Commit 7c419289 authored by hu's avatar hu


parent e6df2277
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project .intvect 1536
project .text 297644
project .text 297884
project .rodata 412311
project .secinfo 120
project .syscall 6
......@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
#include "CAN_Communication_Matrix.h"
#include "RTE_ADC.h"
//主负气压 数据处理 wangboyu
#include "Common_Interface.h"
//344 - 3.1.2.FRONT/REAR空气计显示
......@@ -256,8 +255,22 @@ void AirPressure_AdcData_Filter(void)
uint16_t PriVoltage = 0 ;
uint16_t SecVoltage = 0 ;
if ((K_Line_Set.K_Line_LID42 == 0x00) || (K_Line_Set.K_Line_LID42 == 0x02))
u8PriValid = RTE_Read_PRIMARY_AIR_Valid();
u8SecValid = RTE_Read_SECONDARY_AIR_Valid();
else if ((K_Line_Set.K_Line_LID42 == 0x01) || (K_Line_Set.K_Line_LID42 == 0x03))
u8PriValid = RTE_Read_SECONDARY_AIR_Valid();
u8SecValid = RTE_Read_PRIMARY_AIR_Valid();
else /*配置无效时*/
u8PriValid = RTE_Read_PRIMARY_AIR_Valid();
u8SecValid = RTE_Read_SECONDARY_AIR_Valid();
if (u8PriValid)
if (AirPressureFilter[PRI_ID].SumCnt < 10)
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