Commit b0c6d867 authored by hu's avatar hu

010 更换FLASH文件调整FLASH校验和

parent 8ae325eb
#define REAL_FLASHCHECKSUM 0x825000AFu
#define SPI_START_ADDR 0x10000000u
#define SPI_ADDR_RANGE 0x0699ADC0u
......@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
#define FState_COilTimeOutNum 60u /*3S*/
#define SystemSupplierECUHardwareVersionNumberApp ((uint16_t)(10301)) /*硬件版本号 HV:01.02.02*/
#define SystemSupplierECUSoftwareInformationApp ((uint16_t)(10009)) /*软件版本号 SV:01.01.05*/
#define systemSupplierECUFlashInformationApp ((uint16_t)(6)) /*FLASH版本号 FV:00.14*/
#define SystemSupplierECUSoftwareInformationApp ((uint16_t)(10010)) /*软件版本号 SV:01.01.05*/
#define systemSupplierECUFlashInformationApp ((uint16_t)(7)) /*FLASH版本号 FV:00.14*/
typedef struct
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