/* **************************************************************************** PROJECT : VLIB macro driver FILE : $Id: r_lcbi_api.h 4366 2014-11-19 09:43:51Z golczewskim $ ============================================================================ DESCRIPTION Generic part of the macro driver ============================================================================ C O P Y R I G H T ============================================================================ Copyright (c) 2014 by Renesas Electronics (Europe) GmbH. Arcadiastrasse 10 D-40472 Duesseldorf Germany All rights reserved. ============================================================================ Purpose: only for testing DISCLAIMER This software is supplied by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is only intended for use with Renesas products. No other uses are authorized. This software is owned by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is protected under all applicable laws, including copyright laws. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND RENESAS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, NEITHER RENESAS ELECTRONICS CORPORATION NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR ANY REASON RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF RENESAS OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Renesas reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this software and to discontinue the availability of this software. By using this software, you agree to the additional terms and conditions found by accessing the following link: http://www.renesas.com/disclaimer * Copyright (C) 2011 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. **************************************************************************** */ #ifndef LCBI_API_H_ #define LCBI_API_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /******************************************************************************* Title: LCBI Driver API An application using LCBI should only need to include this r_lcbi_api.h */ /******************************************************************************* Section: Global Constants */ /******************************************************************************* Constant: R_LCBI_VERSION_HI and R_LCBI_VERSION_LO Driver version information */ #define R_LCBI_VERSION_HI 0 #define R_LCBI_VERSION_LO 1 /******************************************************************************* Section: Global Types */ /*********************************************************** Define: LCBI */ #define LCBI_NUM 0 /* status registers */ #define LCBI_BUFFER_UNDERRUN (0x00000200u) #define LCBI_BUFFER_OVERFLOW (0x00000100u) #define LCBI_IRQPEN_OFFSET_ADDR (0x47Cu) /* fill register address */ #define LCBI_DATA_A0S_W8 (0xfffb0400u) #define LCBI_DATA_A0S_W16 (0xfffb0404u) #define LCBI_DATA_A0S_W32 (0xfffb0408u) #define DISPLAY_NAME "NEC_QVGA_TOUCH_240x320" #define DISPLAY_WIDTH 240 #define DISPLAY_STRIDE (DISPLAY_WIDTH + 16) #define DISPLAY_HEIGHT 320 #define DISPLAY_BPP 4 /******************************************************************************* Enum: r_lcbi_Error_t LCBI macro driver error code. If an error occures these enums give information about the reason. Values: R_LCBI_ERR_OK - No error R_LCBI_ERR_NG - Unspecified error */ typedef enum { R_LCBI_ERR_OK = 0x0, R_LCBI_ERR_FIFOOVERF, R_LCBI_ERR_FIFOUNDR, R_LCBI_ERR_NG, R_LCBI_ERR_RANGE, R_LCBI_ERR_LOCKED, R_LCBI_ERR_NOTLOCKED } r_lcbi_Error_t; /******************************************************************************* Enum: r_lcbi_Interrupt_t Lcbi macro interrupt type. List of all available interrupts for this macro. Values: R_LCBI_INT_RDY - Ready Interrupt R_LCBI_INT_EMPT - Empty Interrupt R_LCBI_INT_QTR - Quarter Interrupt R_LCBI_INT_HALF - Half Interrupt R_LCBI_INT_3QTR - Three-Quarter Interrupt R_LCBI_INT_FULL - Full R_LCBI_INT_NUM - Delimiter */ typedef enum { R_LCBI_INT_RDY, R_LCBI_INT_EMPT, R_LCBI_INT_QTR, R_LCBI_INT_HALF, R_LCBI_INT_3QTR, R_LCBI_INT_FULL, R_LCBI_INT_NUM } r_lcbi_Interrupt_t; /*********************************************************** Enum: r_lcbi_BusCycle_Type_t External bus interface mode. Values: R_LCBI_BUSCYCLE_RAM - Control signals are ~WR and ~RD R_LCBI_BUSCYCLE_ETYPE - Control signals are E and R/W */ typedef enum { R_LCBI_BUSCYCLE_RAM = 0, R_LCBI_BUSCYCLE_ETYPE } r_lcbi_BusCycle_Type_t; /*********************************************************** Enum: r_lcbi_WM_t LCBI working mode. Values: R_LCBI_WM_STOP - LCBI Stopped R_LCBI_WM_NONTFT - non-TFT mode R_LCBI_WM_TFT - TFT mode R_LCBI_WM_CLUT_DEF - CLUT definition mode */ typedef enum { R_LCBI_WM_STOP = 0, R_LCBI_WM_NONTFT, R_LCBI_WM_TFT, R_LCBI_WM_CLUT_DEF, } r_lcbi_WM_t; /*********************************************************** Enum: r_lcbi_BusCycle_Speed_t LCDBIF bus cycle speed Values: R_LCBI_BUSCYCLE_SLOW - slow bus cycle mode R_LCBI_BUSCYCLE_FAST - fast bus cycle mode */ typedef enum { R_LCBI_BUSCYCLE_SLOW = 0, R_LCBI_BUSCYCLE_FAST } r_lcbi_BusCycle_Speed_t; /*********************************************************** Enum: r_lcbi_TransferMode_t direct and indirect access mode Values: R_LCBI_DIRECT - Direct reading and writing mode R_LCBI_INDIRECT - Indirect writing mode */ typedef enum { R_LCBI_DIRECT = 0, R_LCBI_INDIRECT } r_lcbi_TransferMode_t; /*********************************************************** Enum: r_lcbi_INDPalette_t Palette bits in indirect access mode Values: R_LCBI_IND_8BP - 8-Bit palette for CLUT operation R_LCBI_IND_4BP - 4-Bit palette for CLUT operation */ typedef enum { R_LCBI_IND_8BP = 0, R_LCBI_IND_4BP } r_lcbi_INDPalette_t; /*********************************************************** Enum: r_lcbi_AccessBit_t Access mode (8, 9, 16, 18-bit access mode) Values: R_LCBI_8BIT - 8-bit mode R_LCBI_16BIT - 16-bit mode R_LCBI_9BIT - 9-bit mode R_LCBI_18BIT - 18-bit mode */ typedef enum { R_LCBI_8BIT = 0, R_LCBI_16BIT, R_LCBI_9BIT, R_LCBI_18BIT } r_lcbi_AccessBit_t; /*********************************************************** Enum: r_lcbi_ShiftBit_t Shift bits, depending on these bits, values are transferred on certain ranges on LCD Bus. Values: R_LCBI_SHIFT0 R_LCBI_SHIFT1 R_LCBI_SHIFT2 R_LCBI_SHIFT3 */ typedef enum { R_LCBI_SHIFT0 = 0, R_LCBI_SHIFT1, R_LCBI_SHIFT2, R_LCBI_SHIFT3 } r_lcbi_ShiftBit_t; /*********************************************************** Enum: r_lcbi_TransferCtrl_t transfer mode Values: R_LCBI_D_8BIT_S0 R_LCBI_D_8BIT_S1 R_LCBI_D_8BIT_S2 R_LCBI_D_8BIT_S3 R_LCBI_D_9BIT R_LCBI_D_16BIT_S1 R_LCBI_D_16BIT_S2 R_LCBI_D_18BIT R_LCBI_IND_9BIT_4BP R_LCBI_IND_9BIT_8BP R_LCBI_IND_18BIT_4BP R_LCBI_IND_18BIT_8BP */ typedef enum { R_LCBI_D_8BIT_S0 = 0x00000000, R_LCBI_D_8BIT_S1 = 0x00000040, R_LCBI_D_8BIT_S2 = 0x00000080, R_LCBI_D_8BIT_S3 = 0x000000C0, R_LCBI_D_9BIT = 0x00000020, R_LCBI_D_16BIT_S1 = 0x00000050, R_LCBI_D_16BIT_S2 = 0x00000090, R_LCBI_D_18BIT = 0x00000030, R_LCBI_IND_9BIT_4BP = 0x00000023, R_LCBI_IND_9BIT_8BP = 0x00000021, R_LCBI_IND_18BIT_4BP = 0x00000033, R_LCBI_IND_18BIT_8BP = 0x00000031 } r_lcbi_TransferCtrl_t; /*********************************************************** Enum: r_lcbi_CLKDIV_t set the (LCBI internal) clock divider Values: R_LCBI_CLKDIV_1 - clock division 1/1 R_LCBI_CLKDIV_2 - clock division 1/2 R_LCBI_CLKDIV_4 - clock division 1/4 R_LCBI_CLKDIV_8 - clock division 1/8 R_LCBI_CLKDIV_16 - clock division 1/16 R_LCBI_CLKDIV_32 - clock division 1/32 R_LCBI_CLKDIV_64 - clock division 1/64 */ typedef enum { R_LCBI_CLKDIV_1 = 0x00, R_LCBI_CLKDIV_2, R_LCBI_CLKDIV_4, R_LCBI_CLKDIV_8, R_LCBI_CLKDIV_16, R_LCBI_CLKDIV_32, R_LCBI_CLKDIV_64 } r_lcbi_CLKDIV_t; /*********************************************************** Enum: r_lcbi_Output_Active_t set the active level Values: R_LCBI_XX_ACTIVELOW - active low for signal R_LCBI_XX_ACTIVELOW - active high -> signals in TFT-mode: HS (hsync), VS (vsync), DE (data enable) -> signals in non TFT-mode: RDZE (RD strobe / E-Type mode) */ typedef enum { R_LCBI_ACTIVE_DEFAULT = 0x00000000, R_LCBI_HS_ACTIVELOW = 0x00000000, R_LCBI_HS_ACTIVEHIGH = (1ul << 8u), R_LCBI_VS_ACTIVELOW = 0x00000000, R_LCBI_VS_ACTIVEHIGH = (1ul << 9u), R_LCBI_DE_ACTIVELOW = 0x00000000, R_LCBI_DE_ACTIVEHIGH = (1ul << 10u), R_LCBI_RDZE_ACTIVELOW = 0x00000000, R_LCBI_RDZE_ACTIVEHIGH = (1ul << 3u) } r_lcbi_Output_Active_t; /*********************************************************** Type: r_lcbi_Parameter_t LCDBIF macro configuration data Members: WorkMode - see <r_lcbi_WM_t> CycleSpeed - see <r_lcbi_Bus_Cycle_Speed_t> CycleType - see <r_lcbi_Bus_Cycle_Type_t> TransMode - see <r_lcbi_Transfer_Mode_t> IndPalette - see <r_lcbi_IND_Palette_t> AccessBit - see <r_lcbi_AccessBit_t> ShiftBit - see <r_lcbi_ShiftBit_t> */ typedef struct { r_lcbi_WM_t WorkMode; r_lcbi_BusCycle_Speed_t CycleSpeed; r_lcbi_BusCycle_Type_t CycleType; r_lcbi_TransferMode_t TransMode; r_lcbi_INDPalette_t IndPalette; r_lcbi_AccessBit_t AccessBit; r_lcbi_ShiftBit_t ShiftBit; } r_lcbi_Parameter_t; /******************************************************************************* Section: Global API Functions */ /******************************************************************************* Function: R_LCBI_GetVersionStr Get the driver version number in human readable form (string). Parameters: void Returns: ReceiveString - Pointer to receive string destination */ const int8_t *R_LCBI_GetVersionStr(void); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_LCBI_GetMajorVersion Get the driver major version number. Parameters: void Returns: - Major version number */ const uint16_t R_LCBI_GetMajorVersion(void); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_LCBI_GetMinorVersion Get the driver minor version number. Parameters: void Returns: - Minor version number */ const uint16_t R_LCBI_GetMinorVersion(void); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_LCBI_Init Driver init function. Parameters: Unit - Macro instance number Returns: see: <r_lcbi_Error_t> */ r_lcbi_Error_t R_LCBI_Init(uint32_t Unit); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_LCBI_DeInit Driver deinit function. Parameters: Unit - Macro Instance number Returns: see: <r_lcbi_Error_t> */ r_lcbi_Error_t R_LCBI_DeInit(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_GetFIFOFillLevel Get the Fifo fill level value Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: The fifo fill level value */ uint8_t R_LCBI_GetFIFOFillLevel(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_SetWorkingParam Set working mode parameters for LCDBIF Parameters: Unit - Instance number Param - see <r_lcbi_Parameter_t> Returns: void */ void R_LCBI_SetWorkingParam(uint32_t Unit, r_lcbi_Parameter_t *Param); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_SetTConParam Set transfer control parameter for LCDBIF Parameters: Unit - Instance number Param - see <r_lcbi_Parameter_t> Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_SetTConParam(uint32_t Unit, r_lcbi_Parameter_t *Param); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_StopLcdBIF Stop the LCDBIF Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_StopLcdBIF(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_Check_TC_LOCK check the status of control registers (locked or unlocked) Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: 0 - control registers are unlocked 1 - control registers are locked */ uint8_t R_LCBI_Check_TcLock(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_IsReadPending check the if there is a read access is pending Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: void - */ uint8_t R_LCBI_IsReadPending(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_WaitTransferring wait until LCDBIF is idle Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_WaitTransferring(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_SetBusCycle Select the bus transfer type in non-TFT operation mode. Parameters: Unit - Instance number BusCycle - bus cycle type, see <r_lcbi_Bus_Cycle_Type_t> Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_SetBusCycle(uint32_t Unit, r_lcbi_BusCycle_Type_t BusCycle); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_SetClock Select the clock source for the LCDBIF, an internal clocking is derived from this setting. Parameters: Unit - Instance number ClockDiv - clock divider parameter Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_SetClock( uint32_t Unit, r_lcbi_CLKDIV_t ClockDiv); /*********************************************************** Function: ee_LcdBIF_InvertOutput Set the output level of LCD bus signals active high or low Parameters: Unit - Instance number Val - value to be write into the output level control register Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_InvertOutput( uint32_t Unit, r_lcbi_Output_Active_t Val); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_SetNonTFTCycleSpec Define the bus cycle of non_TFT Modes by specifying the timing steps in number of LCDBIF operation clocks. Parameters: Unit - Instance number NonTFTSpec - Non TFT Mode bus cycle specification Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_SetNonTFTCycleSpec( uint32_t Unit, uint32_t NonTFTSpec); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_SetTFTPrescaler Set prescaler for the pixel clock in TFT operation mode Parameters: Unit - Instance number TFTPRS - TFT pixel clock prescaler value Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_SetTFTPrescaler( uint32_t Unit, uint32_t TFTPrs); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_SetTFTCycleC Define the bus cycle of TFT operation mode (common phases) Parameters: Unit - Instance number TFTCycleC - TFT cycle timing specification Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_SetTFTCycleC( uint32_t Unit, uint32_t TFTCycleC); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_SetTFTCycleV Define the bus cycle of TFT operation mode (vertical phases) Parameters: Unit - Instance number TFTCycleV - TFT cycle timing specification Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_SetTFTCycleV( uint32_t Unit, uint32_t TFTCycleV); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_SetTFTCycleH Define the bus cycle of TFT operation mode (horizontal phases) Parameters: Unit - Instance number TFTCycleH - TFT cycle timing specification Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_SetTFTCycleH( uint32_t Unit, uint32_t TFTCycleH); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_WaitWorkModeStable Pool the operation mode and ensure it has gone to zero Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_WaitWorkModeStable(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_WriteData8_A0S Write 8-bit with A0 set Parameters: Unit - Instance number Data - Data to be written Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_WriteData8_A0S(uint32_t Unit, uint8_t Data); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_WriteData8_A0C Write 8-bit with A0 clear Parameters: Unit - Instance number Data - Data to be written Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_WriteData8_A0C(uint32_t Unit, uint8_t Data); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_WriteData16_A0S Write 16-bit with A0 set Parameters: Unit - Instance number Data - Data to be written Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_WriteData16_A0S(uint32_t Unit, uint16_t Data); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_WriteData16_A0C Write 16-bit with A0 clear Parameters: Unit - Instance number Data - Data to be written Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_WriteData16_A0C(uint32_t Unit, uint16_t Data); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_WriteData32_A0S Write 32-bit with A0 set Parameters: Unit - Instance number Data - Data to be written Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_WriteData32_A0S(uint32_t Unit, uint32_t Data); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_WriteData32_A0C Write 32-bit with A0 clear Parameters: Unit - Instance number Data - Data to be written Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_WriteData32_A0C(uint32_t Unit, uint32_t Data); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_ReadData8_A0S Read 8-bit with cycle start trigger and A0 set Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: 8-bit data read from LCDBIF */ uint8_t R_LCBI_ReadData8_A0S(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_ReadData8_A0C Read 8-bit with cycle start trigger and A0 clear Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: 8-bit data read from LCDBIF */ uint8_t R_LCBI_ReadData8_A0C(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_ReadData16_A0S Read 16-bit with cycle start trigger and A0 set Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: 16-bit data read from LCDBIF */ uint16_t R_LCBI_ReadData16_A0S(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_ReadData16_A0C Read 16-bit with cycle start trigger and A0 clear Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: 16-bit data read from LCDBIF */ uint16_t R_LCBI_ReadData16_A0C(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_ReadData32_A0S Read 32-bit with cycle start trigger and A0 set Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: 32-bit data read from LCDBIF */ uint32_t R_LCBI_ReadData32_A0S(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_ReadData32_A0C Read 32-bit with cycle start trigger and A0 clear Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: 32-bit data read from LCDBIF */ uint32_t R_LCBI_ReadData32_A0C(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_WriteCLUT Define the Color Lookup Table Parameters: Unit - Instance number Offset - Offset Address of the target register Data - data to be written in the CLUT Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_WriteCLUT( uint32_t Unit, uint32_t Offset, uint32_t Data); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_ReadCLUT Read the Color Lookup Table Parameters: Unit - Instance number Offset - Offset Address of the target register Returns: content of the register in CLUT with defined Offset */ uint32_t R_LCBI_ReadCLUT( uint32_t Unit, uint32_t Offset); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_ResetLcdBIF Reset the LCDBIF Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_ResetLcdBIF(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_GetRegister Get the content of a register Parameters: Unit - Instance number Addr - Offset address of the target register Returns: Content of the target register */ uint32_t R_LCBI_GetRegister(uint32_t Unit, uint32_t Addr); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_GetWorkingMode Get the working mode of LCDBIF Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: Working mode */ uint8_t R_LCBI_GetWorkingMode(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_SetCLUTOffset Set the 4-bit offset of CLUT address. Parameters: Unit - Instance number Offset - Offset of CLUT address Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_SetCLUTOffset(uint32_t Unit, uint32_t Offset); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_GetFSMState Get the state of the internal FSM Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: state of the internal FSM */ uint8_t R_LCBI_GetFSMState(uint32_t Unit); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_WriteReg Write a register Parameters: Unit - Instance number Data - data to be written Offset - offset address of the register Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_WriteReg(uint32_t Unit, uint32_t Data, uint32_t Offset); /******************************************************************************* Group: LCBI Error and ISR Functions */ /******************************************************************************* Function: R_LCBI_SetErrorCallback Set a user function as error handler. When the driver detects any error, it will call this function. Parameters: ErrorCallback - Pointer to a user function Returns: void */ void R_LCBI_SetErrorCallback(void (*ErrorCallback)(uint32_t Unit, uint32_t Error)); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_LCBI_SetIsrCallback Assign a user callback for the given interrupt of a unit. The function will be called after the driver ISR has processed the interrupt. Parameters: Unit - Instance number Interrupt - What interrupt, see: <r_lcbi_Interrupt_t> Isr - Isr function pointer Returns: see: <r_lcbi_Error_t> */ r_lcbi_Error_t R_LCBI_SetIsrCallback(uint32_t Unit, r_lcbi_Interrupt_t Interrupt, void (*Isr)(void)); /*********************************************************** Function: R_LCBI_Isr Device interrupt service routine. This function shall be called by device interrupt handler (xxxxxx_isr.c) and can be found in lcbi\src\lcbi_isr.c. Parameters: Unit - Instance number Interrupt - Interrupt type. see<r_lcbi_Interrupt_t> Returns: void - */ void R_LCBI_Isr(uint32_t Unit, r_lcbi_Interrupt_t Interrupt); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_LCBI_EnableInt Enable the LCBI interrupt 'Interrupt'. Parameters: Unit - Instance number Interrupt - Interrupt type see: <r_lcbi_Interrupt_t> Returns: void */ void R_LCBI_EnableInt(uint32_t Unit, r_lcbi_Interrupt_t Interrupt); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_LCBI_DisableInt Disable the LCBI interrupt 'Interrupt'. Parameters: Unit - Instance number Interrupt - Interrupt type see: <r_lcbi_Interrupt_t> Returns: void */ void R_LCBI_DisableInt(uint32_t Unit, r_lcbi_Interrupt_t Interrupt); /******************************************************************************* Function: R_LCBI_GetClock Get the macro clock frequency of the LCBI Parameters: Unit - Instance number Returns: void */ uint32_t R_LCBI_GetClock(uint32_t Unit); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* LCBI_API_H_ */