/*===========================================================================*/ /* Module = icu_feret.h */ /* Version = V3.03 */ /* generated by DeFiXRH850 */ /*===========================================================================*/ /* COPYRIGHT */ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Copyright (c) 2014 by Renesas Electronics Europe GmbH, */ /* a company of the Renesas Electronics Corporation */ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Purpose: Definition of ICU Macros */ /* */ /*===========================================================================*/ /* */ /* Warranty Disclaimer */ /* */ /* Because the Product(s) is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty */ /* of any kind whatsoever and expressly disclaimed and excluded by Renesas, */ /* either expressed or implied, including but not limited to those for */ /* non-infringement of intellectual property, merchantability and/or */ /* fitness for the particular purpose. */ /* Renesas shall not have any obligation to maintain, service or provide bug */ /* fixes for the supplied Product(s) and/or the Application. */ /* */ /* Each User is solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of */ /* using the Product(s) and assumes all risks associated with its exercise */ /* of rights under this Agreement, including, but not limited to the risks */ /* and costs of program errors, compliance with applicable laws, damage to */ /* or loss of data, programs or equipment, and unavailability or */ /* interruption of operations. */ /* */ /* Limitation of Liability */ /* */ /* In no event shall Renesas be liable to the User for any incidental, */ /* consequential, indirect, or punitive damage (including but not limited */ /* to lost profits) regardless of whether such liability is based on breach */ /* of contract, tort, strict liability, breach of warranties, failure of */ /* essential purpose or otherwise and even if advised of the possibility of */ /* such damages. Renesas shall not be liable for any services or products */ /* provided by third party vendors, developers or consultants identified or */ /* referred to the User by Renesas in connection with the Product(s) and/or */ /* the Application. */ /* */ /*===========================================================================*/ /* Environment: */ /* Device: RH850G3M core devices (with FPU) */ /* RH850G3K core devices (__HAS_FPU__ is undefined) */ /* IDE: GHS Multi for V800 V6.xx or later */ /*===========================================================================*/ #if defined (__ghs__) #pragma ghs startnomisra #endif #ifndef __ICU_FERET_H__ #define __ICU_FERET_H__ #define __HAS_FPU__ /* #undef __HAS_FPU__ */ asm void FETRAP_ENTRY( void) { pushsp lp-lp pushsp r1-r2 #if (__V800_registermode==32) pushsp r5-r31 #endif #if (__V800_registermode==26) pushsp r5-r16 -- r17 to r22 are reserved for user pushsp r23-r31 #endif #if (__V800_registermode==22) pushsp r5-r14 -- r15 to r24 are reserved for user pushsp r25-r31 #endif pushsp ep-ep stsr FEIC, r6, 0 -- FEIC stsr FEPSW, r7, 0 -- FEPSW stsr FEPC, r8, 0 -- FEPC #ifndef __V800_ignore_callt_state_in_interrupts__ stsr CTPSW, r9, 0 -- CTPSW stsr CTPC, r10, 0 -- CTPC #ifdef __HAS_FPU__ stsr FPSR, r11, 0 -- FPSR stsr FPEPC, r12, 0 -- FPEPC pushsp r6-r12 -- FPU and CALLT to save #else pushsp r6-r10 -- CALLT to save #endif /* __HAS_FPU__ */ #else /* do not save callt control registers */ #ifdef __HAS_FPU__ stsr FPSR, r9, 0 -- FPSR stsr FPEPC, r10, 0 -- FPEPC pushsp r6-r10 -- FPU reg to save #else pushsp r6-r8 -- no FPU and no CALLT #endif /* __HAS_FPU__ */ #endif /*__V800_ignore_callt_state_in_interrupts__*/ } asm void FETRAP_LEAVE( void) { #ifndef __V800_ignore_callt_state_in_interrupts__ #ifdef __HAS_FPU__ popsp r6-r12 ldsr r12, FPEPC, 0 -- FPEPC ldsr r11, FPSR, 0 -- FPSR ldsr r10, CTPC, 0 -- CTPC ldsr r9, CTPSW, 0 -- CTPSW #else popsp r6-r10 ldsr r10, CTPC, 0 -- CTPC ldsr r9, CTPSW, 0 -- CTPSW #endif /* __HAS_FPU__ */ #else /* do not restore callt control registers */ #ifdef __HAS_FPU__ popsp r6-r10 ldsr r10, FPEPC, 0 -- FPEPC ldsr r9, FPSR, 0 -- FPSR #else popsp r6-r8 #endif /* __HAS_FPU__ */ #endif /* __V800_ignore_callt_state_in_interrupts__ */ ldsr r8, FEPC, 0 -- FEPC ldsr r7, FEPSW, 0 -- FEPSW ldsr r6, FEIC, 0 -- FEIC popsp ep-ep #if (__V800_registermode==32) popsp r5-r31 #endif #if (__V800_registermode==26) popsp r23-r31 -- r17 to r22 are reserved for user popsp r5-r16 #endif #if (__V800_registermode==22) popsp r25-r31 -- r15 to r24 are reserved for user popsp r5-r14 #endif popsp r1-r2 popsp lp-lp feret } #define PRAGMA(x) _Pragma(#x) #define FETRAP_EXCEPTION( name, isr) \ __attribute__((noinline)) void isr( void); \ PRAGMA( ghs noprologue) \ void name( void) { \ FETRAP_ENTRY(); \ isr(); \ FETRAP_LEAVE(); \ } #if defined (__ghs__) #pragma ghs endnomisra #endif #endif /* __ICU_FERET_H__ */