/* **************************************************************************** PROJECT : LCBI driver FILE : $Id: r_lcbi_regs.h 3935 2014-09-23 08:52:32Z golczewskim $ ============================================================================ DESCRIPTION Register declaration for LCBI macro driver ============================================================================ C O P Y R I G H T ============================================================================ Copyright (c) 2014 by Renesas Electronics (Europe) GmbH. Arcadiastrasse 10 D-40472 Duesseldorf Germany All rights reserved. ============================================================================ Purpose: only for testing DISCLAIMER This software is supplied by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is only intended for use with Renesas products. No other uses are authorized. This software is owned by Renesas Electronics Corporation and is protected under all applicable laws, including copyright laws. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND RENESAS MAKES NO WARRANTIES REGARDING THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, NEITHER RENESAS ELECTRONICS CORPORATION NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATED COMPANIES SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES FOR ANY REASON RELATED TO THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF RENESAS OR ITS AFFILIATES HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Renesas reserves the right, without notice, to make changes to this software and to discontinue the availability of this software. By using this software, you agree to the additional terms and conditions found by accessing the following link: http://www.renesas.com/disclaimer * Copyright (C) 2011 Renesas Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. **************************************************************************** */ #ifndef LCBI_REGS_H_ #define LCBI_REGS_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /******************************************************************************* Title: LCBI Register Offsets Only the driver modules shall include this header. */ /******************************************************************************* Section: Global Defines */ /*********************************************************** Constants: R_LCBI_CDATA_BASE - Base Adress of the CLUT */ #define R_LCBI_CDATA_BASE 0x000 /*********************************************************** Constants: Access Registers (offsets) R_LCBI_DATA_A0S_W8 - Write 8-bit with A0 set R_LCBI_DATA_A0S_W16 - Write 16-bit with A0 set R_LCBI_DATA_A0S_W32 - Write 32-bit with A0 set R_LCBI_DATA_A0C_W8 - Write 8-bit with A0 clear R_LCBI_DATA_A0C_W16 - Write 16-bit with A0 clear R_LCBI_DATA_A0C_W32 - Write 32-bit with A0 clear R_LCBI_DATA_A0S_RT8 - Read 8-bit with A0 set and cycle start trigger R_LCBI_DATA_A0S_RT16 - Read 16-bit with A0 set and cycle start trigger R_LCBI_DATA_A0S_RT32 - Read 32-bit with A0 set and cycle start trigger R_LCBI_DATA_A0C_RT8 - Read 8-bit with A0 clear and cycle start trigger R_LCBI_DATA_A0C_RT16 - Read 16-bit with A0 clear and cycle start trigger R_LCBI_DATA_A0C_RT32 - Read 32-bit with A0 clear and cycle start trigger R_LCBI_DATA_R - Read LCD Data Register */ #define R_LCBI_DATA_A0S_W8 0x400 #define R_LCBI_DATA_A0S_W16 0x404 #define R_LCBI_DATA_A0S_W32 0x408 #define R_LCBI_DATA_A0C_W8 0x40C #define R_LCBI_DATA_A0C_W16 0x410 #define R_LCBI_DATA_A0C_W32 0x414 #define R_LCBI_DATA_A0S_RT8 0x418 #define R_LCBI_DATA_A0S_RT16 0x41C #define R_LCBI_DATA_A0S_RT32 0x420 #define R_LCBI_DATA_A0C_RT8 0x424 #define R_LCBI_DATA_A0C_RT16 0x428 #define R_LCBI_DATA_A0C_RT32 0x42C #define R_LCBI_DATA_R 0x430 /*********************************************************** Constants: Control Registers (offsets) EE_LCDBUSIF_CKSEL - Clock Selection EE_LCDBUSIF_DBGMOD - Debug Mode EE_LCDBUSIF_SRESET - Software Reset EE_LCDBUSIF_OPMODE - Operation Mode EE_LCDBUSIF_CLUTOFFS - CLUT Table 4-bit Offset EE_LCDBUSIF_TCONTROL - Transfer Control Setting EE_LCDBUSIF_BCYCT - Bus Cycle Type non-TFT EE_LCDBUSIF_BCYC - non-TFT Bus Cycle Spec. EE_LCDBUSIF_TFTPRS - TFT Operation Prescaler EE_LCDBUSIF_TFTCYC0 - TFT Cycle Specification (common phases) EE_LCDBUSIF_TFTCYC1 - TFT Cycle Specification (vertical phases) EE_LCDBUSIF_TFTCYC2 - TFT Cycle Specification (horizontal phases) EE_LCDBUSIF_OUTLEV - Signal Output Level Spec. EE_LCDBUSIF_STATUS - TC Status Information EE_LCDBUSIF_STATE - TC and TG State Information EE_LCDBUSIF_IRQPEN - Pending interrupt Register EE_LCDBUSIF_IRQCLR - Pending Interrupt Clear Register */ #define R_LCBI_CKSEL 0x440 #define R_LCBI_DBGMOD 0x444 #define R_LCBI_SRESET 0x448 #define R_LCBI_OPMODE 0x44C #define R_LCBI_CLUTOFFS 0x450 #define R_LCBI_TCONTROL 0x454 #define R_LCBI_BCYCT 0x458 #define R_LCBI_BCYC 0x45C #define R_LCBI_TFTPRS 0x460 #define R_LCBI_TFTCYC0 0x464 #define R_LCBI_TFTCYC1 0x468 #define R_LCBI_TFTCYC2 0x46C #define R_LCBI_OUTLEV 0x470 #define R_LCBI_STATUS 0x474 #define R_LCBI_STATE 0x478 #define R_LCBI_IRQPEN 0x47C #define R_LCBI_IRQCLR 0x480 /******************************************************************************* Section: Global Types LCBI Register Definitions */ /*********************************************************** Type: r_lcbi_RegOpmodeBits_t Content of the operation mode control register EE_LCDBIF_OPMODE Members: Opm_ode - operation mode Opm_fast - cycle speed Resn - reserved (n=1,2) */ typedef struct { uint32_t Opm_ode : 2; uint32_t Res1 : 2; uint32_t Opm_fast : 1; uint32_t Res2 : 27; } r_lcbi_RegOpmodeBits_t; /*********************************************************** Union: r_lcbi_RegOpmode_t Simplifies Bit and double word access to register EE_LCDBIF_OPMODE Members: Bits - Allow bit access. DWord - Allow access of the whole double word. */ typedef union { r_lcbi_RegOpmodeBits_t Bits; uint32_t DWord; } r_lcbi_RegOpmode_t; /*********************************************************** Type: r_lcbi_RegTconBits_t Content of the data transfer control register EE_LCDBIF_TCONTROL Members: Dtc_c - Direct/Indirect transfer Dtc_p - 4-/8-bit palette for CLUT operation Dtc_m - transfer mode (8-, 9-, 16-, 18-bit transfer mode) Dtc_s - Bit shifting Resn - Reserved (n=1,2) */ typedef struct { uint32_t Dtc_c : 1; uint32_t Dtc_p : 1; uint32_t Res1 : 2; uint32_t Dtc_m : 2; uint32_t Dtc_s : 2; uint32_t Res2 : 24; } r_lcbi_RegTconBits_t; /*********************************************************** Union: r_lcbi_RegTcon_t Simplifies Bit and double word access to register EE_LCDBIF_TCONTROL Members: Bits - Allow bit access. DWord - Allow access of the whole double word. */ typedef union { r_lcbi_RegTconBits_t Bits; uint32_t DWord; } r_lcbi_RegTcon_t; /*********************************************************** Type: r_lcbi_RegBcycBits_t Content of the data transfer control register EE_LCDBIF_BCYC Members: Tiad - timing spec. of non-TFT mode Tidz - timing spec. of non-TFT mode Tidw - timing spec. of non-TFT mode Tiwr_med - timing spec. of non-TFT mode Res - reserved */ typedef struct { uint32_t Tiad : 4; uint32_t Tidz : 4; uint32_t Tidw : 4; uint32_t Res : 4; uint32_t Tiwr_med : 8; uint32_t Tird : 4; } r_lcbi_RegBcycBits_t; /*********************************************************** Union: r_lcbi_RegBcyc_t Simplifies Bit and double word access to register EE_LCDBIF_BCYC Members: Bits - Allow bit access. DWord - Allow access of the whole double word. */ typedef union { r_lcbi_RegBcycBits_t Bits; uint32_t Dword; } r_lcbi_RegBcyc_t; /*********************************************************** Type: r_lcbi_RegTftCyc0Bits_t Content of the data transfer control register EE_LCDBIF_TFTCYC0 Members: Tfdhv - Delay of active HSYNC to VSYNC Tfdch - Delad of active pixel clock to HSYNC Tfdcd - Delay of data to active pixel clock Tfdcw - Width of active pixel clock Resn - Reserved (n=1,2) */ typedef struct { uint32_t Tfdhv : 8; uint32_t Tfdch : 8; uint32_t Tfdcd : 7; uint32_t Res1 : 1; uint32_t Tfdcw : 7; uint32_t Res2 : 1; } r_lcbi_RegTftCyc0Bits_t; /*********************************************************** Union: r_lcbi_RegTftCyc0_t Simplifies Bit and double word access to register EE_LCDBIF_TFTCYC0 Members: Bits - Allow bit access. DWord - Allow access of the whole double word. */ typedef union { r_lcbi_RegTftCyc0Bits_t Bits; uint32_t Dword; } r_lcbi_RegTftCyc0_t; /*********************************************************** Type: r_lcbi_RegTftCyc1Bits_t Content of the data transfer control register EE_LCDBIF_TFTCYC1 Members: Tfnhvs - Width of VSYNC as a number of HSYNC pulses Tfnvb - Vertical back porch time as a number of HSYNC pulses Tfnvc - Amount of horizontal lines as a number of HSYNC pulses Tfnve - Size of vertical end of frame as number of HSYNC pulses */ typedef struct { uint32_t Tfnhvs : 8; uint32_t Tfnvb : 8; uint32_t Tfnvc : 10; uint32_t Tfnve : 6; } r_lcbi_RegTftCyc1Bits_t; /*********************************************************** Union: r_lcbi_RegTftCyc1_t Simplifies Bit and double word access to register EE_LCDBIF_TFTCYC1 Members: Bits - Allow bit access. DWord - Allow access of the whole double word. */ typedef union { r_lcbi_RegTftCyc1Bits_t Bits; uint32_t Dword; } r_lcbi_RegTftCyc1_t; /*********************************************************** Type: r_lcbi_RegTftCyc2Bits_t Content of the data transfer control register EE_LCDBIF_TFTCYC2 Members: Tfnchs - Width of HSYNC as a number of clocks Tfnhb - Hertical back porch time as a number of clocks Tfnhc - Amount of horizontal pixels as a number of clocks Tfnhe - Size of horizontal end of line as number of clocks */ typedef struct { uint32_t Tfnchs : 8; uint32_t Tfnhb : 8; uint32_t Tfnhc : 10; uint32_t Tfnhe : 6; } r_lcbi_RegTftCyc2Bits_t; /*********************************************************** Union: r_lcbi_RegTftCyc2_t Simplifies Bit and double word access to register EE_LCDBIF_TFTCYC2 Members: Bits - Allow bit access. DWord - Allow access of the whole double word. */ typedef union { r_lcbi_RegTftCyc2Bits_t Bits; uint32_t Dword; } r_lcbi_RegTftCyc2_t; /*********************************************************** Type: r_lcbi_RegStatusBits_t Content of the status register EE_LCDBIF_STATUS Members: Tc_Idle - Idle Tc_Lock - control register are locked/unlocked Tc_Rpg - read access pending Res - Reserved */ typedef struct { uint32_t Tc_Idle : 1; uint32_t Tc_Lock : 1; uint32_t Tc_Rpg : 1; uint32_t Res : 29; } r_lcbi_RegStatusBits_t; /*********************************************************** Union: r_lcbi_RegStatus_t Simplifies Bit and double word access to register EE_LCDBIF_STATUS Members: Bits - Allow bit access. DWord - Allow access of the whole double word. */ typedef union { r_lcbi_RegStatusBits_t Bits; uint32_t DWord; } r_lcbi_RegStatus_t; /*********************************************************** Type: r_lcbi_RegStateBits_t Content of the status register EE_LCDBIF_STATE Members: State - internal state of LCDBIF FSM TftSeq - TFT areas Fwp - FIFO write pointer value Frp - FIFO read pointer value Ffl - FIFO fill level value Res1-5 - Reserved */ typedef struct { uint32_t State : 3; uint32_t Res1 : 1; uint32_t TftSeq : 3; uint32_t Res2 : 1; uint32_t Fwp : 4; uint32_t Res3 : 4; uint32_t Frp : 4; uint32_t Res4 : 4; uint32_t Ffl : 4; uint32_t Res5 : 4; } r_lcbi_RegStateBits_t; /*********************************************************** Union: r_lcbi_RegState_t Simplifies Bit and double word access to register EE_LCDBIF_STATE Members: Bits - Allow bit access. DWord - Allow access of the whole double word. */ typedef union { r_lcbi_RegStateBits_t Bits; uint32_t DWord; } r_lcbi_RegState_t; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* LCBI_REGS_H_ */