Commit 4dbabbc2 authored by 时昊's avatar 时昊


parent 50e6466c
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ void RTC_SetTime(RTC_TimeTypeDef* RTC_TimeStruct)
RTC->RTCC1 |= RTC_RTCC1_RWAIT_Msk; // stops SEC to YEAR counters. Mode to read or write counter value
RTC->HOUR |= RTC_ByteToBcd2(RTC_TimeStruct->RTC_Hours);
RTC->HOUR = RTC_ByteToBcd2(RTC_TimeStruct->RTC_Hours);
RTC->MIN = RTC_ByteToBcd2(RTC_TimeStruct->RTC_Minutes);
RTC->SEC = RTC_ByteToBcd2(RTC_TimeStruct->RTC_Seconds);
if(RTC_TimeStruct->RTC_Hours >12)
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