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#ifndef __ADC_H__
#define __ADC_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "common.h"

#define ADC_Start_Cmp                           ((uint8_t)0x80)       
#define ADC_Enable                              ((uint8_t)0x01) 

typedef enum
	ADC_ScanChanRes_NoId    = 0x00,  
	ADC_ScanChanRes_WithId   = 0x02
} ADC_ScanChanRes_t;

typedef enum
	ADC_Mode_Select = 0x00,  
	ADC_Mode_Scan   = 0x80
#define IS_ADC_MODE(MODE)			((MODE == ADC_Mode_Select) || (MODE == ADC_Mode_Scan))

typedef enum
	ADC_ConvSpeed_High  		= 0x00,  //high speed up to 64Mhz
	ADC_ConvSpeed_LowCurrent    = 0x03  //low current speed up to 27Mhz

typedef enum
	ADC_Prescaler_Div32  = 0x00,  
	ADC_Prescaler_Div16  = 0x01,
	ADC_Prescaler_Div8   = 0x02,
	ADC_Prescaler_Div4   = 0x03,
	ADC_Prescaler_Div2   = 0x04,
	ADC_Prescaler_Div1   = 0x05,

typedef enum
	ADC_Ref_Vdd      = 0x00,
	ADC_Ref_Extern   = 0x01,
	ADC_Ref_Internal = 0x10,	

typedef enum
	ADC_ExternalTrig_Software = 0x00,
	ADC_ExternalTrig_Hardware_NoWait = 0x80,
	ADC_ExternalTrig_Hardware_Wait = 0xC0,	
#define IS_ADC_TRIGGER(trig)		( (trig == ADC_ExternalTrig_Software)   	|| \
									  (trig == ADC_ExternalTrig_Hardware_NoWait)|| \
									  (trig == ADC_ExternalTrig_Hardware_Wait) )

#define ADC_UpLimit_Setting                             ((uint8_t)0xFF)
#define ADC_LowLimit_Setting                            ((uint8_t)0x00)

#define ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_5p5Cycles                 ((uint8_t)0x05) // 5.5 clk
#define ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_8p5Cycles                 ((uint8_t)0x08) // 8.5 clk
#define ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_10p5Cycles                ((uint8_t)0x0A) // 10.5 clk
#define ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_13p5Cycles                ((uint8_t)0x0D) // 13.5 clk
#define ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_17p5Cycles                ((uint8_t)0x11) // 17.5 clk
#define ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_21p5Cycles                ((uint8_t)0x15) // 21.5 clk
#define ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_255p5Cycles               ((uint8_t)0xFF) // 255.5 clk

typedef enum
    ADTES_Normal = 0U,      /* normal */
    ADTES_Zero_Code = 1U,   /* zero code test */
    ADTES_Half_Code = 3U,   /* half code test */
    ADTES_Full_Code = 5U,   /* full code test */
    ADTES_Free_Code = 6U    /* free code test */
} ADC_Test_t;

typedef enum
	ADC_HardwareTrig_INTTM01 = 0x00, // TIM1 count end or capture end interrupt
	ADC_HardwareTrig_ELC     = 0x01, // ELC 
	ADC_HardwareTrig_INTRTC  = 0x02, // RTC
	ADC_HardwareTrig_INTIT   = 0x03, // Interval timer interrupt
} ADC_HardwareTrig_t;
#define IS_ADC_HARDTRIGGER(trig)	( (trig == ADC_HardwareTrig_INTTM01)  || \
									  (trig == ADC_HardwareTrig_ELC)   	  || \
									  (trig == ADC_HardwareTrig_INTRTC)   || \
									  (trig == ADC_HardwareTrig_ELC)  )
#define	ADC_ScanNum_2	2
#define	ADC_ScanNum_3	3
#define	ADC_ScanNum_4	4

#define	ADC_Sign_Enable		0x01
#define	ADC_Sign_Disable	0x00

typedef struct
	uint8_t ADC_ScanNum;
	uint8_t ADC_ChannelSign;

typedef enum
    ADC_Channel_0	= 0U,    //P20
	ADC_Channel_1	= 1U,    //P21
	ADC_Channel_2 	= 2U,    //P22
	ADC_Channel_3 	= 3U,    //P23
	ADC_Channel_4 	= 4U,    //P24
	ADC_Channel_5 	= 5U,    //P25
	ADC_Channel_6 	= 6U,    //P26
	ADC_Channel_7 	= 7U,    //P27
	ADC_Channel_8 	= 8U,    //P11
	ADC_Channel_9 	= 9U,    //P10
	ADC_Channel_10	= 10U,   //P00 
	ADC_Channel_11 	= 11U,   //P01
	ADC_Channel_12 	= 12U,   //P147 
#if defined(BAT32G1XX_64PIN) || defined(BAT32G1XX_80PIN) || defined(BAT32G1XX_100PIN)
	ADC_Channel_13	= 13U,    //P04 
	ADC_Channel_14 	= 14U,    //P120 	
	ADC_Channel_15	 = 15U,   //P146 
#if defined(BAT32G1XX_80PIN) || defined(BAT32G1XX_100PIN)
	ADC_Channel_16	 = 16U,   //P100 
	ADC_Channel_17	 = 17U,   //P150 
	ADC_Channel_18	 = 18U,   //P151 
	ADC_Channel_19	 = 19U,   //P152 
	ADC_Channel_20	 = 20U,   //P153	
#if defined(BAT32G1XX_100PIN) 
	ADC_Channel_21	 = 21U,   //P154 
	ADC_Channel_22	 = 22U,   //P155
	ADC_Channel_23	 = 23U,   //P156
	ADC_Channel_24	 = 24U,   //P101
	ADC_Channel_25	 = 25U,   //P102
	ADC_Channel_26	 = 26U,   //P144
	ADC_Channel_27	 = 27U,   //P145	
	ADC_Channel_OFF = 31U,   
	ADC_Channel_PGA0 = 32U,
	ADC_Channel_PGA1 = 64U,	
	ADC_TemperSensor0 = 128U,    
} ADC_Channel_t;

#define IS_SCAN_START_CHAN(CHAN)			(CHAN < (ADC_InterRefVolt + 1))

typedef enum 
	ADC_Conv_Continuous = 0x00, //sequential convertion mode
	ADC_Conv_Oneshot = 0x08 //one-shot convertion mode
} ADC_FuncState_t;

typedef struct
	ADC_Mode_t ADC_Mode;						/*!< Configures the ADC to operate in select or scan mode. 
												 This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_mode */											   
	ADC_Prescaler_t ADC_Prescaler;				 /*!< Select the frequency of the clock to the ADC. The clock is common for all the ADCs.*/
	ADC_Ref_t ADC_RefVoltage;                /*!< Select the external ref voltage or VDD . 
	                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_Ref_t */
	ADC_ConvSpeed_t  ADC_ConvSpeed;               /*!< Select the adc convert speed    
													This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_ConvSpeed_t */ 
	ADC_ExternalTrigConv_t ADC_ExternalTrigConv;    /*!< Select the external event used to trigger the start of conversion of a regular group.
	                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_ExternalTrigConv_t for regular channels conversion */
	ADC_HardwareTrig_t ADC_HardwareTrigSour;		  /*!< Select the hardware trigger source  This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_HardwareTrig_t */
	ADC_ScanNum_t ADC_ScanConf;   /*!< Select the adc scan channel num  when in scan mode.
	                                           This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_ScanNum_t */
	uint8_t ADC_UpLimit; 			       /*!< Configures the ADC result(high 8 bit) comprision uppest limit,used to generate INTAD 
											  This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_UpLimit */	
	uint8_t ADC_LowLimit; 				 /*!< Configures the ADC result(high 8 bit) comprision lowest limit,used to generate INTAD 
											This parameter can be a value of @ref ADC_LowLimit */								  

	uint8_t ADC_TwoSamplingDelay;			 /*!< Configures the Delay between 2 sampling phases.*/ 				  

	ADC_FuncState_t ADC_ContinuousConvMode; /*!< Specifies whether the conversion  is performed in Continuous or Single conversion.											 
											  This parameter can be set to ENABLE or DISABLE. */	

void ADC_Init(ADC_InitTypeDef* ADC_InitStruct);
void ADC_Start(ADC_Channel_t ch);
void ADC_Stop(void);
uint16_t ADC_Converse(ADC_Channel_t ch, uint32_t times, uint16_t *buf);
uint16_t ADC_Converse_Scan(ADC_Channel_t ch, uint32_t times, uint16_t *buf);
void ADC_Set_HardTrigger(uint8_t wait, ADC_HardwareTrig_t trg);
uint16_t ADC_SelfTest(ADC_Test_t tes, uint32_t times, uint16_t *buf);
