Commit 5cc101bc authored by hu's avatar hu


parent f3107d95
......@@ -192,65 +192,53 @@ void BackLightDamp(uint8_t TimeX)
* Function Name : App_SwapShort
* Description : ½»»»Êý¾Ý
* Function Name : calculate_Thermistor
* Description :
* Input : None
* Output : None
* Return : None
* onther : qitiancun 2018-9-10
void AD_SwapShort(uint16_t *pData1, uint16_t *pData2)
uint32_t Calculate_Thermistor(BL_STATE_PARA BLFunStatePara)
uint16_t psw;
if ((*pData1) > (*pData2))
uint32_t resistance = 0;
uint32_t ThermistorADValue = 0;
uint8_t i = 0;
uint16_t AdValue = 0;
AdValue = BLFunStatePara.BL_User_NTC_AD;
if (ThermistorIndex == 0)
psw = (*pData2);
(*pData2) = (*pData1);
(*pData1) = psw;
ThermistorList[ThermistorIndex++] = AdValue;
* Function Name : App_SortShort
* Description :
* Input : None
* Output : None
* Return : None
* onther : qitiancun 2018-9-10
void AD_SortShort(uint16_t SortData[], uint8_t len)
uint8_t n = 0u, m;
for (; n < len - 1u; n++)
for (i = 0; i < ThermistorIndex; i++)
for (m = n + 1u; m < len; m++)
if (AdValue < ThermistorList[i])
AD_SwapShort(&SortData[n], &SortData[m]);
memmove((uint8_t*)&ThermistorList[i + 1], (uint8_t*)&ThermistorList[i], (ThermistorIndex - i) * sizeof (ThermistorList[i]));
ThermistorList[i] = AdValue;
if (i == ThermistorIndex)
ThermistorList[ThermistorIndex++] = AdValue;
* Function Name : calculate_Thermistor
* Description :
* Input : None
* Output : None
* Return : None
* onther : qitiancun 2018-9-10
uint16_t Calculate_Thermistor(BL_STATE_PARA BLFunStatePara)
uint32_t resistance = 0u;
uint32_t TmpNTCADMax = 0u;
ThermistorList[ThermistorIndex] = BLFunStatePara.BL_User_NTC_AD;
TmpNTCADMax = BLFunStatePara.BL_User_NTC_AD_MAX * 10u;
ThermistorIndex = (ThermistorIndex + 1u) % 5u;
AD_SortShort(ThermistorList, 5u);
if ((ThermistorCurValue > (ThermistorList[2u] + 3u)) || ((ThermistorCurValue + 3u) < ThermistorList[2]))
if (ThermistorIndex > THERMISTLISTCN)
ThermistorIndex = 0;
ThermistorADValue = (ThermistorList[0] + ThermistorList[1] + ThermistorList[2] \
+ ThermistorList[3] + ThermistorList[4] + ThermistorList[5]) / 6;
if ((ThermistorCurValue > (ThermistorADValue + 3)) || ((ThermistorCurValue + 3) < ThermistorADValue))
ThermistorCurValue = ThermistorList[2];
ThermistorCurValue = ThermistorADValue;
ad 10K
......@@ -264,23 +252,24 @@ uint16_t Calculate_Thermistor(BL_STATE_PARA BLFunStatePara)
if (ThermistorCurValue)
resistance = ((TmpNTCADMax - (10u * ThermistorCurValue)) * 100u) / ThermistorCurValue;
resistance = ((40960 - (10u * ThermistorCurValue)) * 100u) / ThermistorCurValue;
resistance = 7851u;
return (uint16_t)resistance;
return resistance;
void BackLightDeal_NTC(BL_USER_PARA BL_FunPara, BL_STATE_PARA BLFunStatePara)
uint16_t tmpval;
uint16_t NTCresistance;
uint32_t NTCresistance;
uint16_t BacklightTftDestVal;
uint32_t tmpDestVal;
NTCresistance = Calculate_Thermistor(BLFunStatePara);
/* high temprature TFT decrease brightness*/
if ((NTCresistance >= 1607u) && (NTCresistance <= 1712u))
if ((NTCresistance >= 1507) && (NTCresistance <= 1712u))
CurBacklightLv = BACKLIGHT_LV80;
BackLightDerating = 1u;
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include "Data_Fuel_User.h"
#include "Menu.h"
#include "GUI.h"
#include "Analog_Signals.h"
typedef struct
......@@ -148,8 +149,8 @@ void BL_Management_service(void)
/*得到背光等级 可自己在枚举中定义 在BackGroundLight.c里填表*/
GetBGLLvl((BackLightVLv - 1), LED_Pos);
//DNC_NumValue = RTE_Read_NTC_R_Valid();
DNC_NumValue = Common_Get_NTCAD();
/*主函数中调用第一个参数电源状态 1是 ON档 2 off 第二个参数 唤醒条件 1是TTF唤醒 2 是表盘唤醒 3 是表盘和屏都有唤醒,0无唤醒*/
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
#define BACKLIGHT_LV100 0u
#define BACKLIGHT_LV80 1u
#define BACKLIGHT_LV40 2u
extern void SetBackLightOutput(uint8_t n, uint16_t val);
extern void SetBacklightDestVal(uint8_t n, const uint16_t val);
extern void SetBacklightCurVal(uint8_t n, uint16_t val);
......@@ -20,7 +22,5 @@ extern void BackLightDeal(BL_USER_PARA BL_FunPara, BL_STATE_PARA BLFunStatePara
extern void SetBacklightMinVal(uint8_t n, uint16_t val);
extern void BackLightDeal_NTC(BL_USER_PARA BL_FunPara, BL_STATE_PARA BLFunStatePara);
extern void AD_SwapShort(uint16_t *pData1, uint16_t *pData2);
extern void AD_SortShort(uint16_t SortData[], uint8_t len);
extern uint16_t Calculate_Thermistor(BL_STATE_PARA BLFunStatePara);
extern uint32_t Calculate_Thermistor(BL_STATE_PARA BLFunStatePara);
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
#include "r_typedefs.h"
#define ADC_RESOLUTION (4096U) /* 12bit ADC */
#define ADC_RESOLUTION (4095U) /* 12bit ADC */
......@@ -400,3 +400,8 @@ uint16_t ADC_Conv_Single_Channel(uint8_t u8ADCCh)
return u16Result;
uint16_t Common_Get_NTCAD(void)
return u16ADCSample[ADC_CH_NTC_R];
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ extern void Analog_Signal_Conv_Service(void);
extern uint16_t ADC_Read_Signal(uint8_t u8ADCCh);
extern uint8_t ADC_Read_Signal_Valid(uint8_t u8ADCCh);
extern uint16_t ADC_Conv_Single_Channel(uint8_t u8ADCCh);
uint16_t Common_Get_NTCAD(void);
/*! @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus
......@@ -238,6 +238,7 @@ void Sys_Run_Mode_50ms_Tasks(void)
// BGTask();
......@@ -252,7 +253,6 @@ void Sys_Run_Mode_50ms_Tasks(void)
//uint32_t YZHD_Count = 0;
void Sys_Run_Mode_100ms_Tasks(void)
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