/* **************************************************************************** PROJECT : Device Driver FILE : $Id: r_dev_api.h 13635 2017-06-02 06:04:10Z shinya.tomari $ ============================================================================ DESCRIPTION generic device API ============================================================================ C O P Y R I G H T ============================================================================ Copyright (c) 2017 by Renesas Electronics (Europe) GmbH. Arcadiastrasse 10 D-40472 Duesseldorf Germany All rights reserved. ============================================================================ Purpose: only for testing DISCLAIMER This software is supplied by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is only intended for use with Renesas products. No other uses are authorized. This software is owned by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is protected under all applicable laws, including copyright laws. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND RENESAS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, NEITHER RENESAS ELECTRONICS CORPORATION NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR ANY REASON RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF RENESAS OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Renesas reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this software and to discontinue the availability of this software. By using this software, you agree to the additional terms and conditions found by accessing the following link: http://www.renesas.com/disclaimer * Copyright (C) 2011 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. **************************************************************************** */ #ifndef R_DEV_API_H_ #define R_DEV_API_H_ /* Device specific includes (typedefs) */ #include "r_dev_clk_types.h" #include "r_dev_pin_types.h" #include "r_dev_int_types.h" #include "r_dev_guard_types.h" #include "r_dev_xorchk_types.h" /* if you don't wish to have debug output for a particular driver (but still want it globally enabled) then undef the R_DBG_PRINT_DEV_REGS in the corresponding file (before the inclusion of r_dev_api.h) ** Example from r_sys_gpio.c ** #ifndef R_DBG_SHOW_PIN_REGS #undef R_DBG_PRINT_DEV_REGS #endif #include "r_dev_api.h" ******************************* */ #if defined (R_DBG_PRINT_DEV_REGS) || defined (R_DBG_PRINT_MSG) #include <stdio.h> #include "r_dbg_api.h" #else #define R_DBG_PRINT(lvl, txt) #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /******************************************************************************* Title: Device API Api for device functions. */ /******************************************************************************* Section: Global Constants */ /******************************************************************************* Constant: R_BAD_ADDRESS Define an "illegal" address value. This can be used for validity checks. */ #define R_BAD_ADDRESS (0xFFFFFFFFu) /******************************************************************************* Macro: R_DEV_WRITE_REG Write register. SIZE allowed values are 8, 16, 32 */ #ifdef R_DBG_PRINT_DEV_REGS #define R_DEV_WRITE_REG(SIZE, ADDR, VALUE) {R_DBG_PrintRegCmd((SIZE), (ADDR), (VALUE)); *((volatile uint##SIZE##_t*)(ADDR)) = (VALUE);} #else #define R_DEV_WRITE_REG(SIZE, ADDR, VALUE) {(*((volatile uint##SIZE##_t*)(ADDR)) = (VALUE)); } #endif /******************************************************************************* Macro: R_DEV_WRITE_PROT_REG Write value to a protected register. Protected register are always 32bit wide */ #if defined (__ghs__) #pragma ghs startnomisra #endif /* __ghs */ #ifdef R_DBG_PRINT_DEV_REGS #define R_DEV_WRITE_PROT_REG(PROT_ADDR, ADDR, VALUE) {\ uint32_t prot_stat = 0; \ uint32_t new_val = 0; \ do { \ *((volatile uint32_t*)(PROT_ADDR)) = (0x000000a5);\ *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)) = (VALUE);\ *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)) = (uint32_t)(~(uint32_t)(VALUE));\ *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)) = (VALUE);\ prot_stat = *((volatile uint32_t*)((PROT_ADDR) + 4u)); \ new_val = *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)); \ } while ((new_val != (VALUE)) && (prot_stat != 0));\ R_DBG_PRINT(R_DBG_MSG_INFO, "Writing protected register with protection address " #ADDR); \ R_DBG_PrintRegCmd(32, (ADDR), (VALUE));} #else #define R_DEV_WRITE_PROT_REG(PROT_ADDR, ADDR, VALUE) {\ uint32_t prot_stat = 0; \ uint32_t new_val = 0; \ do { \ *((volatile uint32_t*)(PROT_ADDR)) = (0x000000a5);\ *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)) = (VALUE);\ *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)) = (uint32_t)(~(uint32_t)(VALUE));\ *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)) = (VALUE);\ prot_stat = *((volatile uint32_t*)((PROT_ADDR) + 4u)); \ new_val = *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)); \ } while ((new_val != (VALUE)) && (prot_stat != 0));} #endif #if defined (__ghs__) #pragma ghs endnomisra #endif /******************************************************************************* Macro: R_DEV_WRITE_PORT_PROT_REG Write value to a protected port register. Protected port register sequence is special, because Port register protection does not read back from dedicated status register but from protected register itself. (see step 4 in D1LM UM v2.10 chapter below figure 2.8 / or D1LM OPC item 23) */ #if defined (__ghs__) #pragma ghs startnomisra #endif /* __ghs */ #ifdef R_DBG_PRINT_DEV_REGS #define R_DEV_WRITE_PORT_PROT_REG(PROT_ADDR, ADDR, VALUE) {\ uint32_t new_val = 0; \ do { \ *((volatile uint32_t*)(PROT_ADDR)) = (0x000000a5);\ *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)) = (VALUE);\ *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)) = (uint32_t)(~(uint32_t)(VALUE));\ *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)) = (VALUE);\ new_val = *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)); \ } while (new_val != (VALUE));\ R_DBG_PRINT(R_DBG_MSG_INFO, "Writing protected port register with protection address " #ADDR); \ R_DBG_PrintRegCmd(32, (ADDR), (VALUE));} #else #define R_DEV_WRITE_PORT_PROT_REG(PROT_ADDR, ADDR, VALUE) {\ uint32_t new_val = 0; \ do { \ *((volatile uint32_t*)(PROT_ADDR)) = (0x000000a5);\ *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)) = (VALUE);\ *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)) = (uint32_t)(~(uint32_t)(VALUE));\ *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)) = (VALUE);\ new_val = *((volatile uint32_t*)(ADDR)); \ } while (new_val != (VALUE));} #endif #if defined (__ghs__) #pragma ghs endnomisra #endif /******************************************************************************* Macro: R_DEV_READ_REG Read register. SIZE allowed values are 8, 16, 32 */ #ifdef R_DBG_PRINT_DEV_REGS #define R_DEV_READ_REG(SIZE, ADDR) (R_DBG_PrintRegRead##SIZE##((ADDR))) #else #define R_DEV_READ_REG(SIZE, ADDR) ((*((volatile uint##SIZE##_t*)((ADDR))))) #endif /******************************************************************************* Macro: R_DEV_ERROR Display an additional error message (in case od activeated Debug output) And call the device error handler */ #define R_DEV_ERROR(Unit, DevErr, Txt) {\ R_DISPLAY_ERROR(Txt); R_DEV_ErrorHandler((Unit), (uint32_t)(DevErr));} /******************************************************************************* Section: Global Types */ /******************************************************************************* Enum: r_dev_Error_t Device error codes. Values: R_DEV_ERR_OK - No error R_DEV_ERR_NG - Unspecified error R_DEV_ERR_UNIT - Wrong instance number R_DEV_ERR_INTR - Wrong interrupt number R_DEV_ERR_IDX - Wrong index R_DEV_ERR_REG - bad register (address) R_DEV_ERR_RANGE - parameter limit violation R_DEV_ERR_LAST - Delimiter */ typedef enum { R_DEV_ERR_OK = 0x0000u, R_DEV_ERR_NG = 0x0001u, R_DEV_ERR_UNIT = 0x0002u, R_DEV_ERR_INTR = 0x0004u, R_DEV_ERR_IDX = 0x0008u, R_DEV_ERR_REG = 0x0010u, R_DEV_ERR_RANGE = 0x0020u, R_DEV_ERR_PARAM = 0x0040u, R_DEV_ERR_LAST } r_dev_Error_t; /******************************************************************************* Enum: r_dev_Device_t Device list Values: R_DEV_R7F7014OFFS - Start Offset of D1LM family R_DEV_R7F701416 - R7F701416 R_DEV_R7F701417 - R7F701417 R_DEV_R7F701400 - R7F701400 R_DEV_R7F701401 - D1L1 R_DEV_R7F701402 - D1L2 R_DEV_R7F701403 - D1L2H R_DEV_R7F701404 - D1M1_3.75M R_DEV_R7F701405 - D1M1_5M R_DEV_R7F701442 - D1M1-V2 R_DEV_R7F701406 - D1M1H_3.75M R_DEV_R7F701407 - D1M1H_5M R_DEV_R7F701418 - R7F701418 R_DEV_R7F701441 - D1M1A_4M R_DEV_R7F701408 - D1M2_3.75M R_DEV_R7F701410 - D1M2_5M R_DEV_R7F701411 - D1M2H_3.75M R_DEV_R7F701412 - D1M2H_5M R_DEV_R7F701460 - R7F701460 R_DEV_R7F701444 - R7F701444 R_DEV_UNKNOWN_DEVICE - Unknown device */ typedef enum { R_DEV_UNKNOWN_DEVICE , R_DEV_R7F7014OFFS = 1400, R_DEV_R7F701400 = R_DEV_R7F7014OFFS, R_DEV_R7F701401 , R_DEV_R7F701402 , R_DEV_R7F701403 , R_DEV_R7F701404 , R_DEV_R7F701405 , R_DEV_R7F701406 , R_DEV_R7F701407 , R_DEV_R7F701408 , R_DEV_R7F701410 = 1410, R_DEV_R7F701411 , R_DEV_R7F701412 , R_DEV_R7F701416 = 1416, R_DEV_R7F701417 = 1417, R_DEV_R7F701418 = 1418, R_DEV_R7F701441 = 1441, R_DEV_R7F701442 = 1442, R_DEV_R7F701444 = 1444, R_DEV_R7F701460 = 1460, R_DEV_LAST_DX_DEV } r_dev_Device_t; /******************************************************************************* Enum: r_dev_Device_Revision_t Device Revision number Values: R_DEV_REVISION_1V0 - V1.0 R_DEV_REVISION_1V1 - V1.1 R_DEV_REVISION_1V2 - V1.2 R_DEV_REVISION_2V0 - V2.0 R_DEV_REVISION_2V1 - V2.1 R_DEV_REVISION_2V2 - V2.2 R_DEV_REVISION_3V0 - V3.0 R_DEV_REVISION_EMU - special revision of R7F701460 Emulation POD R_DEV_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_REVISION - Unknown device revision Devise revision (version) is given in the format 0xAABB, where AA is the mayor revision number and BB is the minor revision number. e.g. "0x0102" is the device revision "V1.2" */ typedef enum { R_DEV_UNKNOWN_DEVICE_REVISION = 0x000, R_DEV_REVISION_1V0 = 0x100, R_DEV_REVISION_1V1 = 0x101, R_DEV_REVISION_1V2 = 0x102, R_DEV_REVISION_2V0 = 0x200, R_DEV_REVISION_2V1 = 0x201, R_DEV_REVISION_2V2 = 0x202, R_DEV_REVISION_3V0 = 0x300, R_DEV_REVISION_EMU = 0xFFF, R_DEV_LAST_DEV_REV } r_dev_Device_Revision_t; /******************************************************************************* Enum: r_dev_SysCall_t Commands that can be executed with elevated rights. Values: R_DEV_SYSCALL_SUPERVISOR_MODE - Switch to Supervisor Mode R_DEV_SYSCALL_USER_MODE - Switch to User Mode R_DEV_SYSCALL_CONFIGURE_PBG - Configure PB Guard R_DEV_SYSCALL_LAST - Unknown device */ typedef enum { R_DEV_SYSCALL_SU, R_DEV_SYSCALL_SUPERVISOR_MODE = R_DEV_SYSCALL_SU, R_DEV_SYSCALL_USER_MODE, R_DEV_SYSCALL_CONFIGURE_PBG, R_DEV_SYSCALL_LAST } r_dev_SysCall_t; /******************************************************************************* Section: Global API Functions */ /******************************************************************************* Error handling */ /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_ErrorHandler Central device error function. When a driver detects any error, it might call this function. In case there is a registered error callback user function, it will be called. If a user handler is missing an endless loop is entered. Parameters: Unit - Instance number Error - Error code, see <r_dev_Error_t> for some examples Returns: void */ void R_DEV_ErrorHandler(uint32_t Unit, uint32_t Error); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_SetErrorCallback Set a user function as an the error handler. Parameters: *ErrorHandler - a pointer to a user function (callback) with two paramerters (unit and error number) Returns: void */ void R_DEV_SetErrorCallback(void(*ErrorCallback )(uint32_t Unit, uint32_t Error)); /******************************************************************************* Interrupt handling */ /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_Prepare Prepare Device - Clear all device settings Returns: void */ void R_DEV_Prepare (void); /******************************************************************************* Function: void R_DEV_IntSetPrio Set the priority for the given interrupt. Parameters: int32_t - interrupt number, see <r_dev_IntSel_t> */ void R_DEV_IntSetPrio(r_dev_IntSel_t Int, uint8_t Prio); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_IntEnable Enable or disable the given interrupt. Parameters: int32_t - interrupt number, see <r_dev_IntSel_t> Enable - enable(1) or disable(0) */ void R_DEV_IntEnable(r_dev_IntSel_t Int, uint8_t Enable); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_IntClearFlag Clear the interrupt pending flag for the given interrupt. Parameters: int32_t - interrupt number, see <r_dev_IntSel_t> Returns: void */ void R_DEV_IntClearFlag(r_dev_IntSel_t Int); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_IntSetFlag Set the interrupt pending flag for the given interrupt. Parameters: int32_t - interrupt number, see <r_dev_IntSel_t> Returns: void */ void R_DEV_IntSetFlag(r_dev_IntSel_t Int); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_IntGetFlag Get the interrupt pending flag value for the given interrupt. Parameters: int32_t - interrupt number, see <r_dev_IntSel_t> Returns: == 1 - the pending flag is set != 1 - the pending flag is not set */ uint8_t R_DEV_IntGetFlag(r_dev_IntSel_t Int); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_IntGetMask Get the interrupt mask status for the given interrupt. Parameters: int32_t - interrupt number, see <r_dev_IntSel_t> Returns: == 1 - Interrupt masked (disabled) != 1 - Interrupt enabled */ uint8_t R_DEV_IntGetMask(r_dev_IntSel_t Int); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_IntSetMode Set the interrupt handling mode for the given interrupt Parameters: Int - interrupt number, see <r_dev_IntSel_t> Mode - ISR handling mode, 1: Table look up mode, similar to previous devices 0: Priority group mode Returns: void */ void R_DEV_IntSetMode(r_dev_IntSel_t Int, uint8_t Mode); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_FeNmiIsr ISR for handling the FE-NMI interrupt(s) Parameters: void Returns: void */ void R_DEV_FeNmiIsr(void); /******************************************************************************* Pin handling */ /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_PinConfig Parameters: PinCfg - pointer to pin config structure, see <r_dev_PinConfig_t> Returns: = 1 - Success != 1 - Fail */ uint8_t R_DEV_PinConfig(const r_dev_PinConfig_t * PinCfg); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_PinInit Performs PinConfig for each valid line of te config array Treats the given pointer as an array and scans until the the predefined delimiter value is reached Parameters: PinCfg - pointer to pin config structure, see <r_dev_PinConfig_t> Returns: void */ void R_DEV_PinInit(const r_dev_PinConfig_t * PinCfg); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_PinOutStateGet Set the global state of the device output (disabled or enabled) Parameters: State - The global output state 1: Output enabled 0: Output disabled Returns: void */ void R_DEV_PinOutStateSet(uint8_t State); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_PinOutStateGet Get the global state of the device output (disabled or enabled) Parameters: void Returns: 1: Output enabled 0: Output disabled */ uint8_t R_DEV_PinOutStateGet(void); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_PinGetRegAddr Return the address of the given register for the given port Parameters: Reg - register name, see <r_dev_PinRegs_t> Port - Port number Returns: Address of the register */ uint32_t R_DEV_PinGetRegAddr(r_dev_PinRegs_t Reg, uint32_t Port); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_PinGetRegAddrExt Return the address of the given register for the given port Parameters: Reg - register name, see <r_dev_PinRegs_t> Port - Port number Pin - Pin number (only requrired for R_DEV_PIN_REG_PCR register address) Returns: Address of the register */ uint32_t R_DEV_PinGetRegAddrExt(r_dev_PinRegs_t Reg, uint32_t Port, uint32_t Pin); /******************************************************************************* Xor check unit handling */ #ifdef DEV_XORCHK_TYPES_H_ /******************************************************************************* Type: r_dev_xorchk_Parameter_t XORCHK macro configuration data Members: SampleRejectAbility - number of samples until signal is requected (2 .. 5) SampleClockPrescaler - prescaler for sampling (0 .. 7) -> equals 2^SampleClockPrescaler */ typedef struct { uint32_t SampleRejectAbility; uint32_t SampleClockPrescaler; } r_dev_xorchk_Parameter_t; /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_Xorchk_Config Xor check unit configuration function. Parameters: Func - Xor check function see <r_dev_XorchkFunc_t> Config - configuration parameters Returns: none */ void R_DEV_Xorchk_Config(r_dev_XorchkFunc_t Func, r_dev_xorchk_Parameter_t *Config); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_Xorchk_FunctionCheckEnable Enable or disables the signal check by Xor check unit. Parameters: Func - Xor check function see <r_dev_XorchkFunc_t> Enable - R_TRUE to enable / R_FALSE to disable function checking Returns: none */ void R_DEV_Xorchk_FunctionCheckEnable(r_dev_XorchkFunc_t Func, uint8_t Enable); #endif /* DEV_XORCHK_TYPES_H_ */ /******************************************************************************* Clock handling */ /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_ClkPrepare Clock driver preparation Clears all internal module configuration Returns: none */ void R_DEV_ClkPrepare(void); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_ClkGenInitStore Clock genrators init function is called in the low init phase, This function just is meant to store the relevant information in the device clock structures. The struectures are overwritten (cleared) after the low init, so this function is required to (re)store the settings Parameters: ClkGenCfg - pointer to the Clock generator configuration, see <r_dev_ClkGenConfig_t> Returns: none */ void R_DEV_ClkGenInitStore(r_dev_ClkGenConfig_t * ClkGenCfg); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_ClkGenInit Clock genrators init function Parameters: ClkGenCfg - pointer to the Clock generator configuration, see <r_dev_ClkGenConfig_t> ClkSelCfg - pointer to clock domains configuration, see <r_dev_ClkSelConfig_t> Returns: none */ void R_DEV_ClkGenInit(r_dev_ClkGenConfig_t * ClkGenCfg, const r_dev_ClkSelConfig_t * ClkSelCfg) ; /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_ClkIdSet Configure a clock domain. Set the appropriate clock selector. Parameters: ClkSelCfg - Clock selector register settings, see <r_dev_ClkSelConfig_t> Returns: == R_ERR_OK - Success , see <r_Error_t> != R_ERR_OK - Fail , see <r_Error_t> */ r_Error_t R_DEV_ClkIdSet(const r_dev_ClkSelConfig_t * ClkSelCfg); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_FoutDivSet Set the divider for FOUT Parameters: Div - divider value (0 - disabled or 1,..,63) Returns: == R_ERR_OK - success != R_ERR_OK - fail */ r_Error_t R_DEV_FoutDivSet(uint16_t Div); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_ClkSelection Clock genrators init function Parses a configutaton table until the delimiter is found Parameters: ClkSelCfg - pointer Clock selector register settings, see <r_dev_ClkSelConfig_t> Returns: none */ void R_DEV_ClkSelection(const r_dev_ClkSelConfig_t * ClkSelCfg); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_ClkGenActive Returns the status of a given clock source. Parameters: ClkGen - Clock source, see <r_dev_ClkGen_t> Returns: == R_ERR_OK - The given generator is active != R_ERR_OK - The given generator is disabled */ uint8_t R_DEV_ClkGenActive(r_dev_ClkGen_t ClkGen); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_ClkGenStop Disable/Stop the given clock source. Parameters: ClkGen - Clock source, see <r_dev_ClkGen_t> Returns: == R_ERR_OK - Success , see <r_Error_t> != R_ERR_OK - Fail , see <r_Error_t> */ r_Error_t R_DEV_ClkGenStop(r_dev_ClkGen_t ClkGen); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_ClkGenStart Start the given clock source. Parameters: ClkGen - Clock source, see <r_dev_ClkGen_t> Returns: == R_ERR_OK - Success , see <r_Error_t> != R_ERR_OK - Fail , see <r_Error_t> */ r_Error_t R_DEV_ClkGenStart(r_dev_ClkGen_t ClkGen); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_SetGenStopMask Set the deep stop mask for the gicen clock generator. Parameters: ClkGen - Clock source, see <r_dev_ClkGen_t> Val - 1/0 Set or clear stop mask Returns: == R_ERR_OK - Success , see <r_Error_t> != R_ERR_OK - Fail , see <r_Error_t> */ r_Error_t R_DEV_SetGenStopMask(r_dev_ClkGen_t ClkGen, uint8_t Val); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_ClkSelected Returns the numeric Id of the assigned clock input Parameters: ClkSel - Clock selector, see <r_dev_ClkSel_t> Returns: - The (numeric) Id of the active clock set for the given selector - Null in case no clock is selected or the selection is not active (due to a stopped clck source or invalid assignment) */ uint8_t R_DEV_ClkSelected(r_dev_ClkSel_t ClkSel); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_ClkFrequencyHz Returns the Frequency in Hz of the assigned clock input. Parameters: ClkSel - Clock source, see <r_dev_ClkSel_t> Returns: - The actually selected frequency in Hz - 0 in case no clock is selected or the selection is not active (due to a stopped clck source or invalid assignment) */ uint32_t R_DEV_ClkFrequencyHz(r_dev_ClkSel_t ClkSel); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_GetClkConfig Returns the Frequency in Hz of the assigned clock input together with actual clock configuration. The passed structure (ClkData) needs the Cks to be set, the other values are then filled in by this function. Parameters: ClkData - Pointer to the config structure, see <r_dev_ClkSelConfig_t> - Returns: - The actually selected frequency in Hz - 0 in case no clock is selected or the selection is not active (due to a stopped clck source or invalid assignment) */ uint32_t R_DEV_GetClkConfig(r_dev_ClkSelConfig_t *ClkData); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_BusFrequencyHz Returns the PCLK (aka APB Clock) Frequency in Hz Parameters: void Returns: - Frequency in Hz */ uint32_t R_DEV_BusFrequencyHz(r_dev_Bus_t Bus); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_EnableFlashCache Enable or disable the code cache Parameters: Enable - 0: Disable cache, !=0: enable cache Returns: == R_ERR_OK - Success , see <r_Error_t> != R_ERR_OK - Fail , see <r_Error_t> */ r_Error_t R_DEV_EnableFlashCache(uint8_t Enable); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_Nop A function doing exactly one nop (in assembler). It's implemented instead of asm("nop") because some MISRA gurus think it's a good idea to have a extra function declaration and an extra assembler file instead of one simple instruction (Rule 2.1) Parameters: void Returns: void */ void R_DEV_Nop(void); /*********************************************************** Function: _R_DEV_SyncP CPU pipeline sync (assembler routine) Parameters: none */ void R_DEV_SyncP(void); /*********************************************************** Function: _R_DEV_SyncM CPU memory sync (assembler routine) Parameters: none */ void R_DEV_SyncM(void); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_GetDev Function returns the device name. The regiters PRDNAME3 and PRDNAME2 are used to "sortet out" the correct device Parameters: void Returns: device name, see <r_dev_Device_t> */ r_dev_Device_t R_DEV_GetDev(void); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_GetVersion Function returns the device version. Parameters: void Returns: device name, see <r_dev_Device_t> */ uint32_t R_DEV_GetVersion(void); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_GetDevName Function returns the device name as a human readable string. Parameters: void Returns: device name string, see <r_dev_Device_t> */ const char * R_DEV_GetDevName(void); /******************************************************************************* Syscalls */ /******************************************************************************* Function: R_DEV_SysCall Switch to supervisor mode and internally call 'R_DEV_SysCallElevated'. This function is usually written in assembly language. Parametes: Cmd - System call command Par1 - Parameter 1 Par2 - Parameter 2 Par3 - Parameter 3 Returns: Return value depends on command */ uint32_t R_DEV_SysCall(r_dev_SysCall_t Cmd, void *Par1, void *Par2, void *Par3); uint32_t R_DEV_SysCallElevated(r_dev_SysCall_t Cmd, void *Par1, void *Par2, void *Par3); float32_t R_DEV_SQRTF(float32_t val); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* R_DEV_API_H_ */