Commit 3ba2e1d3 authored by hu's avatar hu


parent c5d4fd9f
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ void Speed_Processing_Service(void)
Fre_SortShort(VehFreBuf, VehFreNum);
i = 0u;
VehValCup = (uint16_t) VehFreBuf[1u];
VehValCup = (uint16_t) VehFreBuf[3u];
if (VehValCup > 2250)
......@@ -306,9 +306,10 @@ void Key_Init(void)
stKeyCtrVariate[i].u16KeyIGNTimeCount = 0U;
/*342 4.1 短按/长按操作的判断标准(判定时间):短按;40ms以上,未到800ms,长按;800ms以上*/
stKeyParameter.u16KeyLoosenTime = 100U;
stKeyParameter.u16KeyShortPressTime = 40U;
stKeyParameter.u16KeyLongPressTime = 1500U;
stKeyParameter.u16KeyLongPressTime = 1000U;
stKeyParameter.u16KeySuperLongPressTime = 10000U;
stKeyParameter.u16KeyValidOFFTime = 200U; /*按键动作时间*/
stKeyParameter.u16KeyValidONTime = 1000U;
......@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ const st_CANMsgAttribute CAN_MSG_CONST_ARRAY[ID_TOTAL_MAX] =
{0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u},
{0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u},
{0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u},
(( void * )0),
(( void * )0),
......@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ const st_CANMsgAttribute CAN_MSG_CONST_ARRAY[ID_TOTAL_MAX] =
{0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u},
{0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u},
{0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u, 0x00u},
(( void * )0),
(( void * )0),
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
#include "Common_Interface.h"
#include "Gauges.h"
#include "GaugesInterface.h"
#include "Telltales.h"
#include "GUI.h"
......@@ -389,37 +388,36 @@ void Can_Set_Buff_18FF2A17(uint8_t CopyData[])
uint8_t Range_Air_Cut_Warning = 0u;
uint8_t IRIS_Warning_Lamp_Status = 0u;
#if 0
if (LINK_PARK_BRAKE_IN_LG32_P03 == 0)
if (Line_In_Get_Status(LINE_IN_PARK_BRAKE) == 1u)
SW_Parking = 1 ;
SW_Parking = 0 ;
if ((ET1_Engine_Coolant_Temperature > 0xFA) || (ET1_STATUS & CAN_MSG_LOST))
if ((Get_ID_18FEEE00_Sig_Engine_Coolant_Temperature() > 0xFA) ||
(CAN_SIG_LOST == CAN_MSG_Status(ID_CanMsg18FEEE00_Msg_Count)))
Water_Temp_Level = 2;
Over_Heat_Warning_Status = 0;
else if ((DataCoolantTempSegDisp >= 0) && (DataCoolantTempSegDisp < 12))
else if ((Coolant_Get_CurSeg() >= 0) && (Coolant_Get_CurSeg() < 12))
Water_Temp_Level = 0 ;
Over_Heat_Warning_Status = 0 ;
else if ((DataCoolantTempSegDisp >= 12) && (DataCoolantTempSegDisp <= 13))
else if ((Coolant_Get_CurSeg() >= 12) && (Coolant_Get_CurSeg() <= 13))
Water_Temp_Level = 1 ;
if (DataVSpeedDisp > 20)
if (Common_Get_Disp_V_Speed() > 20)
Over_Heat_Warning_Status = 0 ;
Over_Heat_Warning_Status = 1 ;
IGN_Voltage = (9 + DataCoolantVolSegDisp) * 10 ;
IGN_Voltage = (9 + Gui_Get_Voltmeter_DisplayMode()) * 10 ;
CopyData[0] = (uint8_t)(((Water_Temp_Level << 6u) & 0xC0u) |
((Remining_Fuel_Warning << 5u) & 0x20u) |
#include "GUI.h"
#include "r_wm_api.h"
#include "r_typedefs.h"
#include "loc_graphics.h"
......@@ -5989,3 +5990,16 @@ void GUI_General_Popup_Display(uint16_t PopupMsg)
GUI_General_Display(MultiPurpose_Sprite, GUIGeneralPopupTable[PopupMsg].HImageCN4, GUI_BLENDMODE_CUSTOM);
void Loc_Display_Blue(void)
R_WM_ScreenBgColorSet(0, 0, 0, 0Xff);
R_WM_FrameEndMark(0, 0);
R_WM_FrameWait(0, 0);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ void RTE_PWM_LCD_Start(void)
void RTE_PWM_Set_Speed_Out(uint16_t m_Cycle, uint16_t m_Duty)
uint32_t ActSetFreq = 0u;;
......@@ -73,20 +74,22 @@ void RTE_PWM_Set_Speed_Out(uint16_t m_Cycle, uint16_t m_Duty)
Fre_8_pulse *= 25 ;
Fre_8_pulse /= 8 ;
/*A16-25 A17-8 A18-8*/
/*车速1 8脉冲*/
ActSetFreq = TimerB_PWM_Channel_Fre_Set(TIMERB_2_CH10 , Fre_8_pulse , m_Duty);
/*车速2 25脉冲*/
ActSetFreq = TimerB_PWM_Channel_Fre_Set(TIMERB_2_CH13 , m_Cycle , m_Duty);
/*车速3 25脉冲*/
ActSetFreq = TimerB_PWM_Channel_Fre_Set(TIMERB_2_CH15 , m_Cycle , m_Duty);
void RTE_PWM_Set_Tacho_Out(uint16_t m_Cycle, uint16_t m_Duty)
uint32_t ActSetFreq;
/*342 10.2 以4脉冲/发动机1转向A39端子输出 */
ActSetFreq = TimerB_PWM_Channel_Fre_Set(TIMERB_0_CH7 , m_Cycle , m_Duty);
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ with the terms and conditions of the signed license agreement.
#ifndef R_WM_API_H
#define R_WM_API_H
#include "r_ddb_api.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
......@@ -440,9 +442,9 @@ typedef enum
/* Documentation of flags is subject to be moved to system-specific implementation */
R_WM_OUTCOLORFMT_FLAG_DITHER = (uint32_t) 1u<<28u,
R_WM_OUTCOLORFMT_FLAG_SWAP_BR = (uint32_t) 1u<<29u,
R_WM_OUTCOLORFMT_FLAG_ENDIAN = (uint32_t) 1u<<30u,
R_WM_OUTCOLORFMT_FLAG_DITHER = (uint32_t) 1u << 28u,
R_WM_OUTCOLORFMT_FLAG_SWAP_BR = (uint32_t) 1u << 29u,
R_WM_OUTCOLORFMT_FLAG_ENDIAN = (uint32_t) 1u << 30u,
/* We do not use the 31th bit if not needed. Saves some signedness castings */
......@@ -1046,35 +1048,35 @@ typedef enum
typedef enum
R_WM_CAPMODE_YUV_ITU656 = (int32_t)(1uL<< 0),
R_WM_CAPMODE_YUV_8BIT = (int32_t)(1uL<< 1),
R_WM_CAPMODE_YUV_16BIT = (int32_t)(1uL<< 2),
R_WM_CAPMODE_RGB_16BPP = (int32_t)(1uL<< 3),
R_WM_CAPMODE_RGB_18BPP = (int32_t)(1uL<< 4),
R_WM_CAPMODE_RGB_24BPP = (int32_t)(1uL<< 5),
R_WM_CAPMODE_DITHER = (int32_t)(1uL<< 6),
R_WM_CAPMODE_YUV_ITU656 = (int32_t)(1uL << 0),
R_WM_CAPMODE_YUV_8BIT = (int32_t)(1uL << 1),
R_WM_CAPMODE_YUV_16BIT = (int32_t)(1uL << 2),
R_WM_CAPMODE_RGB_16BPP = (int32_t)(1uL << 3),
R_WM_CAPMODE_RGB_18BPP = (int32_t)(1uL << 4),
R_WM_CAPMODE_RGB_24BPP = (int32_t)(1uL << 5),
R_WM_CAPMODE_DITHER = (int32_t)(1uL << 6),
/* default Y1UY2V, inverted UY1VY2 */
R_WM_CAPMODE_YUV_Y_UV_INVERT = (int32_t)(1uL<< 10),
R_WM_CAPMODE_YUV_Y_UV_INVERT = (int32_t)(1uL << 10),
/* vsync polarity (default: pos polarity, inverted: neg polarity) */
R_WM_CAPMODE_VSYNC_INVERT = (int32_t)(1uL<< 11),
R_WM_CAPMODE_VSYNC_INVERT = (int32_t)(1uL << 11),
/* hsync polarity (default: pos polarity, inverted: neg polarity) */
R_WM_CAPMODE_HSYNC_INVERT = (int32_t)(1uL<< 12),
R_WM_CAPMODE_HSYNC_INVERT = (int32_t)(1uL << 12),
/* data sampling point (default: falling clock edge, inverted: rising clock edge) */
R_WM_CAPMODE_DATA_CLK_INVERT = (int32_t)(1uL<< 15),
R_WM_CAPMODE_DATA_CLK_INVERT = (int32_t)(1uL << 15),
/* vsync sampling point (default: falling clock edge, inverted: rising clock edge) */
R_WM_CAPMODE_VSYNC_CLK_INVERT = (int32_t)(1uL<< 16),
R_WM_CAPMODE_VSYNC_CLK_INVERT = (int32_t)(1uL << 16),
/* hsync sampling point (default: falling clock edge, inverted: rising clock edge) */
R_WM_CAPMODE_HSYNC_CLK_INVERT = (int32_t)(1uL<< 17),
R_WM_CAPMODE_H_MIRRORING = (int32_t)(1uL<< 18),
R_WM_CAPMODE_V_MIRRORING = (int32_t)(1uL<< 19),
R_WM_CAPMODE_HSYNC_CLK_INVERT = (int32_t)(1uL << 17),
R_WM_CAPMODE_H_MIRRORING = (int32_t)(1uL << 18),
R_WM_CAPMODE_V_MIRRORING = (int32_t)(1uL << 19),
/* internal fixed vsync generation (default: vo vsync is synchronised to vi vsync) */
R_WM_CAPMODE_FIXED_VSYNC = (int32_t)(1uL<< 20),
R_WM_CAPMODE_FIXED_VSYNC = (int32_t)(1uL << 20),
/* Bits 0-20 mirror the VDCE data type <r_vdce_CapMode_t>.
The following entries are additional. */
R_WM_CAPMODE_WEAVE = (int32_t)(1ul<< 30),
R_WM_CAPMODE_WEAVE = (int32_t)(1ul << 30),
} r_wm_CapMode_t;
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