Commit f5387c3f authored by 张明扬's avatar 张明扬 🇨🇳


parent 59615533
This diff is collapsed.
on busOff
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const word testWaitForRsp = 1600; //等待诊断响应完成的总时间
const word pendding = 5000; //两帧NRC78的Δt
const word P2CAN_Client = 150; //ECU响应超时时间, 仅适用于单帧和首帧
const word P2CAN_Server = 50;
const word P2xCAN_Server = 5000; //P2*Server,用于判断10服务响应数据
byte _144_B0 = 0x00;
byte _144_B1 = 0x00;
byte _144_B2 = 0x00;
byte _144_B3 = 0x00;
byte _144_B4 = 0x00;
byte _144_B5 = 0x61;//EQEAL = 0x51, HA6HA = 0x61
byte _144_B6 = 0x08;//EQEAL = 0x08, HA6HA = 0x08
\ No newline at end of file
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<!-- Verbosity Level: Defines up to which level the details of teststeps -->
<!-- are shown in the report -->
<xsl:variable name="TestStepMaxLevel">3</xsl:variable>
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<!-- level on which they were reported? -->
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<!-- Should the automatic numbering be available? Or should the idents of test groups and test cases be used instead? -->
<!-- Set to true() to activate the automatic numbering or false() to deactivate -->
<xsl:variable name="ShowAutomaticTestModuleNumbering" select="true()"/>
<!-- Controls the which details of test cases to report, depending on the test case verdict -->
<!-- and on the filter settings in the report file, if missing assume showtestcase='true' -->
<!-- showcase='true' means the test case will have full details -->
<!-- showcase='false' means the test case does not contain any details -->
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<!-- Controls wether to display the testsequence/testcase list as testgroup in overview section -->
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<!-- Controls wether to display the additional warning column in the overview table -->
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<!-- (c) 2006-2010 Vector Informatik GmbH, Stuttgart -->
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<!--Vector Test Automation Editor>
<testmodule title="Bootloader Test" version="1.0" xmlns="">
<capltestfunction name="prePareForTest" title="prePareForTest"/>
<capltestcase title="天鹰100升级-诊断刷写" name="bootloader_BYD"/>
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