renesas shall not be liable for any services or products    */
/* provided by third party vendors, developers or consultants identified or  */
/* referred to the User by Renesas in connection with the Product(s) and/or  */
/* the Application.                                                          */
/*                                                                           */
/* Environment:                                                              */
/*              Device:         R7F701412                                    */
/*              IDE:            GHS Multi for V800  V6.xx or later           */

  zero_start = 0xffff8000

hu's avatar
hu committed
  iROM_0         : ORIGIN = 0x00000000,  LENGTH = 5120k
59 60 61
  iRAM_0         : ORIGIN = 0xFEB80000,  LENGTH = 512k	/* RAM addres space seen by external bus masters */
  iRAM_1         : ORIGIN = 0xFED80000,  LENGTH = 512k	/* local RAM address space */
  iRAM_R0         : ORIGIN = 0x3FCE4000,  LENGTH = 1k
hu's avatar
hu committed
  iRAM_R         : ORIGIN = 0x3FCE4400,  LENGTH = 15k
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70


/* Start of internal ROM area (iROM_0) */

  .intvect                              :>iROM_0 /* start of interrupt vector */
hu's avatar
hu committed
  .intvect_end  0x00000600                  :>.      /* end   of interrupt vector */
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135

  .text     align(4)                    :>.      /* program code area */

  .rozdata                              :>.      /* constant datas in ZDA area */
  .robase   align(4)                    :>.      /* initialize textpointer TP for SDA addressing */
  .rosdata  align(4)                    :>.      /* constant datas in SDA area */
  .rodata   align(4)                    :>.      /* constant datas in normal area */

  .fixaddr  align(4)                    :>.      /* ghs internal (compiler) */
  .fixtype  align(4)                    :>.      /* ghs internal (compiler) */
  .secinfo  align(4)                    :>.      /* ghs internal (runtime library) */
  .syscall  align(4)                    :>.      /* ghs internal (linker) */

  .romdata  ROM(.data)                  :>.      /* constant data to initialize variables (copied to RAM at startup)*/
  .romzdata ROM(.zdata)                 :>.      /* constant data to initialize variables in ZDA area (copied to RAM at startup)*/
  .romsdata ROM(.sdata)                 :>.      /* constant data to initialize variables in SDA area (copied to RAM at startup)*/
  .romtdata ROM(.tdata)                 :>.      /* constant data to initialize variables in TDA area (copied to RAM at startup)*/
  .ROM.ramfunc ROM(.ramfunc)            :>.      /* program code to be copied to RAM (copied to RAM at startup) */

/* Start of internal RAM area (iRAM) */

  .data                                 :>iRAM_0    /* initialized data */
  .bss      align(4)                    :>.         /* zero initialized data*/

  //.sdabase  align(4)             :>.      /* initialize globalpointer GP for SDA addressing */
  .sda_start  align(4)             :>. 
  .sdata    align(4)                    :>.         /* initialized data in SDA area*/
  .sbss     align(4)                    :>.         /* zero initialized data in SDA area*/
  .sda_end    align(4)             :>. 
  .zdata    align(4)                    :>.         /* initialized data in ZDA area*/
  .zbss     align(4)                    :>.         /* zero initialized data in ZDA area*/

  .tdata    align(4)   MAX_SIZE(0x0100) :>.         /* initialized and zero-initialized data in TDA area */
  .ramfunc  align(4)                    :>.         /* program code in RAM area */
  .stack    align(4)   pad(0x4000)      :>.         /* definition of stack size */

  .heapbase align(4)                    :>.
  .heap     align(4)
  	        NOCLEAR	                    :>.      /* definition of heap size */ 

/* Start of internal retention RAM area (iRAM_R) */

  .absinitarea   align(4) NOCLEAR       :>iRAM_R0
  .rdata        align(4)                :>iRAM_R     /* user defined segment for for initialized data located in retention RAM  */
  .rbss         align(4)                :>.          /* user defined segment for zero initialized data located in retention RAM */
  .NonInitArea  align(4) NOCLEAR        :>.  					/* non initalised are in the BURAM */

/*  Symbols for compiler references */

  ___ghs_romstart   = MEMADDR(iROM_0);
  ___ghs_romend     = MEMENDADDR(iROM_0);

  ___ghs_ramstart   = MEMADDR(iRAM_0);
  ___ghs_ramend     = MEMENDADDR(iRAM_0);

  ___ghs_rramstart  = MEMADDR(iRAM_R);
  ___ghs_rramend    = MEMENDADDR(iRAM_R);


/*      End of File                                                          */