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"C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\Public\Documents\Vector\CANwin\8.0.71\CANwin Demos\templates\portlink1.pre" 1 VPortlinkConfigurationStreamer 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 0 0 0 END_OF_DRIVER END_OF_PORT_CONFIGURATION_STREAM End_Of_Object VPortlinkConfigurationStreamer 3 0 1 VWTP20ObsParameters-1:0:0: FlexRayTP2ObsParameters: 2 0x2 36 VFrTPParams 2 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 8 255 0 : FlexRayTP2ObsParametersEnd VDoIPObserverParams 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 End_Of_Object VDoIPObserverParams 3 VISOTPParameters-1:active:onlyknown:interleave:stmin:seqnr:unexpected:sender:extended:baseaddr=1024:rxmask=255:storedata:maxlen=65536:pad=54 EOO DiagnosticsSettingsV1.1 EOO DiagnosticsSettingsV2.0 .BD#BasicDiagnosticsEcu;(0);???;0 .BD+#0;BaseVariant;Normal_11Bit;CAN; BasicDiagnosticsEcu#PhysReq;n;1812;S#PhysRes;n;1940;S#FuncReq;n;2015;S .D#4000;150;2000;5333#0;20 .FD#0;1;0 .tp#4095 .C#######0x00#1 .T#0;0 .S#..\..\Git\APP\TY100\tianying_ty100\Firmware\utility\��Ϲ���\�����ļ�\TY100 x86.dll .R#0;10;1300 EOO 0 0 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3 3 0 End_Of_Object VGlobalActionsStreamer 3 VEventSortingConfigStreamer 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 End_Of_Object VEventSortingConfigStreamer 3 FlexRayOptionParameters: 2 0 1 0 1 1 :0 : FlexRayOptionParametersEnd VCaplOptionsStreamer 3 Begin_Of_Object 2 17 1448 0 2001 1 2002 0 2005 0 2008 1 2013 1 2020 1 2032 1 2038 1 2039 0 2040 1 2041 1 2054 0 2055 1 2065 0 2135 1 2201 0 1 512 End_Of_Object VCaplOptionsStreamer 3 VSVConfigurationStreamer 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 2297 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <systemvariables version="4"> <namespace name="" comment="" interface=""> <namespace name="ProgressBar" comment="" interface=""> <variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="FlashDriver" comment="" bitcount="64" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="float" /> <variable anlyzLocal="2" readOnly="false" valueSequence="false" unit="" name="Application" comment="" bitcount="64" isSigned="true" encoding="65001" type="float" /> </namespace> <namespace 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CONST MOTOROLA" convId=""/> </REQUEST> <RESPONSE> <PARAMETER id="SID_PR" bitPos="7" bitLen="8" type="none" unit="" value="67" semantics="SID CONST MOTOROLA" convId=""/> <PARAMETER id="securityAccessType" bitPos="15" bitLen="8" type="none" unit="" value="09" semantics="XID CONST MOTOROLA" convId=""/> <PARAMETER id="securitySeed" bitPos="23" bitLen="32" type="none" unit="" value="00 00 00 00" semantics="MOTOROLA" convId=""/> </RESPONSE> </INSTANCE> <INSTANCE id="SecurityAccess391"> <REQUEST> <PARAMETER id="SID_RQ" bitPos="7" bitLen="8" type="none" unit="" value="27" semantics="SID CONST MOTOROLA" convId=""/> <PARAMETER id="securityAccessType" bitPos="15" bitLen="8" type="none" unit="" value="0A" semantics="XID CONST MOTOROLA" convId=""/> <PARAMETER id="data" bitPos="23" bitLen="32" type="none" unit="" value="00 00 00 00" semantics="MOTOROLA" convId=""/> </REQUEST> <RESPONSE> <PARAMETER id="SID_PR" bitPos="7" bitLen="8" type="none" unit="" value="67" semantics="SID CONST MOTOROLA" convId=""/> <PARAMETER id="securityAccessType" bitPos="15" bitLen="8" type="none" unit="" value="0A" semantics="XID CONST MOTOROLA" convId=""/> </RESPONSE> </INSTANCE> </ECU> End_Of_Object VBasicDiagnosticStreamer 3 VCLibraryOptions 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 End_Of_Object VCLibraryOptions 3 NValueObjectDisplay::VNameDisplaySettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 3 12 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 1 5 1 6 4 7 4 8 4 9 6 10 4 11 4 12 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 0 0 1 9 128 0 End_Of_Object NValueObjectDisplay::VNameDisplaySettings 3 ConfigurationSavedByCANwBeginner 0 VGlobalExportAndLoggingSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 8 2 1 0 0 6 1 0.10000000000000001 2 0 0.10000000000000001 2 19 0 1 3 1 0 :: , . <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" 0 0 0 1 6 0 6 0 0 0.10000000000000001 1 0 0 6 730 0 0.10000000000000001 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VGlobalExportAndLoggingSettings 3 0 VRTFilterOptions 3 Begin_Of_Object 3 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VRTFilterOptions 3 VRTTxBufferOptions 3 Begin_Of_Object 2 1 1 500 End_Of_Object VRTTxBufferOptions 3 VRTIRQReductionOptions 3 Begin_Of_Object 2 500 End_Of_Object VRTIRQReductionOptions 3 VPersistentDebuggerOptions 3 Begin_Of_Object 2 64 10000 End_Of_Object VPersistentDebuggerOptions 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 VAFDXGlobalSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 4 1000 15 1 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VAFDXGlobalSettings 3 VRTCANErrorFrameOptions 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 0 End_Of_Object VRTCANErrorFrameOptions 3 1 ILConfiguration::VProxyManager 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 0 End_Of_Object ILConfiguration::VProxyManager 3 4 VGlobalVariableSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 65001 End_Of_Object VGlobalVariableSettings 3 VGeneralLoggingBlockSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 2000 938 0 End_Of_Object VGeneralLoggingBlockSettings 3 0 0 998 0 0 SecurityManager::VSecurityManager 3 Begin_Of_Object 2 0 0 End_Of_Object SecurityManager::VSecurityManager 3 VRTAutosarPDULayerMode 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 2 End_Of_Object VRTAutosarPDULayerMode 3 VErtOptions 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 End_Of_Object VErtOptions 3 End_Of_Object VGlobalParameters 2 VDesktopManager 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 1 VDesktop 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 Trace {09E7E12D-A97D-4875-B88E-FAC00DBC5477} Begin_Of_Multi_Line_String 3 <?xml version="1.0"?><!-- Actipro Docking/MDI for WinForms Copyright (c) 2001-2014 Actipro Software LLC. 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MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1482 0 1887 439 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 1 2 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {55F4D922-0385-47BB-A711-60C49892900C} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 4 BasicDiagnosticsEcu RawTelegram_0=28 03 03 RawTelegram_1=22 F1 95 RawTelegram_2=22 F1 93 RawTelegram_3=22 F1 80 RawTelegram_4=22 F1 87 RawTelegram_5=22 10 24 RawTelegram_6=22 10 28 Module=BasicDiagnosticsEcu Display=0 ParamCol0Width=20 ParamCol1Width=67 ParamCol2Width=67 ParamCol3Width=50 TraceCol0Width=20 TraceCol1Width=66 TraceCol2Width=104 ParamPositionColumn=0 ParamUnitColumn=1 ParamTypeColumn=0 ParamIdentifierColumn=0 ParamCommentColumn=0 ParamColumnCount=4 ParamNameColumnIndex=1 ParamValueColumnIndex=2 ParamUnitColumnIndex=3 UdsSuppressPosResp=0 StringParamPadding=1 Split1=152 Split2=187 AutoUpdateParams=0 ServiceDisplayStyle=0 ViewMode=0 ServiceShowIndex=1 ServiceShowRawPrefix=1 ServiceSortingType=0 DisplayParamPosLengthInTrace=0 ScriptPath= DisplayAllParamsInTrace=0 MaxRequestHistory=10 RequestHistoryRaw_0=22 10 28 RequestHistoryRaw_1=22 01 28 RequestHistoryRaw_2=22 10 24 RequestHistoryService_3=DiagnosticSessionControl161 RequestHistoryService_4=DiagnosticSessionControl162 RequestHistoryService_5=DiagnosticSessionControl160 RequestHistoryService_6=SecurityAccess391 RequestHistoryService_7=SecurityAccess390 RequestHistoryRaw_8=22 F1 87 RequestHistoryRaw_9=22 F1 80 DisplayPduInParameterList=1 IsTraceLogging=0 TraceLogfile=DiagConsoleLog.txt TraceLogfileIndex=1 DIAGNOSE_CONTROL_END End_Of_Object VDiagnoseBoxRoot 3 End_Of_Object VDiagnoseBox 2 VGBAnlyzBox 2 Begin_Of_Object 3 VGrMnBox 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 VUniqueBox 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 0 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 22 22 878 535 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 22 22 878 535 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 6 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {8C2E149F-8DB0-4F6E-931E-B0C8CACD85C5} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 5 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 4 End_Of_Object VGrMnBox 3 VDOLocalInfoStruct 3 Begin_Of_Object 4 1 83 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 0 TABPredecessor: 0 TABSuccessor: 2 VPlugConf 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VPlugConf 5 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 2 0 TABPredecessor: 1 TABSuccessor: 42 VChannelFilterConfiguration 6 Begin_Of_Object 3 VMigratedGenericConfiguration<class_VChannelFilterData> 7 Begin_Of_Object 1 VChannelFilterData 8 Begin_Of_Object 2 1 VBusChannelData 9 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 1 1 1 1 End_Of_Object VBusChannelData 9 End_Of_Channel_Data 1 End_Of_Object VChannelFilterData 8 End_Of_Object VMigratedGenericConfiguration<class_VChannelFilterData> 7 0 0 End_Of_Object VChannelFilterConfiguration 6 VDOCrossing 6 Begin_Of_Object 2 3 0 VDAOGBHSStd 7 Begin_Of_Object 1 4 0 0 0 TABPredecessor: 47 TABSuccessor: 49 VDODynamicLine 8 Begin_Of_Object 1 5 0 0 VDAOSwitch 9 Begin_Of_Object 1 49 0 TABPredecessor: 4 TABSuccessor: 50 VDAOGBHSStd 10 Begin_Of_Object 1 50 0 0 0 TABPredecessor: 49 TABSuccessor: 52 VDODynamicLine 11 Begin_Of_Object 1 51 0 0 VDOFRamification 12 Begin_Of_Object 1 52 0 TABPredecessor: 50 TABSuccessor: 54 5 VDORefinement 13 Begin_Of_Object 1 53 0 13 VDAOGBHSStd 14 Begin_Of_Object 1 54 0 0 0 TABPredecessor: 52 TABSuccessor: 56 VDODynamicLine 15 Begin_Of_Object 1 55 0 0 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 16 Begin_Of_Object 1 56 0 TABPredecessor: 54 TABSuccessor: 59 VNetMSControlConfiguration 17 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlConfiguration 18 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigurationRoot 19 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigurationRoot 19 VNETControlBox 19 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 20 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 21 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 1 0 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 927 487 1373 848 CAN Statistics 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 927 487 1373 848 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 1 0 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 199 98 705 498 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {61AD3E74-2E74-428E-A5EF-47D53688E895} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 21 1 2 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 482 266 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 20 1 1 2 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 482 266 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 19 135 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.StatisticsMonitor.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.StatisticsMonitor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.StatisticsMonitor.StatisticsMonitor 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 App 2 UInt16 Channel 1 UInt64 TimerInterval 10 Array States 3 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.UInt64 3 1 0 19 UInt64 ArrayElement 65536 UInt64 ArrayElement 65542 UInt64 ArrayElement 65541 UInt64 ArrayElement 65544 UInt64 ArrayElement 65543 UInt64 ArrayElement 65546 UInt64 ArrayElement 65545 UInt64 ArrayElement 65548 UInt64 ArrayElement 65547 UInt64 ArrayElement 65550 UInt64 ArrayElement 65549 UInt64 ArrayElement 65551 UInt64 ArrayElement 18 UInt64 ArrayElement 17 UInt64 ArrayElement 65537 UInt64 ArrayElement 65539 UInt64 ArrayElement 65540 UInt64 ArrayElement 65552 UInt64 ArrayElement 65539 UInt64 ArrayElement 131071 Array ColumnWidths 4 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Int32 4 1 0 4 Int32 ArrayElement 160 Int32 ArrayElement 60 Int32 ArrayElement 50 Int32 ArrayElement 49 Int32 ArrayElement 59 UInt64 TimerIntervalMs 1050 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 5 SerializationVersion 5 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 4 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETControlConfiguration 18 End_Of_Object VNetMSControlConfiguration 17 VDOLine 17 Begin_Of_Object 1 57 0 130 0 NULL End_Of_Object VDOLine 17 EndOfComment 0 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 16 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 15 End_Of_Object VDAOGBHSStd 14 NULL End_Of_Object VDORefinement 13 VDORefinement 13 Begin_Of_Object 1 58 0 7 VDAOGBHSStd 14 Begin_Of_Object 1 59 0 0 0 TABPredecessor: 56 TABSuccessor: 61 VDODynamicLine 15 Begin_Of_Object 1 60 0 0 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 16 Begin_Of_Object 1 61 0 TABPredecessor: 59 TABSuccessor: 64 VTraceConfiguration 17 Begin_Of_Object 1 VTraceControlCfg 18 Begin_Of_Object 8 VTraceSearchCfg 19 Begin_Of_Object 1 VEvCondBlock 20 Begin_Of_Object 1 VEvCondGroup 21 Begin_Of_Object 2 VEvCondPrimitive 22 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 End_Of_Object VEvCondPrimitive 22 1 0 0 End_Of_Object VEvCondGroup 21 End_Of_Object VEvCondBlock 20 0 End_Of_Object VTraceSearchCfg 19 VTraceFilterCfg 19 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 1 VTraceAnalysisFilterGroup 20 Begin_Of_Object 2 1 Filter Group 0 2 VTraceAnalysisSingleFilter 21 Begin_Of_Object 3 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTraceAnalysisSingleFilter 21 VTraceAnalysisSingleFilter 21 Begin_Of_Object 3 1 0 5 VConfigMessage 22 Begin_Of_Object 5 VConfigBusObject 23 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigBusEvent 24 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigEvent 25 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigEvent 25 1 1 End_Of_Object VConfigBusEvent 24 End_Of_Object VConfigBusObject 23 10 1 VDatabaseBusMessageId 23 Begin_Of_Object 3 2015 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VDatabaseBusMessageId 23 NULL 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VConfigMessage 22 VConfigMessage 22 Begin_Of_Object 5 VConfigBusObject 23 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigBusEvent 24 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigEvent 25 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigEvent 25 1 1 End_Of_Object VConfigBusEvent 24 End_Of_Object VConfigBusObject 23 9 1 VDatabaseBusMessageId 23 Begin_Of_Object 3 2024 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VDatabaseBusMessageId 23 NULL 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VConfigMessage 22 VConfigMessage 22 Begin_Of_Object 5 VConfigBusObject 23 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigBusEvent 24 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigEvent 25 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigEvent 25 1 1 End_Of_Object VConfigBusEvent 24 End_Of_Object VConfigBusObject 23 10 1 VDatabaseBusMessageId 23 Begin_Of_Object 3 2016 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VDatabaseBusMessageId 23 NULL 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VConfigMessage 22 VConfigMessage 22 Begin_Of_Object 5 VConfigBusObject 23 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigBusEvent 24 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigEvent 25 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigEvent 25 1 1 End_Of_Object VConfigBusEvent 24 End_Of_Object VConfigBusObject 23 10 1 VDatabaseBusMessageId 23 Begin_Of_Object 3 1812 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VDatabaseBusMessageId 23 NULL 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VConfigMessage 22 VConfigMessage 22 Begin_Of_Object 5 VConfigBusObject 23 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigBusEvent 24 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigEvent 25 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigEvent 25 1 1 End_Of_Object VConfigBusEvent 24 End_Of_Object VConfigBusObject 23 9 1 VDatabaseBusMessageId 23 Begin_Of_Object 3 1940 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VDatabaseBusMessageId 23 NULL 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VConfigMessage 22 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 End_Of_Object VTraceAnalysisSingleFilter 21 1 End_Of_Object VTraceAnalysisFilterGroup 20 End_Of_Object VTraceFilterCfg 19 1 1 0 0 39 0 0 1 1 18 ver=4: T T T T T T End_Of_Serialized_Data 18 2 0 3 1 18 ver=3;BasicDiagnosticsEcu:ver=4: T T T T T End_Of_Serialized_Data 18 4 0 5 0 6 1 18 GFver=4;ver=4: T F F T T F F F F F;T File;T DiVa;F _Statistics;T TP;T CANoe;T VTS;T ProgressBar;T CheckBox;T Bootloader End_Of_Serialized_Data 18 7 0 8 0 9 0 10 0 11 1 18 ver=4: T T T T End_Of_Serialized_Data 18 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 24 0 25 0 26 0 27 0 28 0 29 0 30 0 31 0 32 0 33 0 34 0 35 0 36 0 37 0 38 0 0 1 VTraceColumnConfiguration 19 Begin_Of_Object 3 1 Initial 115 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 0 146 0 Time 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 1 59 1 Chn 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 2 68 2 ID 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 3 131 -1 Name 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 4 170 -1 ID / Name 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 5 48 4 Dir 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 6 45 5 DLC 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 7 204 6 Data 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 8 37 -1 Attr 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 9 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 10 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 11 100 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 12 100 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 13 150 -1 Frame Duration 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 14 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 15 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 16 93 3 Event Type 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 17 100 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 18 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 19 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 20 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 21 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 22 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 23 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 24 85 -1 Bus Idle 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 25 85 -1 Bus Busy 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 26 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 27 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 28 110 -1 HH:MM:SS 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 29 85 -1 Diff time 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 30 50 -1 Bustype 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 31 120 -1 Send node 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 32 50 -1 Bus 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 33 80 -1 Database 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 34 50 -1 Counter 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 35 90 -1 Start of Frame 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 36 50 -1 PGN 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 37 50 -1 DP 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 38 50 -1 Prio 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 39 50 -1 Specific 10 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 40 50 -1 Specific 11 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 41 50 -1 Specific 12 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 42 50 -1 Specific 13 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 43 50 -1 Specific 14 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 44 50 -1 Specific 15 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 45 50 -1 Specific 16 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 46 50 -1 Specific 17 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 47 50 -1 Specific 18 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 48 50 -1 Specific 19 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 49 50 -1 Specific 20 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 50 150 -1 Data ASCII 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 51 150 -1 Comment 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 52 10 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 53 10 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 54 50 -1 Namespace 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 55 120 -1 Diff time (ref. event) 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 56 50 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 57 100 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 58 100 -1 --- 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 59 120 -1 Date / Time 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 60 50 -1 Receive Node 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 61 50 -1 VL No. 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 62 200 -1 Sub VL ID 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 63 50 -1 Transmitter 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 64 200 -1 Receiver 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 65 50 -1 Tx Port ID 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 66 50 -1 Rx Port ID 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 67 65 -1 Port Char. 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 68 50 -1 IP Frag. 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 69 150 -1 Master Port Name 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 70 65 -1 BAG 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 71 65 -1 Seq. No. 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 72 50 -1 Line 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 73 50 -1 Interface ID 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 74 50 -1 Equipment 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 75 50 -1 Partition 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 76 50 -1 BRS 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 77 50 -1 ESI 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 78 45 -1 Data length 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 79 10 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 80 10 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 81 10 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 82 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 83 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 84 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 85 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 86 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 87 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 88 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 89 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 90 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 91 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 92 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 93 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 94 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 95 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 96 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 97 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 98 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 99 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 100 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 101 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 102 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 103 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 104 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 105 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 106 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 107 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 108 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 109 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 110 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 111 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 112 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 113 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 VTNColumnData 20 Begin_Of_Object 3 114 50 -1 1 0 1 0 End_Of_Object VTNColumnData 20 End_Of_Object VTraceColumnConfiguration 19 0 0 VTraceControlFixedModeExpansionItems 19 Begin_Of_Object 3 0 End_Of_Object VTraceControlFixedModeExpansionItems 19 18 D:\CANoe����\TianYing�����ű� End_Of_Serialized_Data 18 18 Trace-Fenster End_Of_Serialized_Data 18 18 End_Of_Serialized_Data 18 0 776880451 1 1 18 VLogExportPersister 19 Begin_Of_Object 7 1416 44616685 Trace-Fenster <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" 0 2 1 :: , . 0 2 0 0.10000000000000001 6 1 3 2 19 0.10000000000000001 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 730 0 0.10000000000000001 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VLogExportPersister 19 End_Of_Serialized_Data 18 0 0 0 290 1 182 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" End_Of_Object VTraceControlCfg 18 VNETTraceControlBox 18 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 19 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 20 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 21 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 1 3 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 926 848 Trace 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 926 848 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 1 3 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {AFB1C724-5CE6-46B5-9D95-1CAB21180494} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 21 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 20 0 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 19 End_Of_Object VNETTraceControlBox 18 End_Of_Object VTraceConfiguration 17 VDOLine 17 Begin_Of_Object 1 62 0 130 0 NULL End_Of_Object VDOLine 17 EndOfComment 0 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 16 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 15 End_Of_Object VDAOGBHSStd 14 NULL End_Of_Object VDORefinement 13 VDORefinement 13 Begin_Of_Object 1 63 0 4 VDAOGBHSStd 14 Begin_Of_Object 1 64 0 0 0 TABPredecessor: 61 TABSuccessor: 66 VDODynamicLine 15 Begin_Of_Object 1 65 0 0 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 16 Begin_Of_Object 1 66 0 TABPredecessor: 64 TABSuccessor: 69 VNETDataListControlHost 17 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigurationRoot 18 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigurationRoot 18 VNETDataBox 18 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 19 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 20 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 21 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 1 2 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 522 0 1039 265 Data 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 423 193 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 2 0 0 1 1013 595 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {806B9B7C-0935-4206-A253-D2EFE270B0B4} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 21 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 20 0 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 19 End_Of_Object VNETDataBox 18 1 9 0 20 150 16 100 40 40 50 100 60 100 1 35 35 30 70 70 70 100 100 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 5000 0 10000 0 10000 1 0 VLogCfgData 18 Begin_Of_Object 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1024 60 0 0 0 3 0 938 1 1 0 2 0 0 18 VLogExportPersister 19 Begin_Of_Object 7 1416 11060201 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" 0 2 1 :: , . 0 2 0 0.10000000000000001 6 1 3 2 19 0.10000000000000001 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 730 0 0.10000000000000001 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VLogExportPersister 19 End_Of_Serialized_Data 18 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\Data.mdf" 0 1 0 10 80 0 1 1 0 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\{LoggingBlock}.mdf" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\Data.mdf" 1 0 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\{LoggingBlock}.mdf" 0 10e4ecf8-a2ae-4916-9532-a145a180d530 1 End_Of_Object VLogCfgData 18 1 [End_of_Control] End_Of_Object VNETDataListControlHost 17 VDOLine 17 Begin_Of_Object 1 67 0 130 0 NULL End_Of_Object VDOLine 17 EndOfComment 0 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 16 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 15 End_Of_Object VDAOGBHSStd 14 NULL End_Of_Object VDORefinement 13 VDORefinement 13 Begin_Of_Object 1 68 0 5 VDAOGBHSStd 14 Begin_Of_Object 1 69 0 0 0 TABPredecessor: 66 TABSuccessor: 71 VDODynamicLine 15 Begin_Of_Object 1 70 0 0 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 16 Begin_Of_Object 1 71 0 TABPredecessor: 69 TABSuccessor: 74 VGraphBoxConf 17 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETGraphBox 18 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 19 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 20 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 21 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 1 0 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 401 1272 829 Graphics 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 200 118 801 474 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 0 0 0 1 1001 592 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 200 118 801 474 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {D15DB9FD-7F05-415C-94AC-708B1CEB44CC} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 21 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 20 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 19 End_Of_Object VNETGraphBox 18 81 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Graphic.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Graphic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Graphic.ComponentWrapper 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 Boolean Expanded True Int32 SplitterWidth 184 Int32 SplitterHeight 80 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Graphic.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Graphic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Graphic.Position 3 LegendPosition 3 Int32 value__ 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Graphic.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Graphic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Graphic.GraphicCommandID 4 ScrollSignalsButton1Command 4 Int32 value__ 29 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:4 ScrollSignalsButton2Command 5 Int32 value__ 30 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:4 ScrollButton1Command 6 Int32 value__ 35 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:4 ScrollButton2Command 7 Int32 value__ 36 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 5 SerializationVersion 8 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- VSignalObjectStreamer 18 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 [GraphWindow:x_x_x_x_x_x_WindowBk_Grid_AxisBk_XAxisFr_YAxisFr_x_x_x_x_x_x] 0 100000 100000 200000 576000000 1 ffffff b2b2b2 ffffff 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 30 5000 0 0 100 0 16777215 0 2 0 1 41943040 -1 VLogExportPersister 19 Begin_Of_Object 7 1416 25200253 Graphics Window <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" 0 2 1 :: , . 0 2 0 0.10000000000000001 6 1 3 2 19 0.10000000000000001 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 730 0 0.10000000000000001 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VLogExportPersister 19 12 20 25 110 20 18 55 55 55 55 55 57 13 184 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 11711154 32768 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 0 10 1 0 0 VLogCfgData 19 Begin_Of_Object 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1024 60 0 0 0 3 0 938 1 1 0 2 0 0 19 VLogExportPersister 20 Begin_Of_Object 7 1416 11060201 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" 0 2 1 :: , . 0 2 0 0.10000000000000001 6 1 3 2 19 0.10000000000000001 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 730 0 0.10000000000000001 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VLogExportPersister 20 End_Of_Serialized_Data 19 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\Graphics.mdf" 0 1 0 10 80 0 1 1 0 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\{LoggingBlock}.mdf" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\Graphics.mdf" 1 0 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\{LoggingBlock}.mdf" 0 6f8fc13e-9492-4766-85a1-10d064b274ba 1 End_Of_Object VLogCfgData 19 0 128 0 0 0 0 1 40 20 15 0 -1 1 1 0 0 0 1 12 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 20 25 130 55 55 55 55 55 57 57 82 30 184 80 0 0 30000000000 End_Of_Object VSignalObjectStreamer 18 End_Of_Object VGraphBoxConf 17 VDOLine 17 Begin_Of_Object 1 72 0 130 0 NULL End_Of_Object VDOLine 17 EndOfComment 0 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 16 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 15 End_Of_Object VDAOGBHSStd 14 NULL End_Of_Object VDORefinement 13 VDORefinement 13 Begin_Of_Object 1 73 0 6 VDAOGBHSStd 14 Begin_Of_Object 1 74 0 0 0 TABPredecessor: 71 TABSuccessor: 76 VDODynamicLine 15 Begin_Of_Object 1 75 0 0 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 16 Begin_Of_Object 1 76 0 TABPredecessor: 74 TABSuccessor: 78 VNetMSControlConfiguration 17 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlConfiguration 18 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigurationRoot 19 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigurationRoot 19 VNETControlBox 19 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 20 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 21 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 1 -1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 384 169 1139 530 CAN Filter 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 384 169 1139 530 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {AAB5C8A2-F4AB-47EF-AC66-CC4719EC1D60} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 21 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 20 0 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 19 567 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.ApplicationProxy 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.ComponentConfiguration 3 Configuration 3 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.FrameFilter 4 Filter_0 4 TypeRef:4 Filter_1 5 TypeRef:4 Filter_2 6 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.EventFilter 5 Filter_3 7 Int32 FiltersCount 4 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 6 SerializationVersion 8 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:3 3 Int32 Mode 0 UInt32 Schema 0 Boolean OverviewPane True APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.FrameControlConfiguration 7 FrameView 9 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.ECUControlConfiguration 8 ECUView 10 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.EventControlConfiguration 9 EventView 11 TypeRef:6 SerializationVersion 12 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:4 4 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ConfiguredCANFrame 10 ConfiguredCANFrameEvent 13 Boolean Enabled True Int32 Channel 1 TypeRef:6 SerializationVersion 14 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:4 5 TypeRef:10 ConfiguredCANFrameEvent 15 Boolean Enabled True Int32 Channel 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:4 6 TypeRef:10 ConfiguredCANFrameEvent 16 Boolean Enabled True Int32 Channel 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:5 7 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ConfiguredEventType 11 ConfiguredEventType 17 Int32 ActivationState 2 TypeRef:6 SerializationVersion 18 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:7 9 Int32 GroupIndex 0 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.IConfiguredColumn, Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 12 ColumnConfiguration 19 TypeRef:6 SerializationVersion 20 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:8 10 Int32 GroupIndex 0 TypeRef:12 ColumnConfiguration 21 TypeRef:6 SerializationVersion 22 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:9 11 Int32 GroupIndex 0 TypeRef:6 SerializationVersion 23 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:10 13 String CANConfigFrameEvent 38 VConfigCANFrame 19 Begin_Of_Object 5 VConfigMessage 20 Begin_Of_Object 5 VConfigBusObject 21 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigBusEvent 22 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigEvent 23 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigEvent 23 1 1 End_Of_Object VConfigBusEvent 22 End_Of_Object VConfigBusObject 21 31 1 VDatabaseBusMessageId 21 Begin_Of_Object 3 2016 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VDatabaseBusMessageId 21 NULL 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VConfigMessage 20 End_Of_Object VConfigCANFrame 19 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:10 15 String CANConfigFrameEvent 38 VConfigCANFrame 19 Begin_Of_Object 5 VConfigMessage 20 Begin_Of_Object 5 VConfigBusObject 21 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigBusEvent 22 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigEvent 23 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigEvent 23 1 1 End_Of_Object VConfigBusEvent 22 End_Of_Object VConfigBusObject 21 31 1 VDatabaseBusMessageId 21 Begin_Of_Object 3 2024 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VDatabaseBusMessageId 21 NULL 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VConfigMessage 20 End_Of_Object VConfigCANFrame 19 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:10 16 String CANConfigFrameEvent 38 VConfigCANFrame 19 Begin_Of_Object 5 VConfigMessage 20 Begin_Of_Object 5 VConfigBusObject 21 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigBusEvent 22 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigEvent 23 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigEvent 23 1 1 End_Of_Object VConfigBusEvent 22 End_Of_Object VConfigBusObject 21 31 1 VDatabaseBusMessageId 21 Begin_Of_Object 3 2015 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VDatabaseBusMessageId 21 NULL 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VConfigMessage 20 End_Of_Object VConfigCANFrame 19 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 17 String ConfiguredEventType 14 VConfigEventType 19 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigBusEvent 20 Begin_Of_Object 1 VConfigEvent 21 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigEvent 21 65535 1 End_Of_Object VConfigBusEvent 20 9 CAN-Errorframe End_Of_Object VConfigEventType 19 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 19 Array _items 24 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.IConfiguredColumn 13 1 0 7 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.FilterBlock.ConfiguredColumn 14 ArrayElement 25 TypeRef:14 ArrayElement 26 TypeRef:14 ArrayElement 27 TypeRef:14 ArrayElement 28 TypeRef:14 ArrayElement 29 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Object 15 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:15 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:15 ArrayElement 0 Int32 _size 5 Int32 _version 5 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 21 Array _items 30 TypeRef:13 1 0 3 TypeRef:14 ArrayElement 31 TypeRef:14 ArrayElement 32 TypeRef:14 ArrayElement 33 TypeRef:14 ArrayElement 34 Int32 _size 4 Int32 _version 4 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 25 UInt32 Type 0 Boolean Visible True TypeRef:6 SerializationVersion 35 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 26 UInt32 Type 1 Boolean Visible True --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 27 UInt32 Type 2 Boolean Visible True --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 28 UInt32 Type 3 Boolean Visible True --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 29 UInt32 Type 4 Boolean Visible True --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 31 UInt32 Type 5 Boolean Visible True --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 32 UInt32 Type 6 Boolean Visible True --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 33 UInt32 Type 7 Boolean Visible True --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 34 UInt32 Type 8 Boolean Visible True --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETControlConfiguration 18 End_Of_Object VNetMSControlConfiguration 17 VDODynamicLine 17 Begin_Of_Object 1 77 0 0 VDAOGBHSStd 18 Begin_Of_Object 1 78 0 0 0 TABPredecessor: 76 TABSuccessor: 80 VDODynamicLine 19 Begin_Of_Object 1 79 0 0 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 20 Begin_Of_Object 1 80 0 TABPredecessor: 78 TABSuccessor: 82 VTriggerConfiguration 21 Begin_Of_Object 2 VMigratedGenericConfiguration<struct_VTriggerCfgData> 22 Begin_Of_Object 1 VTriggerCfgData 23 Begin_Of_Object 5 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200000 1 1 1 1 50000 VEvCondBlock 24 Begin_Of_Object 1 VEvCondGroup 25 Begin_Of_Object 2 VEvCondPrimitive 26 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 End_Of_Object VEvCondPrimitive 26 1 0 0 End_Of_Object VEvCondGroup 25 End_Of_Object VEvCondBlock 24 VEvCondBlock 24 Begin_Of_Object 1 VEvCondGroup 25 Begin_Of_Object 2 VEvCondPrimitive 26 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 End_Of_Object VEvCondPrimitive 26 1 0 0 End_Of_Object VEvCondGroup 25 End_Of_Object VEvCondBlock 24 0 0 0 116 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VTriggerCfgData 23 End_Of_Object VMigratedGenericConfiguration<struct_VTriggerCfgData> 22 VTriggerBox 22 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 23 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 1 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 208 222 817 579 Logging 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 208 222 817 579 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {28AF63C3-C9F2-47F0-9A0D-BADA436F6A04} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 23 End_Of_Object VTriggerBox 22 0 End_Of_Object VTriggerConfiguration 21 VDOLine 21 Begin_Of_Object 1 81 0 10 0 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 22 Begin_Of_Object 1 82 0 TABPredecessor: 80 TABSuccessor: 0 VLoggingConfiguration 23 Begin_Of_Object 4 VMigratedGenericConfiguration<class_VLogCfgData> 24 Begin_Of_Object 1 VLogCfgData 25 Begin_Of_Object 11 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1024 60 1 0 0 3 0 938 1 1 0 2 0 0 25 VLogExportPersister 26 Begin_Of_Object 7 1416 11060201 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" 0 2 1 :: , . 0 2 0 0.10000000000000001 6 1 3 2 19 0.10000000000000001 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 730 0 0.10000000000000001 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VLogExportPersister 26 End_Of_Serialized_Data 25 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "log\log.asc" 0 1 0 10 80 0 1 1 1 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "log\log.asc" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" 1 1 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "log\log.asc" 0 699ef8f2-f9a5-4d0a-a3cb-3917ed1c8058 1 End_Of_Object VLogCfgData 25 End_Of_Object VMigratedGenericConfiguration<class_VLogCfgData> 24 1 End_Of_Object VLoggingConfiguration 23 VDOLine 23 Begin_Of_Object 1 83 0 60 0 NULL End_Of_Object VDOLine 23 EndOfComment 1 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 22 End_Of_Object VDOLine 21 EndOfComment 0 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 20 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 19 End_Of_Object VDAOGBHSStd 18 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 17 EndOfComment 1 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 16 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 15 End_Of_Object VDAOGBHSStd 14 NULL End_Of_Object VDORefinement 13 End_Of_Object VDOFRamification 12 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 11 End_Of_Object VDAOGBHSStd 10 End_Of_Object VDAOSwitch 9 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 8 End_Of_Object VDAOGBHSStd 7 NULL VDODynamicLine 7 Begin_Of_Object 1 41 1 20 VDAOGBHSStd 8 Begin_Of_Object 1 42 1 1 0 TABPredecessor: 2 TABSuccessor: 47 VDODynamicLine 9 Begin_Of_Object 1 43 1 0 VDODynamicLine 10 Begin_Of_Object 1 44 1 10 VDODynamicLine 11 Begin_Of_Object 1 45 0 20 VDOLine 12 Begin_Of_Object 1 46 0 10 0 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 13 Begin_Of_Object 1 47 0 TABPredecessor: 42 TABSuccessor: 4 VLoggingConfiguration 14 Begin_Of_Object 4 VMigratedGenericConfiguration<class_VLogCfgData> 15 Begin_Of_Object 1 VLogCfgData 16 Begin_Of_Object 11 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1024 60 0 0 0 3 1 938 1 1 0 2 1 0 16 VLogExportPersister 17 Begin_Of_Object 7 1416 11060201 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" 0 2 1 :: , . 0 2 0 0.10000000000000001 6 1 3 2 19 0.10000000000000001 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 730 0 0.10000000000000001 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VLogExportPersister 17 End_Of_Serialized_Data 16 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\Logging_Prefilter.blf" 0 1 0 30 80 0 1 1 1 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\Logging_Prefilter.blf" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe" 1 1 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\Logging_Prefilter.blf" 0 acdac425-148f-4a7a-a6f7-4137c7eee994 1 End_Of_Object VLogCfgData 16 End_Of_Object VMigratedGenericConfiguration<class_VLogCfgData> 15 5 End_Of_Object VLoggingConfiguration 14 NULL EndOfComment 1 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 13 End_Of_Object VDOLine 12 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 11 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 10 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 9 End_Of_Object VDAOGBHSStd 8 End_Of_Object VDODynamicLine 7 4 End_Of_Object VDOCrossing 6 EndOfComment 0 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 5 EndOfComment 1 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 4 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 48 0 TABPredecessor: 0 TABSuccessor: 49 VOfflineSrcConfiguration 5 Begin_Of_Object 3 VMigratedGenericConfiguration<struct_VOfflineCfgData> 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 VOfflineCfgData 7 Begin_Of_Object 2 VReplayCfgBase 8 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 1 End_Of_Object VReplayCfgBase 8 VCfgBreakCondition 8 Begin_Of_Object 1 VDataBreakCondition 9 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 VEvCondBlock 10 Begin_Of_Object 1 VEvCondGroup 11 Begin_Of_Object 2 VEvCondPrimitive 12 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 End_Of_Object VEvCondPrimitive 12 1 0 0 End_Of_Object VEvCondGroup 11 End_Of_Object VEvCondBlock 10 End_Of_Object VDataBreakCondition 9 End_Of_Object VCfgBreakCondition 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VOfflineCfgData 7 End_Of_Object VMigratedGenericConfiguration<struct_VOfflineCfgData> 6 VChannelMapping 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 End_Of_Object VChannelMapping 6 End_Of_Object VOfflineSrcConfiguration 5 NULL EndOfComment 1 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 4 0 End_Of_Object VDOLocalInfoStruct 3 67305472 0 0 2 VDOLocalInfoStruct 3 Begin_Of_Object End_Of_Object VDOLocalInfoStruct 3 End_Of_Serialized_Data 2 0.000000 0 0 End_Of_Object VGBAnlyzBox 2 VGBRealTimeBox 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VGrMnBox 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 VUniqueBox 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 0 4 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1193 338 1840 848 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1193 338 1840 848 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 4 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {E2D2C0D5-9337-48B4-8DC6-E6B0C4CB6FE0} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 5 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 4 End_Of_Object VGrMnBox 3 VDOLocalInfoStruct 3 Begin_Of_Object 4 1 586 VDAOBus 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 2 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 60 3 TABPredecessor: 1 TABSuccessor: 61 VXmlTestNode 6 Begin_Of_Object 4 VTestNode 7 Begin_Of_Object 8 VProgrammedNode 8 Begin_Of_Object 6 VConfigurationRoot 9 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigurationRoot 9 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "source\vxt\main.vxt" 1 D:\CANoe����\TianYing�����ű�\source\vxt\main.vxt 5 main Test 1 EOF_TITLE_INFO 1 1 VConfigurationBox 9 Begin_Of_Object 1 VUniqueBox 10 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 11 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 5 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 927 0 1373 486 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 927 0 1373 486 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 1 5 1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 480 260 1440 780 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 240 280 590 530 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 480 260 1440 780 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {21111931-15DF-4CF0-9CD6-586E4F4D1E6C} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 11 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 10 1 End_Of_Object VConfigurationBox 9 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 SS_BEGIN_COMMON_INFO 1 4 Behavior 1 Buses 1 Misc 1 Modules 0 SS_END_COMMON_INFO EOF_MBSSDATA 1 0 1 1 1 <VFileName V7 BQL> 1 base=cfg "source\dll\osek_tp.dll" EOF_NLDATA 0 EOF_ASSEMBLYDATA <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "source\vxt\main.vxt" VIPBStackSetting 9 Begin_Of_Object 6 2 0 0 1 0 1 9 End_Of_Serialized_Data 9 9 :: End_Of_Serialized_Data 9 1 End_Of_Object VIPBStackSetting 9 8 NULL End_Of_Serialized_Data 8 0 <VFileName V7 QL> 0 "" 1 0 End_Of_Object VProgrammedNode 8 0 2 IDS_REPORTFILTER_ITEM_DESCRIPTION=1 IDS_REPORTFILTER_ITEM_COMMENTS=1 IDS_REPORTFILTER_ITEM_VARIABLE=1 IDS_REPORTFILTER_ITEM_RESUME_SIMPLETIMEOUT=0 IDS_REPORTFILTER_ITEM_RESUME=0 IDS_REPORTFILTER_ITEM_FIRSTVIOLATION=1 IDS_REPORTFILTER_ITEM_STATISTICS=1 IDS_REPORTFILTER_ITEM_HARDWARE=1 IDS_REPORTFILTER_ITEM_CHECKEVENTS=0 IDS_REPORTFITLER_ITEM_GENINFO=1 IDS_REPORTFITLER_ITEM_SUTINFO=1 IDS_REPORTFITLER_ITEM_ENGINFO=1 IDS_REPORTFITLER_ITEM_ELMINFO=1 End_Of_ReportFilter_Items 0 NULL NULL 1 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "source\can\main.can" EOF_CAPLLIBS <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "report\report.xml" 0 0 1 1 <VFileName V7 BQL> 1 base=cfg "source\template\onepage.xslt" 3 VSimulinkModelViewerConfiguration 8 Begin_Of_Object 2 <VFileName V7 QL> 0 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 0 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 0 "" 150 0 End_Of_Object VSimulinkModelViewerConfiguration 8 1 0 1 1 VConfigurationBox 8 Begin_Of_Object 1 VUniqueBox 9 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 10 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 5 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 927 0 1373 486 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 927 0 1373 486 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 1 5 1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 480 260 1440 780 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 240 280 590 530 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 480 260 1440 780 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {21111931-15DF-4CF0-9CD6-586E4F4D1E6C} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 10 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 9 1 End_Of_Object VConfigurationBox 8 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "source\can\main.cbf" NULL 0 0 End_Of_Object VTestNode 7 VTestModuleControllerXML 7 Begin_Of_Object 1 VTestModuleController 8 Begin_Of_Object 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VTestModuleController 8 End_Of_Object VTestModuleControllerXML 7 End_Of_Testcase_Exec_Flags Variant: <VFileName V7 BQL> 1 base=cfg "" End_Of_Testcase_Exec_Flags_W Variant: End_Of_Object VXmlTestNode 6 NULL EndOfComment 0 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 5 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 349 3 TABPredecessor: 61 TABSuccessor: 370 VCANInteractiveGeneratorConfiguration 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 VMigratedGenericConfiguration<class_VCANInteractiveGeneratorData> 7 Begin_Of_Object 1 VCANInteractiveGeneratorData 8 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 End_Of_Object VCANInteractiveGeneratorData 8 End_Of_Object VMigratedGenericConfiguration<class_VCANInteractiveGeneratorData> 7 3 12D BOF_MBSSDATA 1 0 1 0 SS_BEGIN_COMMON_INFO 1 3 Behavior 1 Buses 1 Misc 1 SS_END_COMMON_INFO EOF_MBSSDATA 1 0 1 VNETStandaloneComponent 7 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 8 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 9 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 10 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1193 240 1868 790 12D 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1193 240 1868 790 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 1 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 384 169 1536 679 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {AC91FAE9-53CC-4190-B7E5-4519A21F6D8F} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 10 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 9 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 8 5691 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Controller.CANwinCommunicator 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Controller.Controller 3 Controller 3 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 4 SerializationVersion 4 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:3 3 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.SendItemList.ConfigurationModel 5 Model 5 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Object 6 FocusedSendListItem 0 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.GUI.GridViewSettings 7 SendItemGridViewSettings 6 TypeRef:7 FrameSignalGridViewSettings 7 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.GUI.MainControlSettings 8 MainControlSettingsSettings 8 Boolean AutomaticGMLANColumnActivation True Boolean AutomaticCANFDColumnActivation False Boolean AutomaticJ1939ColumnActivation True TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 9 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 4 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:5 5 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Util.DataCollection`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.SendItemList.SendListItem, Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 9 Items 10 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 11 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:7 6 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Util.SerializeableKeyValuePair`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.GUI.GridColumnSettings, Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]], Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 10 ColumnSettings 12 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 13 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:7 7 TypeRef:10 ColumnSettings 14 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:8 8 Boolean IsLeftRightSplitterExpanded False Boolean IsUpperLowerSplitterExpanded True Int32 LeftRightSplitterDistance 300 Int32 UpperLowerSplitterDistance 250 Boolean IsAnyPropertyChanged True TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 15 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:9 10 Int32 Count 7 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.SendItemList.SendListItem 11 Item_0 16 TypeRef:11 Item_1 17 TypeRef:11 Item_2 18 TypeRef:11 Item_3 19 TypeRef:11 Item_4 20 TypeRef:11 Item_5 21 TypeRef:11 Item_6 22 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:10 12 Array _items 23 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Util.SerializeableKeyValuePair`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.GUI.GridColumnSettings, Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 12 1 0 511 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 24 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 25 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 26 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 27 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 28 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 29 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 30 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 31 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 32 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 33 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 34 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 35 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 36 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 37 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 38 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 39 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 40 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 41 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 42 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 43 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 44 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 45 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 46 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 47 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 48 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 49 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 50 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 51 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 52 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 53 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 54 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 55 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 56 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 57 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 58 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 59 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 60 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 61 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 62 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 63 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 64 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 65 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 66 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 67 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 68 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 69 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 70 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 71 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 72 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 73 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 74 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 75 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 76 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 77 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 78 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 79 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 80 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 81 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 82 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 83 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 84 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 85 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 86 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 87 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 88 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 89 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 90 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 91 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 92 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 93 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 94 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 95 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 96 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 97 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 98 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 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TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 101 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 102 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 103 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 104 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 105 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 106 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 107 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 108 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 109 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 110 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 111 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 112 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 113 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 114 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 115 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 116 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 117 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 118 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 119 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 120 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 121 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 122 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 123 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 124 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 125 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 126 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 127 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 128 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 129 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 130 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 131 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 132 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 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Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.TriggerConditionPersistor 14 TriggerCondition 134 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 135 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 17 TypeRef:13 Frame 136 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 137 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 18 TypeRef:13 Frame 138 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 139 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 19 TypeRef:13 Frame 140 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 141 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 20 TypeRef:13 Frame 142 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 143 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 21 TypeRef:13 Frame 144 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 145 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 22 TypeRef:13 Frame 146 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 147 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 24 String Key 1 colItemType APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.GUI.GridColumnSettings 15 Value 148 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 149 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 25 String Key 1 colName TypeRef:15 Value 150 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 26 String Key 1 colDatabaseComment TypeRef:15 Value 151 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 27 String Key 1 colUserComment TypeRef:15 Value 152 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 28 String Key 1 colID TypeRef:15 Value 153 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 29 String Key 1 colChannel TypeRef:15 Value 154 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 30 String Key 1 colIDE TypeRef:15 Value 155 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 31 String Key 1 colDataLengthCode TypeRef:15 Value 156 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 32 String Key 1 colBRS TypeRef:15 Value 157 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 33 String Key 1 colRTR TypeRef:15 Value 158 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 34 String Key 1 colTriggerType TypeRef:15 Value 159 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 35 String Key 1 colSend TypeRef:15 Value 160 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 36 String Key 1 colPositionInList TypeRef:15 Value 161 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 37 String Key 1 colRowNumber TypeRef:15 Value 162 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 38 String Key 1 colParameterID TypeRef:15 Value 163 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 39 String Key 1 colPriority TypeRef:15 Value 164 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 40 String Key 1 colSourceID TypeRef:15 Value 165 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 41 String Key 1 colProtocol TypeRef:15 Value 166 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 42 String Key 1 colJ1939ParameterGroupNumber TypeRef:15 Value 167 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 43 String Key 1 colJ1939DataPage TypeRef:15 Value 168 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 44 String Key 1 colJ1939ExtendedDataPage TypeRef:15 Value 169 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 45 String Key 1 colJ1939Priority TypeRef:15 Value 170 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 46 String Key 1 colJ1939Source TypeRef:15 Value 171 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 47 String Key 1 colJ1939Destination TypeRef:15 Value 172 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 48 String Key 1 colSendNow TypeRef:15 Value 173 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 49 String Key 1 colItemType TypeRef:15 Value 148 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 50 String Key 1 colName TypeRef:15 Value 150 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 51 String Key 1 colDatabaseComment TypeRef:15 Value 151 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 52 String Key 1 colUserComment TypeRef:15 Value 152 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 53 String Key 1 colID TypeRef:15 Value 153 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 54 String Key 1 colChannel TypeRef:15 Value 154 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 55 String Key 1 colIDE TypeRef:15 Value 155 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 56 String Key 1 colDataLengthCode TypeRef:15 Value 156 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 57 String Key 1 colBRS TypeRef:15 Value 157 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 58 String Key 1 colRTR TypeRef:15 Value 158 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 59 String Key 1 colTriggerType TypeRef:15 Value 159 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 60 String Key 1 colSend TypeRef:15 Value 160 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 61 String Key 1 colPositionInList TypeRef:15 Value 161 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 62 String Key 1 colRowNumber TypeRef:15 Value 162 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 63 String Key 1 colParameterID TypeRef:15 Value 163 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 64 String Key 1 colPriority TypeRef:15 Value 164 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 65 String Key 1 colSourceID TypeRef:15 Value 165 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 66 String Key 1 colProtocol TypeRef:15 Value 166 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 67 String Key 1 colJ1939ParameterGroupNumber TypeRef:15 Value 167 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 68 String Key 1 colJ1939DataPage TypeRef:15 Value 168 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 69 String Key 1 colJ1939ExtendedDataPage TypeRef:15 Value 169 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 70 String Key 1 colJ1939Priority TypeRef:15 Value 170 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 71 String Key 1 colJ1939Source TypeRef:15 Value 171 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 72 String Key 1 colJ1939Destination TypeRef:15 Value 172 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 73 String Key 1 colSendNow TypeRef:15 Value 173 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 74 String Key 1 colItemType TypeRef:15 Value 148 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 75 String Key 1 colName TypeRef:15 Value 150 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 76 String Key 1 colDatabaseComment TypeRef:15 Value 151 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 77 String Key 1 colUserComment TypeRef:15 Value 152 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 78 String Key 1 colID TypeRef:15 Value 153 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 79 String Key 1 colChannel TypeRef:15 Value 154 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 80 String Key 1 colIDE TypeRef:15 Value 155 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 81 String Key 1 colDataLengthCode TypeRef:15 Value 156 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 82 String Key 1 colBRS TypeRef:15 Value 157 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 83 String Key 1 colRTR TypeRef:15 Value 158 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 84 String Key 1 colTriggerType TypeRef:15 Value 159 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 85 String Key 1 colSend TypeRef:15 Value 160 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 86 String Key 1 colPositionInList TypeRef:15 Value 161 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 87 String Key 1 colRowNumber TypeRef:15 Value 162 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 88 String Key 1 colParameterID TypeRef:15 Value 163 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 89 String Key 1 colPriority TypeRef:15 Value 164 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 90 String Key 1 colSourceID TypeRef:15 Value 165 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 91 String Key 1 colProtocol TypeRef:15 Value 166 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 92 String Key 1 colJ1939ParameterGroupNumber TypeRef:15 Value 167 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 93 String Key 1 colJ1939DataPage TypeRef:15 Value 168 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 94 String Key 1 colJ1939ExtendedDataPage TypeRef:15 Value 169 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 95 String Key 1 colJ1939Priority TypeRef:15 Value 170 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 96 String Key 1 colJ1939Source TypeRef:15 Value 171 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 97 String Key 1 colJ1939Destination TypeRef:15 Value 172 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 98 String Key 1 colSendNow TypeRef:15 Value 173 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 100 String Key 1 colStartBit TypeRef:15 Value 174 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 101 String Key 1 colSignalLength TypeRef:15 Value 175 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 102 String Key 1 colSignalName TypeRef:15 Value 176 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 103 String Key 1 colDatabaseComment TypeRef:15 Value 177 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 104 String Key 1 colRawValue TypeRef:15 Value 178 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 105 String Key 1 colRawValueStepSize TypeRef:15 Value 179 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 106 String Key 1 colPhysicalValue TypeRef:15 Value 180 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 107 String Key 1 colPhysicalStepSize TypeRef:15 Value 181 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 108 String Key 1 colUnit TypeRef:15 Value 182 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 109 String Key 1 colGeneratorSettings TypeRef:15 Value 183 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 110 String Key 1 colGeneratorType TypeRef:15 Value 184 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 111 String Key 1 colStartBit TypeRef:15 Value 174 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 112 String Key 1 colSignalLength TypeRef:15 Value 175 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 113 String Key 1 colSignalName TypeRef:15 Value 176 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 114 String Key 1 colDatabaseComment TypeRef:15 Value 177 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 115 String Key 1 colRawValue TypeRef:15 Value 178 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 116 String Key 1 colRawValueStepSize TypeRef:15 Value 179 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 117 String Key 1 colPhysicalValue TypeRef:15 Value 180 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 118 String Key 1 colPhysicalStepSize TypeRef:15 Value 181 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 119 String Key 1 colUnit TypeRef:15 Value 182 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 120 String Key 1 colGeneratorSettings TypeRef:15 Value 183 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 121 String Key 1 colGeneratorType TypeRef:15 Value 184 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 122 String Key 1 colStartBit TypeRef:15 Value 174 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 123 String Key 1 colSignalLength TypeRef:15 Value 175 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 124 String Key 1 colSignalName TypeRef:15 Value 176 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 125 String Key 1 colDatabaseComment TypeRef:15 Value 177 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 126 String Key 1 colRawValue TypeRef:15 Value 178 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 127 String Key 1 colRawValueStepSize TypeRef:15 Value 179 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 128 String Key 1 colPhysicalValue TypeRef:15 Value 180 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 129 String Key 1 colPhysicalStepSize TypeRef:15 Value 181 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 130 String Key 1 colUnit TypeRef:15 Value 182 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 131 String Key 1 colGeneratorSettings TypeRef:15 Value 183 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 132 String Key 1 colGeneratorType TypeRef:15 Value 184 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 133 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 301 Boolean IdentifierExtension False APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.BasicTypes\\Vector.CANalyzer.BasicTypes.dll Vector.CANalyzer.BasicTypes, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationChannel 16 Channel 185 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.BasicTypes\\Vector.CANalyzer.BasicTypes.dll Vector.CANalyzer.BasicTypes, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.BusType 17 mBusType 186 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 12 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 45 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 45 UInt32 J1939Destination 1 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 187 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 3 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 134 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 1 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 1 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey True String NativeTriggerKey 1 Up UInt32 NativeTriggerKeyCode 18432 Boolean HasTriggerKey True String TriggerKey 1 Up System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Windows.Forms.Keys 18 TriggerKeyCode 188 Int32 value__ 38 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 TriggerPeriod 100 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 189 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 4 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 136 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 301 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 190 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 191 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 12 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 45 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 45 UInt32 J1939Destination 1 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 137 Boolean IsActive False Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 100 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 138 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1025 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 192 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 193 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 1 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 1 UInt32 J1939Destination 4 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 139 Boolean IsActive False Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 140 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 623 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 194 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 195 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 1 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 111 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 111 UInt32 J1939Destination 2 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 141 Boolean IsActive False Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 100 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 142 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 301 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 196 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 197 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 45 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 45 UInt32 J1939Destination 1 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 143 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 1 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 1 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey True String NativeTriggerKey 1 Down UInt32 NativeTriggerKeyCode 20480 Boolean HasTriggerKey True String TriggerKey 1 Down TypeRef:18 TriggerKeyCode 198 Int32 value__ 40 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 144 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1178 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 199 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 200 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 16 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 239 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 154 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 154 UInt32 J1939Destination 4 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 145 Boolean IsActive False Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 146 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1076 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 201 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 202 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 1 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 254 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 52 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 52 UInt32 J1939Destination 4 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 147 Boolean IsActive False Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 148 Int32 ColumnHandle 4 Int32 VisibleIndex 6 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 140 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 203 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 150 Int32 ColumnHandle 1 Int32 VisibleIndex 3 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 46 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 151 Int32 ColumnHandle 3 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 152 Int32 ColumnHandle 2 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 153 Int32 ColumnHandle 5 Int32 VisibleIndex 4 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 55 Int32 SortOrder 1 Int32 SortIndex 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 154 Int32 ColumnHandle 0 Int32 VisibleIndex 5 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 80 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 155 Int32 ColumnHandle 6 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 30 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 156 Int32 ColumnHandle 25 Int32 VisibleIndex 7 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 50 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 157 Int32 ColumnHandle 11 Int32 VisibleIndex 8 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 30 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 158 Int32 ColumnHandle 12 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 40 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 159 Int32 ColumnHandle 8 Int32 VisibleIndex 2 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 146 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 160 Int32 ColumnHandle 9 Int32 VisibleIndex 1 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 38 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 161 Int32 ColumnHandle 24 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 162 Int32 ColumnHandle 23 Int32 VisibleIndex 0 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 50 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 163 Int32 ColumnHandle 15 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 164 Int32 ColumnHandle 13 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 165 Int32 ColumnHandle 14 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 166 Int32 ColumnHandle 10 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 167 Int32 ColumnHandle 16 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 168 Int32 ColumnHandle 17 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 30 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 169 Int32 ColumnHandle 18 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 30 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 170 Int32 ColumnHandle 19 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 40 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 171 Int32 ColumnHandle 20 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 172 Int32 ColumnHandle 21 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 173 Int32 ColumnHandle -1 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 174 Int32 ColumnHandle 1 Int32 VisibleIndex 8 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 62 Int32 SortOrder 1 Int32 SortIndex 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 175 Int32 ColumnHandle 2 Int32 VisibleIndex 9 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 61 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 176 Int32 ColumnHandle 3 Int32 VisibleIndex 0 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 84 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 177 Int32 ColumnHandle 4 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 80 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 178 Int32 ColumnHandle 5 Int32 VisibleIndex 3 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 73 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 179 Int32 ColumnHandle 6 Int32 VisibleIndex 4 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 68 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 180 Int32 ColumnHandle 7 Int32 VisibleIndex 5 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 73 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 181 Int32 ColumnHandle 8 Int32 VisibleIndex 6 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 68 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 182 Int32 ColumnHandle 9 Int32 VisibleIndex 7 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 50 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 183 Int32 ColumnHandle -1 Int32 VisibleIndex 1 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 95 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 184 Int32 ColumnHandle 0 Int32 VisibleIndex 2 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 90 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETStandaloneComponent 7 End_Of_Object VCANInteractiveGeneratorConfiguration 6 NULL EndOfComment 0 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 5 2 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 61 3 TABPredecessor: 60 TABSuccessor: 349 VSimulationNode 6 Begin_Of_Object 4 VProgrammedNode 7 Begin_Of_Object 6 VConfigurationRoot 8 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VConfigurationRoot 8 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "source\can\resetCAN.can" 1 D:\CANoe����\TianYing�����ű�\source\can\resetCAN.cbf << default >> 5 resetCAN ECU 2 EOF_TITLE_INFO << default >> 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 SS_BEGIN_COMMON_INFO 1 4 Behavior 1 Buses 1 Misc 1 Timing 1 SS_END_COMMON_INFO EOF_MBSSDATA 1 0 1 0 EOF_NLDATA 0 EOF_ASSEMBLYDATA <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "source\can\resetCAN.cbf" VIPBStackSetting 8 Begin_Of_Object 6 2 0 0 1 0 1 8 End_Of_Serialized_Data 8 8 :: End_Of_Serialized_Data 8 2 End_Of_Object VIPBStackSetting 8 7 NULL End_Of_Serialized_Data 7 0 <VFileName V7 QL> 0 "" 1 0 End_Of_Object VProgrammedNode 7 0 0 Startdelay 0 0 0 Jitter 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 EOF_NLDATA 3 VSimulinkModelViewerConfiguration 7 Begin_Of_Object 2 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "source\can" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "source\can" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "source\can" 150 0 End_Of_Object VSimulinkModelViewerConfiguration 7 1 0 1051007867 0 NodeSignalPanelBustypeCount 0 0 End_Of_Object VSimulationNode 6 NULL EndOfComment 0 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 5 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 370 3 TABPredecessor: 349 TABSuccessor: 2 VCANInteractiveGeneratorConfiguration 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 VMigratedGenericConfiguration<class_VCANInteractiveGeneratorData> 7 Begin_Of_Object 1 VCANInteractiveGeneratorData 8 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 End_Of_Object VCANInteractiveGeneratorData 8 End_Of_Object VMigratedGenericConfiguration<class_VCANInteractiveGeneratorData> 7 3 ���� BOF_MBSSDATA 1 2 1 0 SS_BEGIN_COMMON_INFO 1 3 Behavior 1 Buses 1 Misc 1 SS_END_COMMON_INFO EOF_MBSSDATA 1 0 1 VNETStandaloneComponent 7 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 8 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 9 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 10 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 738 22 1530 822 ���� 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 738 22 1530 822 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 6 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 384 169 1536 679 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {85E6FB7D-484F-41EF-A3C6-E5D43529563C} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 10 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 9 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 8 16740 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Controller.CANwinCommunicator 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Controller.Controller 3 Controller 3 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 4 SerializationVersion 4 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:3 3 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.SendItemList.ConfigurationModel 5 Model 5 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Object 6 FocusedSendListItem 0 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.GUI.GridViewSettings 7 SendItemGridViewSettings 6 TypeRef:7 FrameSignalGridViewSettings 7 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.GUI.MainControlSettings 8 MainControlSettingsSettings 8 Boolean AutomaticGMLANColumnActivation True Boolean AutomaticCANFDColumnActivation False Boolean AutomaticJ1939ColumnActivation True TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 9 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 4 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:5 5 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Util.DataCollection`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.SendItemList.SendListItem, Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 9 Items 10 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 11 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:7 6 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Util.SerializeableKeyValuePair`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.GUI.GridColumnSettings, Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]], Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 10 ColumnSettings 12 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 13 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:7 7 TypeRef:10 ColumnSettings 14 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:8 8 Boolean IsLeftRightSplitterExpanded False Boolean IsUpperLowerSplitterExpanded False Int32 LeftRightSplitterDistance 300 Int32 UpperLowerSplitterDistance 250 Boolean IsAnyPropertyChanged True TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 15 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:9 10 Int32 Count 31 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.SendItemList.SendListItem 11 Item_0 16 TypeRef:11 Item_1 17 TypeRef:11 Item_2 18 TypeRef:11 Item_3 19 TypeRef:11 Item_4 20 TypeRef:11 Item_5 21 TypeRef:11 Item_6 22 TypeRef:11 Item_7 23 TypeRef:11 Item_8 24 TypeRef:11 Item_9 25 TypeRef:11 Item_10 26 TypeRef:11 Item_11 27 TypeRef:11 Item_12 28 TypeRef:11 Item_13 29 TypeRef:11 Item_14 30 TypeRef:11 Item_15 31 TypeRef:11 Item_16 32 TypeRef:11 Item_17 33 TypeRef:11 Item_18 34 TypeRef:11 Item_19 35 TypeRef:11 Item_20 36 TypeRef:11 Item_21 37 TypeRef:11 Item_22 38 TypeRef:11 Item_23 39 TypeRef:11 Item_24 40 TypeRef:11 Item_25 41 TypeRef:11 Item_26 42 TypeRef:11 Item_27 43 TypeRef:11 Item_28 44 TypeRef:11 Item_29 45 TypeRef:11 Item_30 46 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:10 12 Array _items 47 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Util.SerializeableKeyValuePair`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.GUI.GridColumnSettings, Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 12 1 0 2047 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 48 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 49 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 50 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 51 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 52 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 53 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 54 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 55 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 56 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 57 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 58 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 59 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 60 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 61 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 62 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 63 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 64 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 65 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 66 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 67 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 68 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 69 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 70 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 71 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 72 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 73 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 74 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 75 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 76 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 77 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 78 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 79 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 80 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 81 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 82 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 83 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 84 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 85 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 86 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 87 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 88 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 89 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 90 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 91 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 92 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 93 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 94 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 95 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 96 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 97 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 98 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 99 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 100 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 101 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 102 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 103 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 104 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 105 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 106 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 107 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 108 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 109 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 110 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 111 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 112 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 113 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 114 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 115 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 116 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 117 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 118 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 119 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 120 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 121 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 122 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 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TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:6 ArrayElement 0 Int32 _size 33 Int32 _version 2597 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 16 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.FramePersistor 13 Frame 157 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.TriggerConditionPersistor 14 TriggerCondition 158 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 159 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 17 TypeRef:13 Frame 160 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 161 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 18 TypeRef:13 Frame 162 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 163 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 19 TypeRef:13 Frame 164 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 165 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 20 TypeRef:13 Frame 166 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 167 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 21 TypeRef:13 Frame 168 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 169 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 22 TypeRef:13 Frame 170 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 171 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 23 TypeRef:13 Frame 172 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 173 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 24 TypeRef:13 Frame 174 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 175 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 25 TypeRef:13 Frame 176 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 177 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 26 TypeRef:13 Frame 178 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 179 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 27 TypeRef:13 Frame 180 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 181 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 28 TypeRef:13 Frame 182 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 183 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 29 TypeRef:13 Frame 184 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 185 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 30 TypeRef:13 Frame 186 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 187 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 31 TypeRef:13 Frame 188 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 189 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 32 TypeRef:13 Frame 190 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 191 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 33 TypeRef:13 Frame 192 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 193 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 34 TypeRef:13 Frame 194 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 195 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 35 TypeRef:13 Frame 196 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 197 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 36 TypeRef:13 Frame 198 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 199 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 37 TypeRef:13 Frame 200 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 201 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 38 TypeRef:13 Frame 202 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 203 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 39 TypeRef:13 Frame 204 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 205 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 40 TypeRef:13 Frame 206 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 207 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 41 TypeRef:13 Frame 208 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 209 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 42 TypeRef:13 Frame 210 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 211 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 43 TypeRef:13 Frame 212 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 213 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 44 TypeRef:13 Frame 214 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 215 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 45 TypeRef:13 Frame 216 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 217 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 46 TypeRef:13 Frame 218 TypeRef:14 TriggerCondition 219 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 48 String Key 1 colItemType APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.CAN.InteractiveGenerator.Model.Persistence.GUI.GridColumnSettings 15 Value 220 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 221 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 49 String Key 1 colName TypeRef:15 Value 222 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 50 String Key 1 colDatabaseComment TypeRef:15 Value 223 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 51 String Key 1 colUserComment TypeRef:15 Value 224 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 52 String Key 1 colID TypeRef:15 Value 225 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 53 String Key 1 colChannel TypeRef:15 Value 226 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 54 String Key 1 colIDE TypeRef:15 Value 227 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 55 String Key 1 colDataLengthCode TypeRef:15 Value 228 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 56 String Key 1 colBRS TypeRef:15 Value 229 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 57 String Key 1 colRTR TypeRef:15 Value 230 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 58 String Key 1 colTriggerType TypeRef:15 Value 231 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 59 String Key 1 colSend TypeRef:15 Value 232 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 60 String Key 1 colPositionInList TypeRef:15 Value 233 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 61 String Key 1 colRowNumber TypeRef:15 Value 234 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 62 String Key 1 colParameterID TypeRef:15 Value 235 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 63 String Key 1 colPriority TypeRef:15 Value 236 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 64 String Key 1 colSourceID TypeRef:15 Value 237 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 65 String Key 1 colProtocol TypeRef:15 Value 238 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 66 String Key 1 colJ1939ParameterGroupNumber TypeRef:15 Value 239 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 67 String Key 1 colJ1939DataPage TypeRef:15 Value 240 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 68 String Key 1 colJ1939ExtendedDataPage TypeRef:15 Value 241 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 69 String Key 1 colJ1939Priority TypeRef:15 Value 242 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 70 String Key 1 colJ1939Source TypeRef:15 Value 243 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 71 String Key 1 colJ1939Destination TypeRef:15 Value 244 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 72 String Key 1 colSendNow TypeRef:15 Value 245 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 73 String Key 1 colItemType TypeRef:15 Value 220 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 74 String Key 1 colName TypeRef:15 Value 222 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 75 String Key 1 colDatabaseComment TypeRef:15 Value 223 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 76 String Key 1 colUserComment TypeRef:15 Value 224 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 77 String Key 1 colID TypeRef:15 Value 225 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 78 String Key 1 colChannel TypeRef:15 Value 226 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 79 String Key 1 colIDE TypeRef:15 Value 227 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 80 String Key 1 colDataLengthCode TypeRef:15 Value 228 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 81 String Key 1 colBRS TypeRef:15 Value 229 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 82 String Key 1 colRTR TypeRef:15 Value 230 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 83 String Key 1 colTriggerType TypeRef:15 Value 231 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 84 String Key 1 colSend TypeRef:15 Value 232 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 85 String Key 1 colPositionInList TypeRef:15 Value 233 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 86 String Key 1 colRowNumber TypeRef:15 Value 234 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 87 String Key 1 colParameterID TypeRef:15 Value 235 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 88 String Key 1 colPriority TypeRef:15 Value 236 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 89 String Key 1 colSourceID TypeRef:15 Value 237 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 90 String Key 1 colProtocol TypeRef:15 Value 238 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 91 String Key 1 colJ1939ParameterGroupNumber TypeRef:15 Value 239 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 92 String Key 1 colJ1939DataPage TypeRef:15 Value 240 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 93 String Key 1 colJ1939ExtendedDataPage TypeRef:15 Value 241 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 94 String Key 1 colJ1939Priority TypeRef:15 Value 242 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 95 String Key 1 colJ1939Source TypeRef:15 Value 243 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 96 String Key 1 colJ1939Destination TypeRef:15 Value 244 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 97 String Key 1 colSendNow TypeRef:15 Value 245 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 98 String Key 1 colItemType TypeRef:15 Value 220 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 99 String Key 1 colName TypeRef:15 Value 222 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 100 String Key 1 colDatabaseComment TypeRef:15 Value 223 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 101 String Key 1 colUserComment TypeRef:15 Value 224 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 102 String Key 1 colID TypeRef:15 Value 225 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 103 String Key 1 colChannel TypeRef:15 Value 226 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 104 String Key 1 colIDE TypeRef:15 Value 227 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 105 String Key 1 colDataLengthCode TypeRef:15 Value 228 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 106 String Key 1 colBRS TypeRef:15 Value 229 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 107 String Key 1 colRTR TypeRef:15 Value 230 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 108 String Key 1 colTriggerType TypeRef:15 Value 231 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 109 String Key 1 colSend TypeRef:15 Value 232 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 110 String Key 1 colPositionInList TypeRef:15 Value 233 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 111 String Key 1 colRowNumber TypeRef:15 Value 234 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 112 String Key 1 colParameterID TypeRef:15 Value 235 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 113 String Key 1 colPriority TypeRef:15 Value 236 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 114 String Key 1 colSourceID TypeRef:15 Value 237 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 115 String Key 1 colProtocol TypeRef:15 Value 238 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 116 String Key 1 colJ1939ParameterGroupNumber TypeRef:15 Value 239 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 117 String Key 1 colJ1939DataPage TypeRef:15 Value 240 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 118 String Key 1 colJ1939ExtendedDataPage TypeRef:15 Value 241 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 119 String Key 1 colJ1939Priority TypeRef:15 Value 242 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 120 String Key 1 colJ1939Source TypeRef:15 Value 243 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 121 String Key 1 colJ1939Destination TypeRef:15 Value 244 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 122 String Key 1 colSendNow TypeRef:15 Value 245 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 124 String Key 1 colStartBit TypeRef:15 Value 246 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 125 String Key 1 colSignalLength TypeRef:15 Value 247 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 126 String Key 1 colSignalName TypeRef:15 Value 248 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 127 String Key 1 colDatabaseComment TypeRef:15 Value 249 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 128 String Key 1 colRawValue TypeRef:15 Value 250 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 129 String Key 1 colRawValueStepSize TypeRef:15 Value 251 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 130 String Key 1 colPhysicalValue TypeRef:15 Value 252 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 131 String Key 1 colPhysicalStepSize TypeRef:15 Value 253 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 132 String Key 1 colUnit TypeRef:15 Value 254 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 133 String Key 1 colGeneratorSettings TypeRef:15 Value 255 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 134 String Key 1 colGeneratorType TypeRef:15 Value 256 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 135 String Key 1 colStartBit TypeRef:15 Value 246 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 136 String Key 1 colSignalLength TypeRef:15 Value 247 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 137 String Key 1 colSignalName TypeRef:15 Value 248 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 138 String Key 1 colDatabaseComment TypeRef:15 Value 249 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 139 String Key 1 colRawValue TypeRef:15 Value 250 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 140 String Key 1 colRawValueStepSize TypeRef:15 Value 251 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 141 String Key 1 colPhysicalValue TypeRef:15 Value 252 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 142 String Key 1 colPhysicalStepSize TypeRef:15 Value 253 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 143 String Key 1 colUnit TypeRef:15 Value 254 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 144 String Key 1 colGeneratorSettings TypeRef:15 Value 255 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 145 String Key 1 colGeneratorType TypeRef:15 Value 256 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 146 String Key 1 colStartBit TypeRef:15 Value 246 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 147 String Key 1 colSignalLength TypeRef:15 Value 247 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 148 String Key 1 colSignalName TypeRef:15 Value 248 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 149 String Key 1 colDatabaseComment TypeRef:15 Value 249 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 150 String Key 1 colRawValue TypeRef:15 Value 250 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 151 String Key 1 colRawValueStepSize TypeRef:15 Value 251 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 152 String Key 1 colPhysicalValue TypeRef:15 Value 252 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 153 String Key 1 colPhysicalStepSize TypeRef:15 Value 253 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 154 String Key 1 colUnit TypeRef:15 Value 254 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 155 String Key 1 colGeneratorSettings TypeRef:15 Value 255 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 156 String Key 1 colGeneratorType TypeRef:15 Value 256 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 157 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 256 Boolean IdentifierExtension False APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.BasicTypes\\Vector.CANalyzer.BasicTypes.dll Vector.CANalyzer.BasicTypes, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationChannel 16 Channel 257 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.BasicTypes\\Vector.CANalyzer.BasicTypes.dll Vector.CANalyzer.BasicTypes, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.BusType 17 mBusType 258 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 0 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 0 UInt32 J1939Destination 1 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 259 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 3 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 158 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 260 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 4 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 160 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 512 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 261 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 262 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 0 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 0 UInt32 J1939Destination 2 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 161 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 162 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 768 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 263 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 264 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 0 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 0 UInt32 J1939Destination 3 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 163 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 164 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1024 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 265 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 266 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 0 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 0 UInt32 J1939Destination 4 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 165 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 166 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1280 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 267 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 268 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 0 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 0 UInt32 J1939Destination 5 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 167 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 168 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1536 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 269 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 270 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 0 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 0 UInt32 J1939Destination 6 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 169 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 170 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1792 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 271 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 272 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 0 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 0 UInt32 J1939Destination 7 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 171 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 172 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 257 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 273 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 274 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 1 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 1 UInt32 J1939Destination 1 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 173 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 174 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 514 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 275 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 276 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 2 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 2 UInt32 J1939Destination 2 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 175 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 176 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 771 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 277 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 278 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 3 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 3 UInt32 J1939Destination 3 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 177 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 178 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1028 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 279 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 280 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 4 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 4 UInt32 J1939Destination 4 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 179 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 180 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1285 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 281 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 282 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 5 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 5 UInt32 J1939Destination 5 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 181 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 182 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1542 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 283 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 284 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 6 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 6 UInt32 J1939Destination 6 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 183 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 184 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1799 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 285 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 286 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 7 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 7 UInt32 J1939Destination 7 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 185 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 186 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 272 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 287 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 288 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 16 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 16 UInt32 J1939Destination 1 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 187 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 188 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 544 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 289 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 290 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 32 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 32 UInt32 J1939Destination 2 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 189 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 190 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 816 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 291 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 292 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 48 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 48 UInt32 J1939Destination 3 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 191 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 192 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1088 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 293 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 294 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 64 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 64 UInt32 J1939Destination 4 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 193 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 194 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1360 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 295 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 296 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 80 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 80 UInt32 J1939Destination 5 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 195 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 196 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1632 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 297 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 298 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 96 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 96 UInt32 J1939Destination 6 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 197 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 198 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1904 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 299 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 300 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 112 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 112 UInt32 J1939Destination 7 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 199 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 200 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 273 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 301 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 302 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 17 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 17 UInt32 J1939Destination 1 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 201 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 202 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 623 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 303 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 304 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 1 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 111 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 111 UInt32 J1939Destination 2 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 203 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 100 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 204 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 819 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 305 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 306 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 51 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 51 UInt32 J1939Destination 3 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 205 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 206 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1092 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 307 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 308 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 68 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 68 UInt32 J1939Destination 4 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 207 Boolean IsActive True Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 208 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1365 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 309 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 310 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 85 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 85 UInt32 J1939Destination 5 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 209 Boolean IsActive False Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 210 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1638 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 311 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 312 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 102 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 102 UInt32 J1939Destination 6 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 211 Boolean IsActive False Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 212 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 1911 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 313 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 314 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 119 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 119 UInt32 J1939Destination 7 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 213 Boolean IsActive False Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 214 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 325 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 315 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 316 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 69 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 69 UInt32 J1939Destination 1 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 215 Boolean IsActive False Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 216 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 326 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 317 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 318 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 70 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 70 UInt32 J1939Destination 1 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 217 Boolean IsActive False Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 218 String FrameName 1 String UserComment 1 UInt32 CANID 328 Boolean IdentifierExtension False TypeRef:16 Channel 319 UInt32 mChannelNumber 1 TypeRef:17 mBusType 320 Int32 value__ 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- UInt32 DataLengthCode 8 Int32 PayloadLength 8 Byte PayloadByte0 0 Byte PayloadByte1 0 Byte PayloadByte2 0 Byte PayloadByte3 0 Byte PayloadByte4 0 Byte PayloadByte5 0 Byte PayloadByte6 0 Byte PayloadByte7 0 UInt32 GMLANParameterID 0 UInt32 GMLANPriority 0 UInt32 GMLANSourceID 72 String GMLANSourceNode 1 UInt32 J1939DataPage 0 UInt32 J1939ExtendedDataPage 0 UInt32 J1939Priority 0 UInt32 J1939Source 72 UInt32 J1939Destination 1 UInt32 J1939ParameterGroupNumber 0 String J1939SourceNode 1 String J1939DestinationNode 1 Boolean IsJ1939TransportProtocolMessage False UInt32 J1939TransportProtocolLength 8 UInt32 ProtocolType 1 UInt32 ProtocolType_New 1 Boolean RemoteTransmissionRequest False UInt32 FrameType 1 UInt32 FrameType_New 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:14 219 Boolean IsActive False Int32 TriggerType 2 UInt32 TriggerCANId 0 String InvalidCANFrameName 1 UInt32 TriggerEventChannelNumber 1 String TriggerSystemVariablePath 1 Int32 TriggerSystemVariableChangeType 1 TypeRef:6 TriggerDatabaseFrameEntry 0 Int32 CompatibleTriggerType 2 Boolean HasNativeTriggerKey False Boolean HasTriggerKey False UInt32 TriggerPeriod 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 220 Int32 ColumnHandle 4 Int32 VisibleIndex 6 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 140 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 TypeRef:4 SerializationVersion 321 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 222 Int32 ColumnHandle 1 Int32 VisibleIndex 3 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 72 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 223 Int32 ColumnHandle 3 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 224 Int32 ColumnHandle 2 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 225 Int32 ColumnHandle 5 Int32 VisibleIndex 4 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 70 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 226 Int32 ColumnHandle 0 Int32 VisibleIndex 5 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 80 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 227 Int32 ColumnHandle 6 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 30 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 228 Int32 ColumnHandle 25 Int32 VisibleIndex 7 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 50 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 229 Int32 ColumnHandle 11 Int32 VisibleIndex 8 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 30 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 230 Int32 ColumnHandle 12 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 40 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 231 Int32 ColumnHandle 8 Int32 VisibleIndex 2 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 96 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 232 Int32 ColumnHandle 9 Int32 VisibleIndex 1 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 60 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 233 Int32 ColumnHandle 24 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 1 Int32 SortIndex 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 234 Int32 ColumnHandle 23 Int32 VisibleIndex 0 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 35 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 235 Int32 ColumnHandle 15 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 236 Int32 ColumnHandle 13 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 237 Int32 ColumnHandle 14 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 238 Int32 ColumnHandle 10 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 239 Int32 ColumnHandle 16 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 240 Int32 ColumnHandle 17 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 30 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 241 Int32 ColumnHandle 18 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 30 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 242 Int32 ColumnHandle 19 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 40 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 243 Int32 ColumnHandle 20 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 244 Int32 ColumnHandle 21 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 245 Int32 ColumnHandle -1 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 75 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 246 Int32 ColumnHandle 1 Int32 VisibleIndex 8 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 62 Int32 SortOrder 1 Int32 SortIndex 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 247 Int32 ColumnHandle 2 Int32 VisibleIndex 9 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 61 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 248 Int32 ColumnHandle 3 Int32 VisibleIndex 0 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 84 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 249 Int32 ColumnHandle 4 Int32 VisibleIndex -1 Boolean Visible False Int32 Width 80 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 250 Int32 ColumnHandle 5 Int32 VisibleIndex 3 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 73 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 251 Int32 ColumnHandle 6 Int32 VisibleIndex 4 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 68 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 252 Int32 ColumnHandle 7 Int32 VisibleIndex 5 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 73 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 253 Int32 ColumnHandle 8 Int32 VisibleIndex 6 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 68 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 254 Int32 ColumnHandle 9 Int32 VisibleIndex 7 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 50 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 255 Int32 ColumnHandle -1 Int32 VisibleIndex 1 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 95 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 256 Int32 ColumnHandle 0 Int32 VisibleIndex 2 Boolean Visible True Int32 Width 90 Int32 SortOrder 0 Int32 SortIndex -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETStandaloneComponent 7 End_Of_Object VCANInteractiveGeneratorConfiguration 6 NULL EndOfComment 0 0 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 5 TABPredecessor: 0 TABSuccessor: 60 VDAOGBFunctionBlock 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 2 0 TABPredecessor: 370 TABSuccessor: 0 VCardConf 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VCardConf 6 NULL EndOfComment 0 1 End_Of_Object VDAOGBFunctionBlock 5 End_Of_Object VDAOBus 4 NULL 0 End_Of_Object VDOLocalInfoStruct 3 0.000000 0 0 0 0 1 59421 1 280 1 2882400001 -88 112 520 720 2882400002 0 0 0 59421 1 280 1 2882400001 -88 112 520 720 2882400002 0 0 3 0 0 0 3 SS_BEGIN_COMMON_INFO 1 0 SS_END_COMMON_INFO EOF_MBSSDATA 1 CAN 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 2000 1 SS_BEGIN_COMMON_INFO 1 2 Channels 1 Misc 1 SS_END_COMMON_INFO EOF_BUSDATA 1 _Start_VPRBSManager 1 0 0x32 0x1 _End_VPRBSManager NodeSignalPanelBustypeCount 0 EOF_BUS EOF_MBSSDATA End_Of_Object VGBRealTimeBox 2 VWriteBox 2 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1374 0 1920 486 Write 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1374 0 1920 486 6 0 1027 169 0 0 300 180 300 180 0 61440 1 36756 1904 0 0 0 0 260 0 0 0 1 5 32767 1 59422 1 5 1017 174 4 6 518 1 0 1 0 1 169 0 59422 1 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 1 1 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {2C007CF7-DF38-4EC1-B451-76B84AF681CC} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 4 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 3 2 VWriteControlAdapter 3 Begin_Of_Object 2 VControlAdapter 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VControlAdapter 4 1 3 WListVer 2 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\Public\Documents\Vector\CANwin\8.0.71\CANwin Demos\templates" 0 1 1 1 1 0 False 147 90 0 394 470 483 280 End_Of_Serialized_Data 3 End_Of_Object VWriteControlAdapter 3 End_Of_Serialized_Data 2 End_Of_Object VWriteBox 2 VWinStore 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 22 2 3 -1 -1 -1 -1 614 369 1634 1136 End_Of_Child_List End_Of_Object VWinStore 2 VWinStore 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 22 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 21 1021 739 End_Of_Child_List End_Of_Object VWinStore 2 VChipMultibusConfig 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 Version 7 10 5 64 0 9 0 11 0 1 14 0 1 12 1 3 0 127 0 0 1 2900 10 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 2 15 0 7 0 16 0 1 End_Of_Object VChipMultibusConfig 2 VChipConfigC200 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 200 16000 0 0 0 58 250 0 255 0 0 1 1000 0 0 End_Of_Object VChipConfigC200 2 VChipConfigC200 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 200 16000 0 0 0 58 250 0 255 0 0 1 1000 1 0 End_Of_Object VChipConfigC200 2 VChipConfigC005 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 5 16000 0 0 0 35 96 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0 1 1000 0 0 End_Of_Object VChipConfigC005 2 VChipConfigC005 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 5 16000 0 0 0 35 96 0 2047 0 0 0 0 0 1 1000 1 0 End_Of_Object VChipConfigC005 2 VChipConfigC527 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 527 16000 0 0 1 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1000 0 0 End_Of_Object VChipConfigC527 2 VChipConfigC527 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 527 16000 0 0 1 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1000 1 0 End_Of_Object VChipConfigC527 2 VChipConfigC1000 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 1000 16000 0 0 65 20 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1000 0 1 127 32 0 32 1 31 8 8 1 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VChipConfigC1000 2 VChipConfigC1000 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 2 1000 16000 0 0 1 35 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1000 1 1 55 24 0 2 2 27 12 2 2 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VChipConfigC1000 2 VChipConfigC462 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 462 16000 0 0 125000 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 28 28 28 8 0 0 10 1 1000 0 0 End_Of_Object VChipConfigC462 2 VChipConfigC462 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 462 16000 0 0 125000 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 28 28 28 8 0 0 10 1 1000 1 0 End_Of_Object VChipConfigC462 2 0 11 3 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 11 0 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 VScanBaudrateConfiguration 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 256 1000 5 1000 1 0 1 End_Of_Object VScanBaudrateConfiguration 2 4 1 VPanelBox 2 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 4 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1374 487 1920 848 bootloader 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1374 487 1920 848 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 1 4 1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1265 600 1811 961 1 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 960 0 960 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {19162A89-6A97-43B8-A4BF-6D2266B040E7} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 4 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 3 2 VPanelAdapter 3 Begin_Of_Object 2 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "source\panel\bootloader.xvp" 1 0 0 VPanelInfo 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 VPanelActiveX 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 4294967295 0 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" 0 End_Of_Object VPanelActiveX 5 End_Of_Object VPanelInfo 4 1 End_Of_Object VPanelAdapter 3 End_Of_Serialized_Data 2 End_Of_Object VPanelBox 2 VPersistentPath 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "bootloader.cpd" End_Of_Object VPersistentPath 2 0 3 0 1 VTestSetupBox 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VUniqueBox 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 -1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 384 169 1536 679 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 384 169 1536 679 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 384 169 1536 679 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {C2D5A507-62E5-4C46-982B-110650617E07} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 4 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 3 1 2 0 0 END_OF_TEST_SETUP_DATA END_OF_TEST_SETUP_BOX End_Of_Object VTestSetupBox 2 VPlugInsPersistentWrapper 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 <PlugIns> </PlugIns> End_Of_Object VPlugInsPersistentWrapper 2 0 0 VMacroStreamer 2 Begin_Of_Object 2 VMacroManager 3 Begin_Of_Object 3 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VMacroManager 3 End_Of_Object VMacroStreamer 2 VSignalGeneratorStreamer 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VAnlyzSigGeneratorManager 3 Begin_Of_Object 3 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VAnlyzSigGeneratorManager 3 End_Of_Object VSignalGeneratorStreamer 2 SignalGeneratorsReplay 1 VNETStandaloneComponent 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 3 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 -1 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 211 228 1173 656 Signal Generators and Signal Replay 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 211 228 1173 656 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {13DE5351-04E5-439B-9987-A543976B9ACA} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 5 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 4 0 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 3 31 APPDIR Vector.CANoe.SignalGenerators.DLL Vector.CANoe.SignalGenerators, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANoe.SignalGenerators.ComponentWrapper 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 3 SerializationVersion 3 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETStandaloneComponent 2 2 1 2 1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SymbolSelectionProperties xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <AreDiagQualifiersShown>false</AreDiagQualifiersShown> 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-1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 197 115 788 463 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {8C56C7A4-57A8-4CA3-9675-785F69D95D73} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 5 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 4 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 3 1982 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.VScopeCANoeControl 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 mApplication 2 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.ScopeConfiguration 3 mConfig 3 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.ScopeGUIPersistency 4 GUIPersistence 4 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 5 SerializationVersion 5 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 1 UInt16 mPatch 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:3 3 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.ConfigDevicesRoot 6 mDeviceConfigDataRoot 6 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.TriggerModeType 7 mTriggerMode 7 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.CapturedDataConfigSettings 8 mCapturedDataConfigSettings 8 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.AcquisitionConfigSettings 9 mAcquisitionConfigSettings 9 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.GeneralSettings 10 mGeneralSettings 10 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.ChartViewSettings 11 mChartViewSettings 11 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.FRProtocolSettings 12 mFRProtocolSettings 12 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 13 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 3 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:4 4 Int32 mTraceViewPanelSize_X 911 Int32 mTraceViewPanelSize_Y 234 Int32 mDataViewPanelSize_X 321 Int32 mDataViewPanelSize_Y 544 Boolean mIsConfigExpanded True Boolean mIsTraceExpanded True System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a System.Drawing.Size 13 mGraphPanelLeftSize 14 Int32 width 0 Int32 height 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:13 mGraphPanelRightSize 15 Int32 width 0 Int32 height 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- Boolean mIsGraphPanelRightExpanded False Boolean mIsModuleDeviceAndTriggerConfigExpanded True Boolean mIsModuleDataHistoryExpanded False Boolean mIsModuleEyeDiagramConfigExpanded False TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 16 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:6 6 String mName 1 Scopes Boolean mCanActivate True Boolean mActivated True Int32 mNodeId -1 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Object 14 mActivatedNode 0 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.ConfigDevice 15 0 17 Int32 Count 1 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 18 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:7 7 Int32 Type 1 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 19 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:8 8 Boolean mIsNewDataAutomaticallySelected False Boolean mIsBufferSizeUserDefined False Int32 mBufferSize 100 Int32 mDataCleanupMode 1 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 20 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:9 9 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.AcquisitionTimeModel 16 TimeModel 21 Double AcquisitionTime 10 UInt32 PreTrigger 50 UInt32 MinSamplesPerBit 25 Boolean AllowRapidMode False Int32 AssuredBufferPhase 0 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 22 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:10 10 Boolean mIsTriggerActivatedOnMeasurementStart True Boolean mIsBufferSizeUserDefined False Boolean mAreChannelsWithoutTriggerIgnored False Boolean mIsDataClearedOnMeasurmentStart True Boolean mIsChartDataAutoDisplayActive True Double mBufferSize 400 Boolean mIsRingModeBufferActive True APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.ExportOptionsData 17 mExportOptions 23 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 24 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:11 11 System.Drawing, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a System.Drawing.Color 18 mGridLineColor 25 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 78 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mAxisLineColor 26 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 78 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mAxisTicksColor 27 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 78 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mChartViewBackground 28 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 164 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mCANSignalColor 29 String name 0 Int64 value 4278223103 Int16 knownColor 0 Int16 state 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mLINSignalColor 30 String name 0 Int64 value 4278222848 Int16 knownColor 0 Int16 state 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mIOSignalColor 31 String name 0 Int64 value 4288432654 Int16 knownColor 0 Int16 state 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mFrameHighlightColor 32 String name 0 Int64 value 4286611584 Int16 knownColor 0 Int16 state 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mFrameItemHighlightColor 33 String name 0 Int64 value 4294934528 Int16 knownColor 0 Int16 state 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mCANStuffBitColor 34 String name 0 Int64 value 4294934528 Int16 knownColor 0 Int16 state 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mLINInterbyteSpaceColor 35 String name 0 Int64 value 2104524944 Int16 knownColor 0 Int16 state 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mIOExternSignalColor 36 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 104 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mFRHighSignalColor 37 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 48 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mFRLowSignalColor 38 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 107 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mFRDiffSignalColor 39 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 35 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mLINSignalColorNew 40 String name 0 Int64 value 4278223103 Int16 knownColor 0 Int16 state 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- Boolean mShowCursorToolTips True Boolean mShowMultipleSignalsAsStack True Boolean mShowGridLines True Double mYDistanceMainTicks 1000 Double mYDistanceMainTicksMin 1 Double mYDistanceMainTicksMax 1000 Boolean mUseSmartLabels True Int32 mDisplayedMode 0 Boolean CANHighAutomaticallyVisible True Boolean CANLowAutomaticallyVisible True Boolean FRPlusAutomaticallyVisible True Boolean FRMinusAutomaticallyVisible True APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Impl.CalculationMap 19 GlobalCalculationsStrategy 41 TypeRef:18 mCANCalculatedSignalColor 42 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 141 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.SignalConfiguration 20 mSignalConfiguration 43 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.FrameFieldConfiguration 21 mFrameFieldConfig 44 Boolean mShowMarkerBar True Boolean mAlignGraphCursorsToHighlightedFrameFields False APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.SIUnitValue 22 XAxisUnitQualifier 45 TypeRef:22 YAxisUnitQualifier 46 Boolean mIsXAutoUnitQualifier True Boolean mIsYAutoUnitQualifier True APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.TimeUnitType 23 mTimeUnitMode 47 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 48 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 11 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 12 Int32 mFRLowLevelMaxLogicalRecessive -150 Int32 mFRHighLevelLogicalDominant 150 Double mSamplingPoint 0.7 Boolean mConsiderErrorFramesForDriftComp True TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 49 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:15 17 String mName 1 Scope_1 Boolean mCanActivate True Boolean mActivated True Int32 mNodeId 1 TypeRef:14 mActivatedNode 0 Int32 Count 0 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.ScopeDevicePicoTech_5444B 24 mDevice 50 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 51 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:16 21 Int32 Type 1 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 52 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:17 23 Boolean mExportScaling True Boolean mUseMultipleFilesForExport False TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 53 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:19 41 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.CapturedData.DataCollection`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Misc.SerializableKeyValuePair`2[[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.CapturedData.DataCollection`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.IBusSignalCalculation, Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]], Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]], Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 25 CalculationData 54 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 55 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:20 43 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.CapturedData.DataCollection`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Misc.SerializableKeyValuePair`2[[Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.BNCSignalSourceInfo, Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null],[Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.IScopeSignalConfigPresenter, Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]], Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 26 SignalConfiguration 56 Boolean mUseCustomColorDefaults False TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 57 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:21 44 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.ScopeFrameFieldConfigPresenterList 27 mFrameFieldPresenterList 58 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 59 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:22 45 Int32 mValue 0 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 60 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:22 46 Int32 mValue 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:23 47 Int32 Type 0 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 61 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:24 50 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.ScopeType 28 cScopeType 62 Boolean mIsAutomaticSamplingPeriodConfig True UInt32 mSamplingPeriod 80 Int32 NumberOfBNC 5 Double mSamplingPeriodDoubleNs 80 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.ScopeBNCMapping 29 BNCMapping_0 63 TypeRef:29 BNCMapping_1 64 TypeRef:29 BNCMapping_2 65 TypeRef:29 BNCMapping_3 66 TypeRef:29 BNCMapping_4 67 Int64 TimeBase5444B 12 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.VoltageRangeResolution 30 VoltageRangeResolution 68 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 69 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:25 54 Int32 Count 1 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Misc.SerializableKeyValuePair`2[[System.Int32, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.CapturedData.DataCollection`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.IBusSignalCalculation, Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]], Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 31 Item_0 70 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:26 56 Int32 Count 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:27 58 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.CapturedData.DataCollection`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.IScopeFrameFieldPresenter, Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 32 tmpScopeFrameFieldConfigPresenterList 71 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 72 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:28 62 Int32 Type 4 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 73 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:29 63 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.BNCChannelType 33 BNC_CHANNEL_TYPE 74 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.ProbeType 34 PROBE 75 String mLabel 1 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.BNCSignalSourceInfo 35 SignalSource 76 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.VPS4000+Range 36 mVoltageMeasurementRangeScope 77 Int32 value__ 5 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 78 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:29 64 TypeRef:33 BNC_CHANNEL_TYPE 79 TypeRef:34 PROBE 80 String mLabel 1 TypeRef:35 SignalSource 81 TypeRef:36 mVoltageMeasurementRangeScope 82 Int32 value__ 5 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:29 65 TypeRef:33 BNC_CHANNEL_TYPE 83 TypeRef:34 PROBE 84 String mLabel 1 TypeRef:35 SignalSource 85 TypeRef:36 mVoltageMeasurementRangeScope 86 Int32 value__ 5 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:29 66 TypeRef:33 BNC_CHANNEL_TYPE 87 TypeRef:34 PROBE 88 String mLabel 1 TypeRef:35 SignalSource 89 TypeRef:36 mVoltageMeasurementRangeScope 90 Int32 value__ 5 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:29 67 TypeRef:33 BNC_CHANNEL_TYPE 91 TypeRef:34 PROBE 92 String mLabel 1 TypeRef:35 SignalSource 93 TypeRef:36 mVoltageMeasurementRangeScope 94 Int32 value__ 8 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:30 68 Int32 Value 0 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 95 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:31 70 Int32 mKey 1 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.CapturedData.DataCollection`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.IBusSignalCalculation, Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 37 mValue 96 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 97 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:32 71 Int32 Count 5 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Configuration.ScopeFrameFieldConfigPresenter 38 Item_0 98 TypeRef:38 Item_1 99 TypeRef:38 Item_2 100 TypeRef:38 Item_3 101 TypeRef:38 Item_4 102 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:33 74 Int32 Type 0 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 103 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:34 75 Int32 Type 10 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 104 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:35 76 Int32 mBusType 1 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.BNCSignalSource 39 mSignalSource 105 UInt32 mChannelIndex 1 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.BNCSignalType 40 mSignalType 106 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.FlexRayChannelMaskWrapper 41 mChannelMaskFR 107 UInt32 mIOIndex 1 TypeRef:14 mCalculation 0 TypeRef:14 mSensorBNCData 0 Int32 mBusTypeWithSensor 1 TypeRef:39 mSignalSourceWithSensor 105 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 108 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 5 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:33 79 Int32 Type 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:34 80 Int32 Type 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:35 81 Int32 mBusType 1 TypeRef:39 mSignalSource 109 UInt32 mChannelIndex 1 TypeRef:40 mSignalType 110 TypeRef:41 mChannelMaskFR 111 UInt32 mIOIndex 1 TypeRef:14 mCalculation 0 TypeRef:14 mSensorBNCData 0 Int32 mBusTypeWithSensor 1 TypeRef:39 mSignalSourceWithSensor 109 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:33 83 Int32 Type 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:34 84 Int32 Type 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:35 85 Int32 mBusType 0 TypeRef:39 mSignalSource 112 UInt32 mChannelIndex 65535 TypeRef:40 mSignalType 113 TypeRef:41 mChannelMaskFR 114 UInt32 mIOIndex 1 TypeRef:14 mCalculation 0 TypeRef:14 mSensorBNCData 0 Int32 mBusTypeWithSensor 0 TypeRef:39 mSignalSourceWithSensor 112 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:33 87 Int32 Type 3 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:34 88 Int32 Type 10 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:35 89 Int32 mBusType 0 TypeRef:39 mSignalSource 115 UInt32 mChannelIndex 65535 TypeRef:40 mSignalType 116 TypeRef:41 mChannelMaskFR 117 UInt32 mIOIndex 1 TypeRef:14 mCalculation 0 TypeRef:14 mSensorBNCData 0 Int32 mBusTypeWithSensor 0 TypeRef:39 mSignalSourceWithSensor 115 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:33 91 Int32 Type 4 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:34 92 Int32 Type 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:35 93 Int32 mBusType 0 TypeRef:39 mSignalSource 118 UInt32 mChannelIndex 65535 TypeRef:40 mSignalType 119 TypeRef:41 mChannelMaskFR 120 UInt32 mIOIndex 1 TypeRef:14 mCalculation 0 TypeRef:14 mSensorBNCData 0 Int32 mBusTypeWithSensor 0 TypeRef:39 mSignalSourceWithSensor 118 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:37 96 Int32 Count 3 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Impl.CalculationStrategy`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.ECANCalculationType, Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 42 Item_0 121 TypeRef:42 Item_1 122 TypeRef:42 Item_2 123 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:38 98 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Scope, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Scope.Interfaces.FrameFieldType 43 mFieldType 124 TypeRef:18 mFieldColor 125 String name 0 Int64 value 4286611584 Int16 knownColor 0 Int16 state 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mFieldColorDefault 126 String name 0 Int64 value 4286611584 Int16 knownColor 0 Int16 state 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 127 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:38 99 TypeRef:43 mFieldType 128 TypeRef:18 mFieldColor 129 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 127 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mFieldColorDefault 130 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 127 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:38 100 TypeRef:43 mFieldType 131 TypeRef:18 mFieldColor 132 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 141 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mFieldColorDefault 133 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 141 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:38 101 TypeRef:43 mFieldType 134 TypeRef:18 mFieldColor 135 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 105 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mFieldColorDefault 136 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 105 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:38 102 TypeRef:43 mFieldType 137 TypeRef:18 mFieldColor 138 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 128 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:18 mFieldColorDefault 139 String name 0 Int64 value 0 Int16 knownColor 128 Int16 state 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:39 105 Int32 Value 1 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 140 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:40 106 Int32 Value 3 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 141 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:41 107 Int32 mValue 0 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 142 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:39 109 Int32 Value 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:40 110 Int32 Value 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:41 111 Int32 mValue 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:39 112 Int32 Value 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:40 113 Int32 Value 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:41 114 Int32 mValue 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:39 115 Int32 Value 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:40 116 Int32 Value 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:41 117 Int32 mValue 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:39 118 Int32 Value 3 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:40 119 Int32 Value 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:41 120 Int32 mValue 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:42 121 Int32 Type 1 Boolean ActiveState True Int32 busType 1 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 143 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:42 122 Int32 Type 2 Boolean ActiveState False Int32 busType 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:42 123 Int32 Type 3 Boolean ActiveState False Int32 busType 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:43 124 Int32 Type -100 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 144 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:43 128 Int32 Type 700 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:43 131 Int32 Type 1037 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:43 134 Int32 Type 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:43 137 Int32 Type 252 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETStandaloneComponent 2 VCanGlOpConf 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 2 End_Of_Object VCanGlOpConf 2 0 1 0 <End_of_SimulinkController> StartOfComment EndOfComment 11.0 SP3 VHILInterfaceMgrAnlyz 2 Begin_Of_Object 5 0 0 2809 0 3030 1 End_Of_Object VHILInterfaceMgrAnlyz 2 0 BasicDiagnosticsEditor 1 VNETStandaloneComponent 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 3 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 384 169 1243 883 Basic Diagnostics 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 384 169 1243 883 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 6 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 384 169 1536 679 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {B63ACC10-8EA3-4C9D-BC59-AFA691CEDEFE} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 5 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 4 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 3 31 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.BasicDiagnosticsEditor.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.BasicDiagnosticsEditor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.BasicDiagnosticsEditor.VBasicDiagnosticsEditorWrapper 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 3 SerializationVersion 3 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETStandaloneComponent 2 0 CalculateExtendedStatistics 1 0 0 25 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.SymbolSelectionListBox.Data.SymbolMRUList 1 1 Int32 Count 0 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 2 SerializationVersion 2 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- J1939::VGlobalSettings 2 Begin_Of_Object 2 1 0 End_Of_Object J1939::VGlobalSettings 2 VNETStandaloneComponent 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 3 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 200 118 801 474 Start Values 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 200 118 816 556 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 200 118 816 556 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {38D06A6E-39BC-4EB3-97F7-EFCC051F454C} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 5 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 4 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 3 379 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.StartValuesController 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.Model.StartValuesModel 3 StartValuesModel 3 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.GUI.GUISettings 4 GUISettings 4 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 5 SerializationVersion 5 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:3 3 Boolean SetValuesOnMeasurementStart True mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.Model.StartValue, Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 6 StartValues 6 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.Model.StartValueGroup, Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 7 StartValuesGroups 7 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 8 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:4 4 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.GUI.ColumnSettings, Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 8 ColumnSettings 9 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 10 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:6 6 Array _items 11 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.Model.StartValue 9 1 0 -1 Int32 _size 0 Int32 _version 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:7 7 Array _items 12 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.Model.StartValueGroup 10 1 0 3 TypeRef:10 ArrayElement 13 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Object 11 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:11 ArrayElement 0 TypeRef:11 ArrayElement 0 Int32 _size 1 Int32 _version 2361 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:8 9 Array _items 14 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.StartValues.GUI.ColumnSettings 12 1 0 7 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 15 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 16 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 17 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 18 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 19 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 20 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 21 TypeRef:12 ArrayElement 22 Int32 _size 8 Int32 _version 8 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:10 13 Int32 StartValueGroup_ID 0 String StartValueGroup_Name 1 Start values group1 String StartValueGroup_Comment 1 Boolean StartValueGroup_Active True TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 23 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 15 Int32 mHandle 0 Int32 mDefaultWidth 25 Int32 mWidth 25 Int32 SortOrderInt 0 Int32 mVisibleIndex 1 TypeRef:5 SerializationVersion 24 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 16 Int32 mHandle 1 Int32 mDefaultWidth 150 Int32 mWidth 150 Int32 SortOrderInt 0 Int32 mVisibleIndex 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 17 Int32 mHandle 2 Int32 mDefaultWidth 75 Int32 mWidth 75 Int32 SortOrderInt 0 Int32 mVisibleIndex 3 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 18 Int32 mHandle 3 Int32 mDefaultWidth 75 Int32 mWidth 75 Int32 SortOrderInt 0 Int32 mVisibleIndex 5 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 19 Int32 mHandle 4 Int32 mDefaultWidth 75 Int32 mWidth 75 Int32 SortOrderInt 0 Int32 mVisibleIndex 6 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 20 Int32 mHandle 5 Int32 mDefaultWidth 50 Int32 mWidth 50 Int32 SortOrderInt 0 Int32 mVisibleIndex 4 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 21 Int32 mHandle 6 Int32 mDefaultWidth 25 Int32 mWidth 25 Int32 SortOrderInt 0 Int32 mVisibleIndex 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:12 22 Int32 mHandle 7 Int32 mDefaultWidth 198 Int32 mWidth 198 Int32 SortOrderInt 0 Int32 mVisibleIndex 7 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETStandaloneComponent 2 VStandaloneLoggingUserConfig 2 Begin_Of_Object 4 0 VLogCfgData 3 Begin_Of_Object 11 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1024 60 1 0 0 3 0 938 1 1 0 2 0 0 3 VLogExportPersister 4 Begin_Of_Object 7 1416 11060201 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" 0 2 1 :: , . 0 2 0 0.10000000000000001 6 1 3 2 19 0.10000000000000001 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 730 0 0.10000000000000001 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VLogExportPersister 4 End_Of_Serialized_Data 3 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\Logging_.blf" 0 0 1 30 80 0 1 1 1 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\Logging_{MeasurementIndex}.blf" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe" 0 1 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Vector\CANoe\11.0 (x64)\Templates\CANoe\Logging_{MeasurementIndex}.blf" 0 bbe65c5e-ca24-4710-83a3-20c3e6e2b31b 1 End_Of_Object VLogCfgData 3 0 VAutoRunPreLoggingCaplBox 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 <VFileName V7 QL> 0 "" 0 End_Of_Object VAutoRunPreLoggingCaplBox 3 0 VTriggerCfgData 3 Begin_Of_Object 5 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 200000 0 0 1 1 5000 VEvCondBlock 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 VEvCondGroup 5 Begin_Of_Object 2 VEvCondPrimitive 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 End_Of_Object VEvCondPrimitive 6 1 0 0 End_Of_Object VEvCondGroup 5 End_Of_Object VEvCondBlock 4 VEvCondBlock 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 VEvCondGroup 5 Begin_Of_Object 2 VEvCondPrimitive 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 End_Of_Object VEvCondPrimitive 6 1 0 0 End_Of_Object VEvCondGroup 5 End_Of_Object VEvCondBlock 4 0 0 0 116 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VTriggerCfgData 3 End_Of_Object VStandaloneLoggingUserConfig 2 Mapping::VMappingManager 2 Begin_Of_Object 3 1 Mapping::VMappingGroup 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 1 0 Static Mapping 1 Mapping::VMappingGroup 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 0 1 Group 1 0 0 End_Of_Object Mapping::VMappingGroup 4 0 End_Of_Object Mapping::VMappingGroup 3 0 End_Of_Object Mapping::VMappingManager 2 VTSystemControl 0 TestConfigurationSetup VTestConfigurationSetupWrapper 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETStandaloneComponent 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 4 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 -1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 207 122 647 447 Test Setup for Test Units 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 207 122 647 447 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 207 122 828 491 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {EB390A16-0D8D-40A9-96E6-13FAD7C9B34F} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 6 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 5 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 4 35 APPDIR Vector.CANoe.TestConfigurationSetup.DLL Vector.CANoe.TestConfigurationSetup, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANoe.TestConfigurationSetup.TestConfigurationSetup 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 String TestConfigurationSetupPersistence 1 0;-1;-1; APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 3 SerializationVersion 3 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETStandaloneComponent 3 0 End_Of_Object VTestConfigurationSetupWrapper 2 AFDXVLStatisticSysVars NAFDX::NStatisticsMonitor::VSVClient 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 Begin_Of_Multi_Line_String 2 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <systemvariables version="4" /> End_Of_Serialized_Data 2 End_Of_Object NAFDX::NStatisticsMonitor::VSVClient 2 DocumentViewer VDocumentViewerWrapper 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETStandaloneComponent 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 4 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 199 118 799 474 Documents 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 199 118 799 474 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 199 118 799 474 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {DDD8C00A-D258-4975-A7E4-BFE6E49C5F09} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 6 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 5 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 4 37 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.DocumentViewer.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.DocumentViewer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.DocumentViewer.ComponentWrapper 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 Boolean SplitterExpanded True Int32 DocumentListHeight 150 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 3 SerializationVersion 3 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETStandaloneComponent 3 0 0 End_Of_Object VDocumentViewerWrapper 2 SVDialogSettings VSVDialogSettings 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 495 220 930 600 1 0 0 320 -1 -1 6 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 0 197 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 2 1 133 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 2 146 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 4 3 120 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 5 4 138 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 6 5 133 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 0 140 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 2 1 107 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 6 2 101 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 8 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 0 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 2 1 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 4 2 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 5 3 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 13 4 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 12 5 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 6 6 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 7 7 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 0 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 2 1 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 7 2 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 0 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 14 1 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 VColumnSettings 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 7 2 75 End_Of_Object VColumnSettings 3 End_Of_Object VSVDialogSettings 2 FunctionBusDialogSettings VFunctionBusDialogSettings 2 Begin_Of_Object 2 -1 -1 1140 550 300 300 -1 0 End_Of_Object VFunctionBusDialogSettings 2 AutomationSequences VAutomationSequencesWrapper 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETStandaloneComponent 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 4 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 199 118 799 474 Automation Sequences 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 199 118 799 474 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 199 118 799 474 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {E4803F48-B1E4-4229-B264-EA14A6657F33} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 6 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 5 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 4 34 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.AutomationSequences.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.AutomationSequences, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.AutomationSequences.ComponentWrapper 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 Int32 SelectedTabPage 0 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 3 SerializationVersion 3 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETStandaloneComponent 3 End_Of_Object VAutomationSequencesWrapper 2 LogFileConverter VLogFileConverter 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 2 VLogExportPersister 3 Begin_Of_Object 7 1416 78169065 <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" <VFileName V7 QL> 1 "" 0 2 1 :: , . 0 2 0 0.10000000000000001 6 1 3 2 19 0.10000000000000001 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 730 0 0.10000000000000001 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VLogExportPersister 3 End_Of_Serialized_Data 2 End_Of_Object VLogFileConverter 2 ThreadingSettings VPersistentThreadingSettings 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 7 End_Of_Object VPersistentThreadingSettings 2 GlSignalSamplingSettings GlLoggerConfig::VGlSignalSamplingSettings 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 End_Of_Object GlLoggerConfig::VGlSignalSamplingSettings 2 NodeLayerConfiguration 32 APPDIR Vector.CANoe.NodeLayer.Configuration.Persistency.DLL Vector.CANoe.NodeLayer.Configuration.Persistency, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANoe.NodeLayer.Configuration.Persistency.Persistor 1 1 String NodeLayers 7 <ProjectVariantPropertyModel> <FileFormatVersion>3</FileFormatVersion> <ProjectVariantProperties> <VariantProperties /> <ModifiableParameters /> </ProjectVariantProperties> </ProjectVariantPropertyModel> APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 2 SerializationVersion 2 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- ILConfigurationComponent VNETStandaloneComponent 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 3 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 4 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 200 118 801 473 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 200 118 801 473 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 200 118 801 473 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {74E65F1F-C0C2-4A79-B548-D71A99F411B6} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 5 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 4 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 3 47 APPDIR Vector.CANoe.ILConfiguration.DLL Vector.CANoe.ILConfiguration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANoe.ILConfiguration.ILConfigurationComponent 1 1 APPDIR Vector.CANoe.ILConfiguration.DLL Vector.CANoe.ILConfiguration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANoe.ILConfiguration.GUI.GUISettings 2 GUISettings 2 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 3 SerializationVersion 3 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 Boolean DbcSettingsAvailable False TypeRef:3 SerializationVersion 4 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETStandaloneComponent 2 Multimedia VMultimediaWrapper 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 End_Of_Object VMultimediaWrapper 2 FrameworkData 80 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.Framework.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.Framework.SerializationStore 1 1 System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]] 2 WindowFavorites 2 System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.Framework.FavoritesManager+DialogCommandInfo, Vector.CANalyzer.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 3 DialogFavorites 3 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 4 SerializationVersion 4 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 Int32 Version 8 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Collections.Generic.GenericEqualityComparer`1[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]] 5 Comparer 5 Int32 Capacity 3 Array Elements 6 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.String 6 1 0 -1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:3 3 Int32 Version 6 mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Collections.Generic.ObjectEqualityComparer`1[[Vector.CANalyzer.Framework.FavoritesManager+DialogCommandInfo, Vector.CANalyzer.Framework, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]] 7 Comparer 7 Int32 Capacity 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:5 5 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:7 7 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- VCommonMacroSettings VCommonMacroSettings 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 YYYY-MM-DD_hh-mm-ss End_Of_Object VCommonMacroSettings 2 EthernetSettings NEthernet::VGlobalSettings 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 1 End_Of_Object NEthernet::VGlobalSettings 2 VSymbolSelectionDialogSettings VSymbolSelectionDialogSettings 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 End_Of_Object VSymbolSelectionDialogSettings 2 FunctionBusData NFunctionBus::NDataModel::VFunctionBusData 2 Begin_Of_Object 7 0 End_Of_Object NFunctionBus::NDataModel::VFunctionBusData 2 OfflineConfig VOfflineConfigWrapper 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETStandaloneComponent 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 4 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 255 167 1020 668 Offline Mode 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 255 167 1020 668 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 255 167 1020 668 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {C24A5A96-7AD2-459D-B97A-0B1747C76DB3} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 6 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 5 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 4 144 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.OfflineMode.GUI.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.OfflineMode.GUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.OfflineMode.GUI.ComponentWrapper 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 String OverallModel 110 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <OfflineConfigOverallModel xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <DataModel xmlns="" i:type="OfflineConfigDataModel"> <LogFileMergeMode>ByMeasurementTime</LogFileMergeMode> <RootGroup xmlns="" i:type="RootGroup"> <OfflineSources xmlns:d4p1="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/Arrays" /> <Id>4ef63787-9c77-4de7-b980-8eaccb3002d1</Id> </RootGroup> 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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object CANstressNG::VCANstressNGMgr 2 FunctionBusSetup VFunctionBusSetupWrapper 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETStandaloneComponent 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 4 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 -1 0 1 0 0 0 0 255 165 1020 663 Function Bus Setup 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 255 165 1020 663 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 255 165 1020 663 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {2DD9F69E-3A97-4487-B148-00AA4CC8C591} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 6 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 5 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 4 121 APPDIR Vector.CANoe.FunctionBus.GUI.DLL Vector.CANoe.FunctionBus.GUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANoe.FunctionBusSetup.FunctionBusSetupComponent 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 String DataModel 81 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <DataModel xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <ViewDataModel xmlns="" i:type="ViewDataModel"> <ApplicationModelsViewState xmlns="" i:type="ApplicationModelsViewState"> <X i:nil="true" /> <Y i:nil="true" /> <Width i:nil="true" /> <Height i:nil="true" /> <IsMaximized i:nil="true" /> </ApplicationModelsViewState> <BindingViewState xmlns="" i:type="BindingViewState"> <X i:nil="true" /> <Y i:nil="true" /> <Width i:nil="true" /> <Height i:nil="true" /> <SplitterPositionLeft i:nil="true" /> <SplitterPositionRight i:nil="true" /> <SplitterState i:nil="true" /> <ExpandedBindingBlockRawValue 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MainControlSplitterPosition 450 Boolean MainControlExpanded True APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 3 SerializationVersion 3 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETStandaloneComponent 3 End_Of_Object VFunctionBusSetupWrapper 2 ApplicationModelSetup VApplicationModelSetup 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 End_Of_Object VApplicationModelSetup 2 EthernetPortBasedVLANSettings NEthernet::VPortBasedVLANSettings 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 End_Of_Object NEthernet::VPortBasedVLANSettings 2 DiagnosticParameterWindow VDiagnosticParameterWindowWrapper 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETStandaloneComponent 3 Begin_Of_Object 1 VNETControlBox 4 Begin_Of_Object 2 VUniqueBox 5 Begin_Of_Object 1 VBoxRoot 6 Begin_Of_Object 1 3 1 -1 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 165 878 574 Diagnostic Parameters 1 MDI_DOCK_INFO_END 5 1 6 0 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 255 165 878 574 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 1 1920 848 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 0 1 1 6 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 255 165 1020 663 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 32767 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DOCK_INFO 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA END_OF_DESKTOP_DATA_COLLECTION 0 END_OF_DESKTOP_MEMBER {0208086D-D582-4DCD-BECE-ABB6BE4ED909} 0 End_Of_Object VBoxRoot 6 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VUniqueBox 5 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 End_Of_Object VNETControlBox 4 50 APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.DiagnosticParameterWindow.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.DiagnosticParameterWindow, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.DiagnosticParameterWindow.DiagnosticParameterWindow 1 1 APPDIR CANw_Net.DLL CANw_Net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.ApplicationSerializer 2 Application 2 String ParameterWindowCtrlPersistence 1 -1;False;0,200,True;1,60,True;2,60,True;3,75,True;4,21,True;5,50,True;6,75,True; APPDIR Vector.CANalyzer.DiagnosticParameterWindow.DLL Vector.CANalyzer.DiagnosticParameterWindow, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null Vector.CANalyzer.DiagnosticParameterWindow.Definitions.LastRecentSearchPopupItemList 3 RecentSearchItems 3 APPDIR Components\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization\\Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.dll Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b273882a063429a6 Vector.CANalyzer.Serialization.SerializationVersion 4 SerializationVersion 4 UInt16 mMajor 1 UInt16 mMinor 0 UInt16 mPatch 1 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:2 2 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- TypeRef:3 3 Int32 Version 1 Int32 Count 0 --TextFormatter: End of Object-- End_Of_Object VNETStandaloneComponent 3 0 End_Of_Object VDiagnosticParameterWindowWrapper 2 ParticipantModelSetup VParticipantModelSetup 2 Begin_Of_Object 1 0 End_Of_Object VParticipantModelSetup 2 End_Of_Object VGlobalConfiguration 1