Protocol_Lib.c 8.08 KB
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 * @file        Protocol_Lib.c
 * @brief       串口协议解析
 * @details     串口协议解析
 * @author      myliu
 * @date        2022.05.09
 * @version     V1.0
 * @copyright   myiu

#include "stdio.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "Protocol_CRC16.h"
// #include "debugger.h"
static UARTOpen          UARTOpen_Cbk;
static UARTSend          UARTSend_Cbk;
static UARTRead          UARTRead_Cbk;
static ProcParse         ProcParseCbk;
static UARTClose         UARTClose_Cbk;
static ProtocolSetData   ProtocolSetData_Cbk;
static Protocol_uint8_t *mDataBufPtr   = Protocol_NULL;
static Protocol_uint16_t  mDataBufLen   = 0;
static Protocol_uint32_t DataBufMaxLen = 0;
//#define DEBUG_PRO_DATA 0
 * @brief 初始化函数
 * @param[in] pMemSpace 分配给协议库的内存空间,用来缓存串口数据
 * @param[in] MemLen    分配的内存空间大小
 * @param[in] pFunc     回调函数,包括串口打开、发送、读取、关闭,也包括解析后数据回传
 * @param[in] ProcParseCbk 此回调函数,返回数据从FrameNo开始到CRC16之前,和ProtocolSetData_Cbk二选一
 * @param[in] ProtocolSetData_Cbk 此回调函数,返回数据区分命令字、电源状态等,和ProcParseCbk二选一,详见结构体Protocol_Data_t
 * @warning 此函数KL30和Wakeup都要调用,否则未分配内存,功能不好使,也有可能造成野指针复位
 * @since 1.0.0
void Protocol_Init(Protocol_uint8_t *pMemSpace, Protocol_uint32_t MemLen, Protocol_Func_t *pFunc)
    mDataBufPtr         = pMemSpace;
    DataBufMaxLen       = MemLen;
    UARTOpen_Cbk        = pFunc->UARTOpen_Cbk;
    UARTSend_Cbk        = pFunc->UARTSend_Cbk;
    UARTRead_Cbk        = pFunc->UARTRead_Cbk;
    ProcParseCbk        = pFunc->ProcParseCbk;
    UARTClose_Cbk       = pFunc->UARTClose_Cbk;
    ProtocolSetData_Cbk = pFunc->ProtocolSetData_Cbk;

    if ( UARTOpen_Cbk != Protocol_NULL )
        UARTOpen_Cbk( );


 * @brief 串口协议服务函数,包括读取数据,解析数据,如在外部读取数据,可不调用此函数
 * @warning 此函数可自定义周期调用,建议20ms周期调用,最大不可超过协议的最小发送周期
 * @since 1.0.0
void Protocol_Service(void)
    int               len;
    Protocol_uint32_t readNum = 0;

    if ( UARTRead_Cbk != Protocol_NULL )
        readNum = UARTRead_Cbk(mDataBufPtr + mDataBufLen, 256 - mDataBufLen);
        if ( readNum > 0 )
            mDataBufLen += readNum;
            // 解析协议
            len = Protocol_Parse(mDataBufPtr, mDataBufLen);
            if ( (len > 0) && (len < mDataBufLen) )
                // 将未解析的数据移到头部
                // Move unparsed data to the head
                memcpy(mDataBufPtr, mDataBufPtr + len, mDataBufLen - len);

            mDataBufLen -= len;

 * @brief 协议解析函数,如外部获取数据(例如中断),可直接调用此函数解析数据
 * @param[in] pData     协议数据内容
 * @param[in] len       需要处理的协议数据长度
 * @return    剩余已处理的数据长度
 * @since 1.0.0
Protocol_uint32_t Protocol_Parse(const Protocol_uint8_t *pData, Protocol_uint32_t len)
    Protocol_uint32_t remainLen = len;    // 剩余数据长度 Remaining data length
    Protocol_uint32_t dataLen;            // 数据包长度 Packet length
    Protocol_uint32_t frameLen;           // 帧长度 Frame length
    Protocol_uint32_t frameSum;
    Protocol_Data_t   ProcData;
    int               i = 0;
    int               dataBuf [ 256 ];

     * 以下部分需要根据协议格式进行相应的修改,解析出每一帧的数据
    while ( remainLen >= DATA_PACKAGE_MIN_LEN )
        // 找到一帧数据的数据头
        // Find the data header of a frame of data
        while ( (remainLen >= 2) && ((pData [ 0 ] != CMD_HEAD1) || (pData [ 1 ] != CMD_HEAD2)) )

        if ( remainLen < DATA_PACKAGE_MIN_LEN )

            // d_printf("too short!!!!!!\n");

        dataLen  = pData [ 2 ];
        frameLen = dataLen + DATA_PACKAGE_FIXED_LEN;
        if ( frameLen > remainLen )
            // 数据内容不全

            // d_printf("Incomplete data packet!!!!!!\n");

        // 打印一帧数据,需要时在CommDef.h文件中打开DEBUG_PRO_DATA宏
        for (  i = 0; i < frameLen; ++i )
            // d_printf("%x ", pData [ i ]);
        // d_printf("\n");

        // 检测校验码 Checksum
        frameSum = (pData [ frameLen - 2 ] << 8) | (pData [ frameLen - 1 ]);
        if ( getCheckSum(pData + 2, frameLen - 4) == frameSum )
            // 解析一帧数据
            if ( ProcParseCbk != Protocol_NULL )
                ProcParseCbk(pData + 3, dataLen - 2);

            if ( ProtocolSetData_Cbk != Protocol_NULL )
                ProcData.FrameNo  = pData [ 3 ];
                ProcData.PowerSts = (pData [ 4 ] >> 6) & 0x03;
                ProcData.CmdID    = pData [ 4 ] & 0x3F;
                if ( ProcData.CmdID == 0x10 )
                  #ifdef DEBUG_PRO_DATA
                    for ( i = 0; i < frameLen; ++i )
                    //   d_printf("%x ", pData [ i ]);
                    // d_printf("\n");
                if ( ProcData.CmdID == 0x12 )
                  #ifdef DEBUG_PRO_DATA
                    for ( i = 0; i < frameLen; ++i )
                    //   d_printf("%x ", pData [ i ]);
                    // d_printf("\n");
                ProcData.DataLen = dataLen - 4;
                memcpy(ProcData.Data, pData + 5, ProcData.DataLen);
            for ( i = 0; i < frameLen; ++i )
                dataBuf [ i ] = pData [ i ];
            i = 0;

            // d_printf("CheckSum error: new = %x, old = %x!!!!!!\n", getCheckSum(pData + 2, frameLen - 4), frameSum);

        pData += frameLen;
        remainLen -= frameLen;

    return len - remainLen;

 * 根据协议格式进行拼接
 * @brief 串口协议数据拼接,如初始化发送函数,调用此函数后,数据已通过串口发送
 * @param[in] cmdID     命令字
 * @param[in] pData     协议数据内容(不包括协议头、长度、帧序号、命令字、校验和,从数据域算起)
 * @param[in] len       数据域长度
 * @return    已发送的数据长度
 * @since 1.0.0
Protocol_uint32_t Protocol_Send(const Protocol_uint16_t cmdID, const Protocol_uint8_t *pData, Protocol_uint8_t len)
    int               i        = 0;
    Protocol_uint16_t checksum = 0;
    Protocol_uint8_t  dataBuf [ 256 ];
    Protocol_uint32_t frameLen;

    if ( len + DATA_PACKAGE_MIN_LEN > 256 )
        // printf("sendProtocol data is too len !!!\n");
        return 0;

    dataBuf [ 0 ] = CMD_HEAD1;
    dataBuf [ 1 ] = CMD_HEAD2;    // 同步帧头 Sync frame header

    dataBuf [ 2 ] = len + 4;
    dataBuf [ 3 ] = 0;    // 命令字节 Command byte

    dataBuf [ 4 ] = ( Protocol_uint8_t )cmdID;

    frameLen = 5;

    // 数据 Data
    for ( i = 0; i < len; ++i ) 
        dataBuf [ frameLen ] = pData [ i ];

    // 校验码 Checksum
    checksum             = getCheckSum(dataBuf + 2, frameLen - 2);
    dataBuf [ frameLen ] = (checksum >> 8) & 0x00FF;
    dataBuf [ frameLen ] = checksum & 0x00FF;

    if ( UARTSend_Cbk != Protocol_NULL )
        return UARTSend_Cbk(dataBuf, frameLen);
        return 0;